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Connection MS (Middle of the sky) – Lilith: to the stars on the heads

For a person with this aspect, a career becomes an obsession. The Meridian of the Midheaven crosses the 10th house and is the highest point of the horoscope. All the planets located here have a special, dominant effect on fate.

However, Lilith is a fictitious point, reflecting deep dark fears and suppressed generic programs that encourage a person to act unconsciously, impulsively. He literally sticks to the topics of the 10th house, because they painfully respond in the subconscious with memories of the mistakes and sins of a past life, both his own and those of his ancestors. Career, bosses, relationships with mother and mother-in-law are fraught with many dark intrigues, secrets, temptations to break loose and do something criminal and bad. It is here that you need to dig in order to find the roots of problems in your family and go to the highest floor of Lilith for success.

Features of the influence of the conjunction of Lilith with the Middle of the sky

The Black Moon is always associated with karma and the darkness of the unknown in the subconscious. A person with this aspect becomes greedy and insatiable in the theme of the house. He sometimes does not even suspect what he is capable of until he is limited in getting what he wants.

Lilith awakens such a thirst for success and recognition, because the 10th house is the sector of fame, honors and professional success, that the native is unable to resist this call. If someone gets in his way, he can destroy competitors, although according to other planets, he is quite likely to be sweet and benevolent in other areas.

The topic of professional implementation is a sore point in the genus of the native. There were either experts in their field, for whom recognition of clients, business growth, diplomas and regalia became a sign of success, or vice versa, due to circumstances they could not be realized, and now the native perceives any obstacle with hostility. He is ready to go over his head to the top of fame, and since the Black Moon regularly incites him to use unscrupulous methods to achieve his goal, such people often give bribes, use sex, blackmail, and intrigue as a way to promote themselves.

However, the Black Moon is not accidentally called the astrological vampire. Its purpose is to provoke a person to release negative emotions, which means the following happens:

  • plans related to the achievement of vital goals suddenly collapse at the very last moment, when there is one step to the top;
  • at work, intrigues, gossip, meanness on the part of higher colleagues;
  • difficulties in getting an education, especially if many negative aspects affect the previous 9th house: for unknown reasons, teachers do not like a native, he may, in principle, not enter a university, and through no fault of his own, for example, they found other people’s cheat sheets and accused of cheating;
  • difficult relationships with mother and mother-in-law, when everything is not what it seems: they want the best, but lead astray, intimidate, impose their goals instead of what the person himself wants.

Lilith on the MC also gives scandalous fame, and this is done intentionally, because it is bad examples that fascinate and inspire him, deliberately choosing a provocative image, and quite unexpectedly find himself in the center of the conflict. He may be dishonored by accident or by the actions of his enemies.

Positive Influence of Lilith-Midheaven Conjunction

For a person with this aspect, achieving success in society becomes an end in itself and the meaning of life. There is also a positive side to this. Knowing that he was born for a great goal, the native is steadily moving towards it: he receives a versatile education, develops his own unique style, makes useful contacts, leads an active lifestyle in order to get into the right strata of society.

If Lilith is in a strong position, then the owner of the aspect is a bright, charismatic person, and it will not be difficult for him to seem like his own in the highest circles of society, even if he was born in a peasant family. A weak position extinguishes the fire of the Black Moon’s temptations, but also does not give energy to move towards the goal. The price of a quiet life is passive gliding with the flow.

The owner of the Lilith connection with the MC is also very original in achieving the goal. For the sake of gaining fame, he is ready to create a unique new image and show miracles of ingenuity to get into the ranks of the rich and famous.

How to work out the Lilith connection with the MC

If the Black Moon, in addition to being located on the Meridian of the Middle of the Sky, connects with another planet, then it will be much more difficult to work out its influence, since the distorted, shadow energies of a participant in this union are added to all of the above.

The task here is to understand the impact of Lilith and use her ambition, artistry and need for admiration for good, not for harm. For example, if it connects with Venus or Jupiter, then you must generously give creativity to the world, be financially independent and teach others, with Mars – make a military career or succeed in sports.

If there are no other planets, you need to understand that the 10th house is the possession of Capricorn, which means that the problems here are identical to the position of the Black Moon in Capricorn. Vanity, inertia of thinking, envy, ruthlessness and going to the goal over the heads are detrimental to the native.

It is very important to check your goals for environmental friendliness. Success should not harm other people. It is better to avoid bad companies, organizations with secret, criminal designs that skillfully disguise themselves as lofty ideas of world purification. It is very easy to buy a native with the connection of Lilith with the MC, but in the end he himself will suffer. He needs to build a career honestly, in trusted organizations with a good reputation and a worthy name.

Vasilisa Vishneva


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