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Pluto in the 2nd House – a magnet for money

Pluto in the 2nd house endows the native with the gift of King Midas – to literally turn everything it touches into gold. The ability to successfully manage funds, think through the outcome of transactions and capital investments in advance, attract the right people to the team makes a millionaire even from a poor family.

Having chosen a profession in the financial, tax, banking sphere, by starting his own business, a person will provide himself and his loved ones with constant income and real estate. But it is important to remember that this is a planet – a transformer, throwing up tests before reaching a successful level.

The struck Pluto in the 2nd house makes you repeatedly start a bankrupt business from scratch, move to another city for a new job with a higher salary, or choose between love and profit. It is necessary to eradicate greed and the temptation to use power and “dirty methods” to achieve the goal.

Personality traits and attitudes towards money

A Pluto native in the 2nd house will find a way to get rich in his youth, as money is his passion and inspiration. For their sake, he will easily violate the rules of morality, and in the worst case, he will commit a crime. In his personal life, he is power-hungry, trying to attract lovers and friends with material benefits, which strengthens his authority.

Main personality traits:

  • pragmatism and organization – if the business does not bring income, they quit and start a new one;
  • hedonistic sensuality – they value delicious food, beautiful clothes, jewelry, sexual pleasures above spiritual development;

Possessiveness – innate selfishness dictates to them: “This is yours, take it for yourself!”, But without a twinge of conscience, taking away the business of competitors, with friends and family are generous and wasteful.

Pluto in the 2nd house of a man makes him a magnet not only for money, but also for women. Despite his difficult character: suspicion, jealousy, dominance in partnership, he is a sensual and attentive companion, with a deep understanding of the needs of his beloved, guessing her moods and fulfilling her wishes. This is a workaholic who allows himself to be happy only after achieving stable financial success, for the sake of which they do not hesitate to weave multi-step intrigues, pushing competitors head-ons.

Pluto in a woman’s 2nd house gives her an explosive temperament, confidence in permissiveness and a tendency to impulsive antics. Without a spiritual study, it turns into a bitch that everyone should. But even so, she is hypnotically attractive and has many fans. Plutonian manipulates others to receive gifts and financial support with cunning and scandals. Acting talent and sex appeal make it easy to charm the right people.

The influence of the zodiac signs

The karmic task of both sexes is to earn honestly, not forgetting about spiritual self-improvement. The thirst for wealth and greed must be turned into a calm philosophical attitude to money in order not to lose health and life, get rid of resentment, anger, and revenge.

Gambling, transactions with criminals, lottery, stock exchange activities are prohibited. Fast money is detrimental to the owner of Pluto in the 2nd house. The zodiac sign affects the scope of the abilities:

1. Aries, Leo, Sagittarius – careerists, thirsty for world fame and money, but have an inner sense of justice. They protect reputation, but are subject to the temptations of the body. A balance is needed between sense gratification and spiritual growth. Financial and social domination comes after the abandonment of selfish thoughts. Success in financial, political, acting at an international level in leading roles.

2. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn – purposeful creators, going ahead to the goal, with a secret dream – to lead a multi-level corporation and own a billion-dollar fortune. They are equally passionate about business and research, collecting art and real estate. Terrible owners in relationships and talented leaders at work. Success in medicine, civil service, commerce.

3. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius – the ability to manage public consciousness will find material embodiment in cooperation with information technologies, media, political companies. In the highest manifestation – great diplomats, peacemakers, trendsetters. In search of new progressive forms, they can undermine the traditions and moral foundations of culture and society. Pluto is weak here – you can’t take risks and invest all your money in buying shares or mortgaging real estate.

4. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces are unusually cunning and resourceful on the way to wealth. It is difficult for them to establish warm cooperation, they prefer to command, sharp and unceremonious. Often they are born into a wealthy family or come to an initially high position in the family business. Financial management is transferred to a personal accountant, being engaged in science, creativity or general management, as well as the embodiment of ideas about creating a better world with updated national traditions.

Important aspects

The negative aspect of Pluto in the 2nd house attracts various dangers: square with Mars – enemies hinder business development, criminal showdown, imprisonment. Opposition with Saturn is a rebellion against the current government, a struggle with the mighty of this world, and with Mercury – grief from the mind, schizophrenia.

A fabulous opportunity to become a millionaire overnight – trine with Uranus. Sextile with the Sun is a fabulous wealth and charisma of a leader. Sextile with Mercury – talent to present oneself favorably, commercial ability.

Vasilisa Vishneva

Celebrities with the Pluto in 2nd House:


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