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Saturn in the sign of Virgo

Saturn – the planet of law and order, higher justice and discipline sounds on a note of the highest octave, being in the sign of Virgo. Under the influence of Mercury and Proserpine, people display a rare combination of practical reason, keen intellect, insight and the ability to transform the acquired knowledge. These are born leaders who control the fire of personal ambitions through the systematic achievement of goals on the list and work no less than subordinates than they command respect and admiration.

With age, the mind begins to dominate interest in the outlandish and unknown, increasing picky and distrustfulness. For happiness and peace of mind, individuals with such Saturn should focus on the good and bright in people, and not get upset because of the dark side of consciousness, and also compensate for excessive seriousness by developing a sense of humor and communicating with friends.

Influence of Saturn in Virgo on destiny

Due to the planet’s strong position of power, it is easy to comply with the conventions of etiquette and subordination. People born with Saturn in Virgo unquestioningly obey elders in age and rank, respect the elderly and sacred authority, however, having reached a high position in society, they will require the same admiration for themselves. Familiarity and neglect of duties on the basis of family ties in the case of the earthly Saturnian are completely excluded.

Work and discipline are main priorities, to which they guide their family and friends. The main problem of these owners of Saturn in Virgo is the inability to separate the little things from the globally important things, which leads to boring, as well as the stress of having to act spontaneously, because they usually plan progressive actions in detail in stages. Having learned to overcome anxiety and concentrate on really important things, without being distracted by trifles, Saturn carriers in Virgo will begin a meteoric rise to success, especially if they analyze all the strengths and weaknesses of the planet:

  • a sense of proportion, duty, responsibility, punctuality, reliability and deep spirituality, the desire to do justice;
  • respect for the letter of the law and representatives of the authorities, observance of the rules of etiquette and social conventions;
  • hard work, discipline, development of one’s own self-improvement system, where intellectual and physical development is harmoniously combined;
  • a weak nervous system, fear of strong emotions and passions, a tendency to courting secretly or to transmit signs of attention through intermediaries;
  • the ability to take into account all the nuances and the smallest details and create a perfect project or see the whole picture, which makes such individuals  ideal scientists, detectives and HR managers;
  • increased exactingness and severity towards oneself and others generates discontent, grumbling (especially towards old age);
  • high standards of morality and religiosity: people will not betray principles even for the sake of love.

For the harmonious development of Saturn in Virgo, it is necessary to develop imagination and creative inclinations so as not to turn into an insensitive biscuit, as well as maintain a balance in observing the norms of hygiene and cleanliness, since people under this sign are either painfully fixated on them, or forget to take a shower and wash  their hands.

Saturn in Virgo

Personal life of Saturn in Virgo

A similar situation portends difficulties in marriage and personal relationships due to the excessive pickiness and caution of such individuals, which is partly harmonized by the strong Venus and the Moon. However, the greed and selfishness inherent in Saturn in Virgo is manifested in a commitment to material things and the desire to earn more money. This is not conducive to peaceful family evenings and hiking in parks and theaters with the family.

At the same time, earthly Saturnians will demand from a partner the maximum conformity to their ideals, and if the Moon is in Virgo, then also sterile cleanliness in the house, combined with career growth. A man with Saturn in Virgo is not inclined to respect housewives, and a woman is not inclined to respect free artists. They need serious and promising life partners who follow the moral code and earn substantial money.

Love is not a reason for losing control over oneself and abandoning plans, therefore earthly Saturnians never commit adventurous actions for the sake of the chosen ones and are skeptical of romantic paraphernalia, although if they fall in love, they respect the partner and remain faithful  and the family budget, not splitting into small pleasure.

Important aspects with other planets

The harmonious conjunction of Saturn with Mercury gives the world diplomats with a philosophical mind. They prefer communication with older people, and in the company of peers they are often left alone. They willingly prefer a good book and a political debate to a nightclub, and make personal acquaintances at work or in the library.

However, with a strong Venus or good aspects with it, people can be very gallant and artistic, and with a negative connection, they are prone to debauchery and perversion, but this will be carefully hidden and, as a rule, will not harm anyone. The tense aspect of Mercury and Saturn limits the development of mind and memory, provokes aversion to learning and many communication problems, the culprits of which are natives themselves.

Decorations with a tiger’s eye will help to harmonize Saturn in Virgo, facilitating the ability to concentrate on the main goal and protecting these owners from the meanness of envious people. The second talisman is marble onyx , which promotes good relations with people.

Additional description

People born with Saturn in the sign of Virgo are hardworking, skillful, practical, demanding, skillful in any business, organized, sometimes timid, thrifty, diligent, economic and punctual. They have enough common sense and talent to lead other people, but at the same time they often suffer from excessive self-improvement. The development of projects does not depress them; rather, on the contrary, they are able to concentrate on every little detail of the project being created.

People with Saturn in Virgo have a deep and analytical mindset and are likely to remember numbers well. Of the negative traits of Saturn, one can note infrequent bouts of depression, and a tendency to looping. On the positive side, their work is always neat and methodical, they hate to be surrounded by clutter and dirt. Such individuals often dream of being alone. They just need to be busy all the time, because boredom brings unnecessary anxiety with it. Learn to restrain excessive criticism towards others.

Vasilisa Vishneva

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