Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces > Lunar Astrology


Lunar calendar online, allows you to calculate the lunar day, the phases of the moon for the whole month, the moon in the signs of the zodiac, the moon without a course, sunrise, sunset for any entered date. Enter the date you are interested in and your city to complete the calculation.

lunar disc

21th Lunar day
from (Dec 20, 22:10)

New York, United States
(40°n43' , 74°w0'), GMT -5
Date: , 
Time: : (h:min)


Latitude: ,
December 21, 2024, 12:23, Saturday
  Moon Phase: Waning Moon (III Phase)
~ 9 days before New Moon
~ 23 days before Full Moon
  Moon Sign: h Virgo 17° 11'
  Moon Days: 21th Lunar day, from (Dec 20, 22:10)  
  Moon Rise: 23:13  
  Moon Set: 11:31  
  Illumination: 61.5%  
  Moon Distance: 401860 km  
  Full Moon: III Phase December 15, 2024 Sunday 4:02  
  Third quarter: IV phase December 22, 2024 Sunday 17:19  
  New Moon: I Phase December 30, 2024 Monday 17:27  
  First quarter: II Phase January 6, 2025 Monday 18:57  
  Full Moon: III Phase January 13, 2025 Monday 17:27  


Moon calendar, December 20, 2024 – December 26, 2024

Date Lunar day, Sign, Void of Course Moon, Phase
December 20, 2024
00:00continues: 20th Lunar day, g Moon in Leo ,
Waning Moon (Phase III)
00:19VOC begins: Void of Course Moon
02:36h Moon in Virgo ,
VOC ends: Void of Course Moon
22:10 21st Lunar day
December 21, 2024
00:00continues: 21st Lunar day, h Moon in Virgo ,
Waning Moon (Phase III)
23:13 22nd Lunar day
December 22, 2024
00:00continues: 22 Lunar day, h Moon in Virgo
22nd Lunar day
08:27VOC begins: Void of Course Moon
14:07j Moon in Libra ,
VOC ends: Void of Course Moon
17:19 IV Phase
December 23, 2024
00:00continues: 22 Lunar day, j Moon in Libra ,
Waning Moon (IV Phase)
00:13 23rd Lunar day
December 24, 2024
00:00continues: 23 Lunar day, j Moon in Libra ,
Waning Moon (IV Phase)
01:13 24th Lunar day
05:44VOC begins: Void of Course Moon
December 25, 2024
00:00continues: 24 Lunar day, j Moon in Libra ,
Waning Moon (IV Phase) , time Void of Course Moon
02:13 25th Lunar day
03:06k Moon in Scorpio ,
VOC end: Void of Course Moon
December 26, 2024
00:00continues: 25 Lunar day, k Moon in Scorpio ,
Waning Moon (IV Phase)
03:16 26th Lunar day


Lunar Day Description:

21st day of the Lunar calendar

Symbol: Chariot, herd of Horses

Gems: Aventurine, Blue Agate, Blue Sapphire, Zircon

Life is movement, that's the motto on the twenty-first day of the moon. The energy is great and it charges everyone for movement, which is very favorable for the implementation of any business. Today, you can easily do double the amount of work and still not feel tired at all. It is also a day of collective work, people who join their efforts will achieve very high results.

21st Lunar DayIn esotericism, the twenty-first lunar day is considered the day of intuition. It is necessary to take seriously your call of the soul and listen carefully to it. If you feel the need to purchase a lottery ticket, then you definitely need to buy it, there is a high probability that it may turn out to be winning.

Love and relationships

A very positive day for romantic dates and meetings. People are set for active recreation and a friendly atmosphere. A wonderful day for marriages, the wedding on this day will be filled with cheerful events and will be remembered for a lifetime.


21st Lunar DayThis day is very good for doing any housework that requires a lot of physical activity. Today is also the perfect time to prepare food for the winter. On such a day, you can do what you put off in a long box, were afraid to start, as they say: "The eyes are afraid, the hands are doing", so today the hands will do any hard work.


Great day for exercise, sports and exercise. If you can’t do this, then at least take a walk - this will have a very positive effect on your health. Vulnerable today: abdomen and hip joints.

Business and money

This is a very good day for business and career, all kinds of money matters will be great today. Collective work will show unprecedented results. This is the best day for people who are looking for a job. Anyone who pays off all his debts today will attract monetary luck.

22 Lunar day >>



moon phase today

Waning Moon (Phase III)

Element: Air.

After Full Moons into its phase three. This time is most favorable for the realization of the energy that came with the growth of the heavenly body. This phase of the moon is associated with the air element, and it also has a yellow color. This is the last stage, when your plans and ideas will come true, as you would like.

You can't waste this time and waste energy, it's better to use it to achieve your goals, because then you will have to wait a long time for a new influx of strength and energy. During this period, a person has a good positive mood, he is cheerful and cheerful, because the energy accumulated and not wasted in vain asks to come out. It is necessary to give it a way out, and not a simple one, but a directed one. Use your energy to implement your plans, complete all the things that you wanted to do, and in no case do not put it off for later.

Many nutritionists recommend starting your fight against excess weight and cellulite at this time. It is advisable to plant root crops and bulbs during this phase.

More about the third phase of the moon>>


moon sign

MOON IN VIRGO h 17° 11'

During this period, people become more rational, reasonable and practical. However, at the same time, pedantry wakes up in their character: they quarrel over trifles, find fault with loved ones, pay attention to insignificant things, missing the main thing. These days there are often quarrels over such trifles that are not worth the slightest attention, but in the days of the Virgin they seem serious and significant.

Virgo Days also give people good qualities of character, such as discipline, responsibility, attentiveness, and focus. Difficult work that requires great concentration and precision of actions is carried out seamlessly. People become cautious, reasonable and accurate. They do not seek to get rid of the problem in one fell swoop, but trust their mind. Unfortunately, we are talking about everyday, petty, domestic affairs. If we talk about global decisions and risky projects, then people feel an acute shortage of intuition, natural instinct and the ability to calculate events in advance. It is best to do tedious, monotonous and time-consuming work, and postpone important responsible steps for later.

Moon in Virgo >>




The lunar calendar can show how a person's energy supply and psychological mood change throughout the month. Our relationships, reactions, and subconsciousness have a huge impact on our emotional state. In order not to let luck slip away, you need to check your plans with the lunar calendar.


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