Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Western Astrology > Characteristics of signs > Children's horoscope

Children’s horoscope. Leo is a child.

Sign period : (July 23 – August 23)
Planet : Sun
Element: Fire
Sign property: stable, constant

Leo is a childSince childhood, this child strives for perfection, to be the best. Leo is a natural born leader and actor. Therefore, the little Leo will also strive to gather spectators around him who will admire him. The Leo child is very sociable, he has many friends, but rather, he chooses for himself such friends who will admire him, and for whom he will be an undeniable leader.

It is undesirable to indulge the Little Leo with too much attention and increased admiration from childhood, otherwise he may grow up to be a real narcissist and a poser, overly selfish and self-confident. To control such vanity and selfishness of a little Lion, you need to provide such a child with very strict discipline. Otherwise, he will quickly understand who is in charge here, and any action that contradicts his desires will cause violent tantrums and scandals. But at the same time, the Leo-child cannot be scolded and humiliated. First of all, you need to name his merits, praise, and then say in what it would be better for him to change his behavior.
Leo is a childIn school, Lions, in most cases, study very well, because it is important for them to shine in everything. At least, if among peers it is considered prestigious to study well, Leo will certainly become the very first excellent student. Little Lions often have very good dancing and acting skills. Therefore, parents need to help their child discover and develop their talent, sending it to a theater group or dance school as early as possible.

The main thing to remember is that the Leo-child will always be exactly what others like him, how he attracts everyone’s attention and arouses admiration. Therefore, from childhood, you need to praise his behavior as often as possible, when he is generous, gentle and affectionate. Then Leo will remain so for life, choosing this particular method to gain universal respect and love.

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