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Ascendant in the sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius Rising

The Ascendant in Sagittarius gives people a peculiar way of communicating with others, who seem to meet  childhood friends who have returned from a long journey. They break the rules of etiquette, immediately switching to informal communication with rude humor and heart-to-heart conversations. These natives are smiling and sociable, but behave with royal dignity and will not tolerate criticism or controversy on topics that are important to them.

Sagittarius Ascendant holders are excellent organizers and leaders. Leadership for Jupiter’s wards means universal respect and admiration for their experience. These two feelings inspire victory over laziness in order to maintain personal prestige in society. The second source of joy is adventure and travel in the company of like-minded people. Despite the assertiveness and straightforwardness, ascending Sagittarius are surrounded by a crowd of friends attracted by their originality of thinking, fearlessness and optimism.

Appearance and behavior

The Jupiterians study with interest how the world works, looking through popular science channels and books about the mysticism of birth and death, but they do it with the cheerful curiosity of a child. There is no gloomy Scorpio immersion in the occult, but on occasion they will breathe a couple of creepy stories.

Such individuals are religious, but free from dogma. They do not want to obey someone else’s will, therefore, from childhood, they seek to get rich and lead a luxurious lifestyle. With the defeat of Jupiter, excessive admiration for oneself and for success overshadows the mind and leads to egocentrism.

The Ascendant in Sagittarius also affects the external and behavioral traits:

  • the head of a square type is noticeably large in relation to the body;
  • convex high forehead, prominent rectangular chin with a dimple;
  • curly lush hair with reddishness (in men, early bald patches), bushy eyebrows;
  • tendency to obesity in the abdomen and thighs;
  • square face, large ears, blunt tip of the nose;
  • tall, strong muscular arms and legs;
  • loud voice, they often laugh or giggle in conversation, actively gesticulating;
  • shamelessness, a tendency to eccentric impulsive antics;
  • heightened sexual sensibility, love of luxury and delicious food.

People with the Ascendant in the sing od Sagittarius by nature are peacemakers and altruists, who want to change the world for the better, and after that they will enjoy bathing in applause and admiration of their fans. They know how to enjoy simple earthly joys and communication with loved ones, not hesitating to publicly express emotions. Carried away, he chatters incessantly, drawing all attention to himself. Traveling to new places is the best way of self-development for these owners of the Ascendant in Sagittarius. Good luck awaits them on long journeys related to international cooperation or training.

Sagittarius ascending in a woman’s horoscope

The joyful and optimistic nature of the owner of the Ascendant in Sagittarius requires freedom and increased attention of like-minded people. She needs to feel supported with words of love, hugs and daily gifts. A beautiful lady easily turns the heads of men by the absence of riddles, preferring rude straightforwardness and ambiguous humor, which, combined with a bright natural charm, strikes fans on the spot.

She likes to put on the image of “her boyfriend” for the chosen one, with whom you can go on exploration and fishing, but still prefers going out in the light of spotlights. An inquisitive ascending Gemini, Sagittarius or reliable Taurus will be the ideal companion for her.

A woman with an Ascendant in Sagittarius will never limit herself to household chores and will go to work early. At the same time, she is a wonderful mother, a cheerful playmate for children, showering them with gifts, sweets and organizing exciting trips and adventures. Famous female ascending Sagittarius – Brigitte Bardot, Elizabeth Taylor, Princess Diana, Paris Hilton.

Sagittarius ascending in a man’s horoscope

An independent and domineering native values ​​their own freedom above all else, but close people and subordinates should forget about it and follow the dreams and aspirations of their leader, however, they will do it with pleasure, since the rising Sagittarius easily infects those around them with enthusiasm and faith in the success of new projects … But frivolity and gullibility often make him a participant in dubious adventures, in which it is easy to become bankrupt or lose reputation.

The native is not distinguished by patience and is eager to take everything and even more from life, which is why at times it seems annoying and fussy. The young carrier of the Ascendant in Sagittarius sometimes tires the chosen one with obsessive attention and presence in all aspects of her life. He is romantic, but does not forget about the showiness of his own person, so the conversation smoothly turns to his achievements. A modest rising Virgo, Pisces, or an inquisitive owner of the Ascendant in Gemini can appreciate the bright, gushing humor and stories about adventures in unusual places on the planet. Famous rising Sagittarius: Brad Pitt, Elvis Presley, Gerard Depardieu, Bruce Lee, Marlon Brando, Sylvester Stallone.

Professional success

The owners of the Ascendant in Sagittarius should avoid a subordinate position and try to immediately become a leading link in activities related to the restoration of justice, travel, using fantasy and imagination. These are great politicians, military, attaches and consuls, engineers and inventors in the field of mechanical engineering, fire, iron and mining. Success awaits in surgery, trade, pedagogy and art (cinema, theater, pop singing).

Vasilisa Vishneva

Celebrities with the Ascendant in Sagittarius:


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