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Mercury in the 5th house of the relocation chart

When something does not add up in life, people begin to dream of moving to a new city or country, on which they have high hopes. But how to be sure what will work and what will not, to see the prospects for development? There is a relocation horoscope for this situation. Its peculiarity is that the planets change their position due to the displacement of house cusps, while the sign and degrees remain the same.

If Mercury, the planet of communication and intellectual growth, moves into the 5th house, all a person’s thoughts rush into love affairs: flirting, romance, fantasies and spicy picks in conversations with the opposite sex. Such individuals also interested in gambling, both with adults and children, ranging from the stock exchange, ending with a casino and a sports ground. With negative aspects in these topics, disappointment awaits.

Features of the transition of Mercury to the 5th house of the relocation chart

Since the tops of the houses move in a circle, both counterclockwise and along its course, depending on the geographical coordinates of the new place of residence, Mercury can move to the 5th house of the relocation chart both from the 4th and 6th houses, and nearby standing sectors, and the reading of the horoscope will also depend on this. No one can cancel the karmic tasks of natal, but they will have to be solv0ed in new circumstances, not at all the way the people are used to doing, and the focus of their thoughts and interests is shifting to the topics of the 5th house.

For example, if the owners of Mercury get there from the 4th, then the changes will be amazing. Sometimes this circumstance alone indicates the desire to break out of the chains of parental care, find their own way, leave the walls of the house and embark on romantic adventures, expand the circle of friends of their peers.

This is all the more evident when looking at a teenager’s chart. Adults will feel the seething energy of youth and desire to again feel the spring joy of falling in love without obligations, just here and now. Of course, he or she can arrange romance at home, in the family, and if they don’t already have it, they will most likely turn their apartments into a meeting place with pretty young people.

The transition of Mercury to the 5th house of the relocation chart from the 6th natal often portends romantic adventures and flirting at work with colleagues, as well as a more creative approach to one’s duties. This can also mean dismissal if the work of the native involves routine and monotony.

A jump of Mercury from the 7th house speaks either of betrayal for married people, or vice versa, falling in love will lead to marriage, from the 3rd or 1st – a kaleidoscope of new novels, acquaintances, self-realization through demand from the opposite sex.

Mercury in the 5th house of the relocation chart and love

The fifth house of the horoscope gives relationships that bring sensual pleasure, and Mercury is primarily mental energy. Very often we are not talking about a physical connection, the owners of the horoscope simply enjoy communicating with sexy young colleagues or acquaintances, fantasize a lot on the topic: how could it be with this person, but if they already have a family, then the very fact of betrayal will not.

Another thing is a free and young chartholder. Here, rather, there will be an immersion in the world of non-committal novels, for the sake of knowing one’s sensuality, playing according to a scenario invented by a hot imagination, or for the sake of thrills or the embodiment of secret sexual fantasies.

Do not forget that Mercury moves people along the path of their development, which means that this will happen through flirting, falling in love, inspiration and passion. For example, a passion for someone will encourage them to become the best in their business, learn a foreign language in order to communicate with the subject of sympathy, win a competition in order to be noticed.

However, negative aspects, on the contrary, portend much ado about nothing, when the native falls in love with the wrong ones, becomes a victim of deceivers, or the object of sympathy involves him in dangerous adventures.

Mercury in the 5th house of the relocation chart and children

The harmonious position of the planet also portends the appearance of a child for those who dream of him, but tense aspects, on the contrary, introduce obstacles and problems in the process of conception and pregnancy.

However, this does not make the birth of a baby impossible, people just need to be prepared for a lot of small things in order to overcome obstacles: various tests, procedures, studying the necessary information, communicating with specialists.

If the native has children, then at the new place of residence there will be a powerful involvement in their affairs, hobbies, important events, which will benefit family relations, but the square or opposition will cause conflicts, quarrels and distance from each other.

The negative influence of Mercury in the 5th house of the relocation chart

How the energy of the planet is played depends largely on the initial level of development and intelligence of the native. At a low level, there is a desire to play with other people’s feelings and money, gossip, sit up.

For example, a native can make someone fall in love with him, beat off a boyfriend from a girlfriend, flirt with a married boss, bet that he will spend the night with someone or force him to quit. Moreover, a person is not emotionally involved in this, for him it is just entertainment.

It can just as easily become addicted to gambling, especially computer games, but also to casinos, any slot machines, cards and other entertainment where they need to put money on the line. Therefore, if the horoscope holders already have such an addiction, it is better to choose another place of residence.

Vasilisa Vishneva


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