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Jupiter in the 1st house of the relocation chart

A moving card is an indispensable assistant for making a decision about a long-term trip to a particular city. Now this is especially true. People are trying to understand where it will be better, calmer, and most importantly, more promising. Happiness and luck are traditionally represented by Jupiter , and the place of the horoscope where it falls should, in theory, become a source of positive energy and well-being, but this happens only with a harmonious planet, supported by good aspects, in all other cases, the Jupiterian function of expansion and multiplication is turned on, which means an increase in problems as well.

Jupiter in the 1st house of the relocation chart makes a person the blacksmith of his own happiness. The quality of life will depend on his actions, level of education and even on the internal charge of optimism. At the same time, along with the desire to expand the horizons of knowledge, selfishness, vanity, addiction to pleasures and even excess weight increase.

Features of the transition of Jupiter to the 1st house of the relocation chart

When a person enters new geographical coordinates of the place of moving to build a map, he discovers that it is the tops of the houses that move in a circle in one direction or another, while the planets themselves remain in the same signs and degrees. It is important to remember in which houses they were in natal in order to combine their meanings with the local one. In a person’s life, the events and tasks of the birth chart remain paramount. However, now they are closely related to the new position of the planet.

Jupiter most often moves into the 1st house of the nearest 12, 11 and 2, 3 houses, which makes its influence completely different, so it cannot be said that the position of the planet of wealth in the 1st house unambiguously brings incredible and unconditional luck.

For example, the owner of Jupiter in the 12th house likes to develop in solitude, being a scientist or psychologist by nature. He was given a rare gift from above – to turn enemies into friends. Even with the transition to the 1st house, the propensity for solitude, charity, and the study of secret sciences will not disappear anywhere, but now all these things will be in sight.

Psychologically, it is not very comfortable for the native to see public interest in his secret hobbies, but if he accepts these changes, he will receive a worthy reward for past trials, work and accumulated wisdom.

The transition of Jupiter from the 11th house to the 1st promises success in working with a team and large social groups. This is good for teachers, artists, politicians, any activity where you need to lead. Most likely, the native has already accumulated experience of merging with a common cause, and understood how he can lead people to the top.

The most successful transition of Jupiter from the 2nd to the 1st house. All internal human resources, both energy and financial, are expanding. At the same time, if earlier the planet helped him in earning money and obtaining material wealth in various ways, now the emphasis is shifting to his personal activity. This is an ideal position for those wishing to start their own business or become famous.

The movement of Jupiter from the 3rd natal house to the 1st location makes it an interesting object to talk about. This is a plus for the glory of public figures, and it helps ordinary people to make successful acquaintances and connections with influential personalities, gives good luck in negotiations and establishing favorable relations with relatives.

The influence of Jupiter in the 1st house of the relocation chart on appearance and behavior

Whatever the temperament of a person, he will show it on a large scale and publicly. The time has come for a bright display of talents and advantages, as well as for scandals and revelations. As always, everything depends on the strength of the planet and aspects.

Ideally, the native remembers all his best qualities, he even wants to seem better than he is, so he can embellish reality a little.

For Jupiter in the 12th house of natal, this can be a healing sip of courage to drive away the inner impostor, but the owners of the planet in the 10th house of natal, on the contrary, become too vain and self-centered.

Either way, it’s time to sit on the golden throne, take up the scepter, and let the world give its gifts. This inner state is easily reached by what is desired along the Jupiterian line:

  • an invitation to a high position, favor from the authorities, sponsors and patrons;
  • sympathy of teachers, ease of learning, self-confidence, increasing the level of skill;
  • financial wealth;
  • quick resolution of litigation, resolution of issues with documents;
  • the opportunity to buy for yourself all the most expensive, beautiful, luxurious.

During this period, the appearance of a person also changes, although of course this does not happen immediately. If the native grows in terms of wealth, knowledge, education, then outwardly it becomes like a big boss and lady boss. Appears imposing, honed secular manners, representativeness and behavior of a VIP-person. With one appearance, the native makes it clear that the king or queen is already here. If there is no self-realization, then Jupiter gives excess weight, irritability, boasting, snobbery and even a constant desire to lie, exaggerating one’s achievements.

The negative influence of Jupiter in the 1st house of the relocation chart

If the planet is afflicted with negative aspects, the ego of the native will be constantly attacked by competitors, or he will become exaggeratedly sensitive to someone else’s criticism.

This is the case when someone expressed an opinion in passing, without choosing words, and the person became depressed, believing that he had been offended.

Especially sharply such situations will be perceived by the native in personal relationships. He wants his partner to constantly admire him, put him in 1st place, consider him an authority and a teacher, even if he does not correspond to such titles.

If a person’s profession is associated with public speaking, an insatiable thirst for attention appears and the native even deliberately provokes society with some ambiguous acts and open violation of morality.

Vasilisa Vishneva


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