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Saturn in the sign of Capricorn

The planet of power, order and karmic discipline strictly asks and rewards. It pardons the stubborn and hardworking, and plunges lazy pessimists into difficult trials to temper the spirit. The location in the horoscope shows the source of strength and the testing ground for strength. The owners of Saturn in Capricorn are lucky – the planet in its abode grants not only ambition, but also a powerful desire to achieve their goals, as well as organizational and leadership qualities that allow them to fly to the starry Olympus.

The only difficulty is that fame and prestige for these individuals is more important than human relations. They are so devoted to affairs along the line of destination (especially if Saturn is in the 10th house, close to the MC) that they forget about family and children, and smash competitors to smithereens using forbidden methods of struggle. Becoming  bright leaders or career dictators is a matter of personal choice and level of spirituality.

Influence of Saturn in Capricorn on fate

The main task of the carriers of Saturn in Capricorn is to learn to value people not for professional achievements, for status and rank, but for noble spiritual qualities, since they often confuse these concepts and do not understand that sincere love of family members is more important than certificates of honor and regalia. This is facilitated by the initially cold atmosphere in the family, the demanding and domineering attitude of the father, and if Venus and the Moon are located in the signs of Capricorn and Virgo, then the mother’s indifference.

Parents, keen on external prestige and work, form the corresponding views in such individuals. By combining determination and willpower with sincerity and warmth, these owners of Saturn in Capricorn can become a cult figure of their generation. If damaged, the wrong choice of friends, an orientation towards material values ​​and criminal ways to achieve a high position in society lead to the launch of a difficult karmic program that begins after 30 years. In order to avoid stubbornness and conservatism, it is necessary to study well the strengths and weaknesses of Saturn in Capricorn:

  • patience, hard work, clear intellect, leadership, the ability to achieve a lot in simple and honest ways where others prefer to cheat and bribe;
  • independent formation of a system of values ​​as a continuation of the family worldview or, conversely, through its denial, if the experience of childhood was negative;
  • agreement with the hierarchical structure of society: willingly obey orders from above and strictly follow the instructions of their superiors, even to the detriment of personal time and health;
  • exactingness and dryness in the position of a leader, the problems of subordinates do not bother them, tasks must be completed at any cost;
    the lack of tolerance, sensuality, humor and ease of communication are compensated by loyalty to family duty;
  • the desire to surround oneself with authoritative famous people and become the main one among them;
  • oratory and persuasion skills;
  • obsession with perfection: they hardly forgive mistakes to others and themselves, suffer from a guilt complex at the slightest offense.

Having risen at the head of the organization, the owners of Saturn in Capricorn identify the social structure with themselves, and for personal gain they are ready to work day and night. Well-known politicians with such a position of the planet are Winston Churchill and Barack Obama. The wards of such a leader are provided with a salary and privileges for many years.

Saturn in the sign of Capricorn

Personal life of Saturn in Capricorn

Earthly Saturnians consider themselves the chosen ones, bearing the burden of a high mission. Arrogance is explained by the internal opposition of their importance to the townsfolk, therefore, they accept only outstanding people in a certain field into a close circle of friends. In fact, it does not matter whether it is art, science or trade, the main thing is that a potential friend stands out from the crowd with significant achievements.

According to the same principle, the owners of Saturn in Capricorn fall in love, although in their case it is rather a selection of a couple according to a list of coinciding goals and character traits. They do not know how to look after and speak gentle, beautiful words, preferring to show their success by colorfully describing the taken milestones, and to demonstrate the thickness of the wallet.

The wards of the planet of power are rarely shy to express their intentions in relation to the person they like. Powerful sexual potential with low emotionality create an aura of animal attraction around them and they can only choose among the crowd of fans.

Earthly Saturnians marry late. The reputation and honor of the family are extremely important to them, so they carefully check the future companion. If misunderstandings arise, the native will endure for a long time, but if it explodes, the gap is inevitable.

Important aspects with other planets

The harmonious development of Saturn in Capricorn is greatly influenced by the strong Sun and Moon, which mean the support of the father and mother and a good financial situation in the family. This gives the feeling of a solid foundation on which the native subsequently builds a system of values.

A favorable aspect with Jupiter promises wealth and fame, and with Venus – a good marriage. Negative connections with Mars and the Moon are dangerous, contributing to hot temper, aggressiveness, conservatism and dogmatism, as well as threatening fractures and diseases of the joints. Possible financial dependence on a marriage partner or marriage against will.

In the fight against negative emotions and to attract love to the owners of Saturn in Capricorn, paired jewelry with alexandrite will help. Tiger eye will improve brain function and promote career advancement, and black onyx will protect them from the evil eye.

Additional description

Saturn in the sign of Capricorn in the natal chart endows people with ambition and the ability for self-control and organization. Such people are disciplined, patient, and they work hard, for which they receive well-deserved rewards. These individuals take life and responsibilities seriously, responsibility is important to them. They understand that time and trials serve a higher purpose, and happiness is not the ultimate goal of existence. It can be difficult for them to balance their energy between work and play. They are capable of translating abstract concepts into concrete terms.

These Capricorns often experience feelings of imperfection and loneliness, which is one of the reasons why they work so long and hard. Of their minuses, they can note an excessive concern for prestige and social status. Such people will do everything to achieve them. Also, selfishness and lust for power are not excluded.

Vasilisa Vishneva

Celebrities with the Saturn in Capricorn:


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