Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces > Moon Astrology

Transit Moon in Taurus – a time of love and pleasure

The moon, passing in transit along the sign of Taurus, enters the kingdom of the goddess of love, beauty and financial wealth – Venus , forming a harmonious union. The aesthetic perception of the world is sharpening, you want to go to the theater, visit an art exhibition, renew your wardrobe and go to a beautician.

Women can radically change their appearance – cut their hair or dye their hair in a new shade. Men fall under the calming energetic vibrations of Yin, stop taking risks, weaken control, and remember the quiet enjoyment of life with their family or in a cozy cafe with friends.

It becomes easier to reach mutual understanding and compromise, at the same time laziness, stubbornness, and slowness increase. Important matters are postponed, spirituality gives way to the need for material values. The main danger is to spend all your money on an expensive item or dinner at an elite restaurant.

Career and finance

The Transiting Moon in Taurus is a beneficial time for long-term endeavors and commitments. The contract signed these days, a verbal agreement on cooperation will bear excellent fruit, even if it does not happen soon. The Queen of the Night’s stay in the house of Venus inspires and supports activities related to the beauty, fashion, feminine and luxury goods industries. Workers of the sphere have achieved great success:

  • art, interior design and landscape;
  • furniture, confectionery production;
  • jewelry and agricultural industries;
  • gardening, animal welfare societies, farming;
  • financial and banking services;
  • beauty contests, cosmetology, photography.

The Moon in Taurus makes a person overly cautious, which is why you can miss out on interesting projects that require a share of adventurism, but it reveals a reserve of hard work when routine work is done in a day of tireless work. The recruitment of new personnel will be successful, squabbles in the team will subside. Astrologers advise to show spontaneous generosity, give gifts for no reason to employees and bosses, and dress beautifully. It is better to invest finances in real estate, and clothes and jewelry bought on the Moon in Taurus will last for many years.

Love and health

Men and women strive to please, show the best qualities in order to charm the chosen ones. During this period, serious long-term relationships begin, based on the attraction of the soul, but also with a share of practicality: passions in a hut on the transit moon in Taurus can affect sensuality, but will not inspire a long-term relationship. But weddings and engagement celebrations will mark the beginning of a happy life together.

The neck and throat are at risk: there is a high probability of contracting sore throat, pharyngitis, damage to the ligaments, and tearing off the voice. It is unacceptable to agree to:

  • removal of tonsils and adenoids;
  • surgery of the thyroid gland;
  • laser cutting of moles;
  • chin plasty and facelift;
  • osteopathic correction of the cervical vertebrae;
  • tooth depulpation and root canal treatment.

Chocolate and aromatherapy wraps, massage with natural oils will bring a lot of pleasure and benefit, connecting a person to the key energy vibrations of the Taurus constellation – tactile pleasures.

The main task is to refrain from gluttony, the appetite is now exorbitant, I want a fat, sweet, luxurious taste. But the extra pounds gained on the Moon in Taurus will remain, alas, for a long time. Fasting days are now ineffective. It is not forbidden to indulge yourself with exquisite dishes, but it is important to observe the measure. There should be milk, cottage cheese, sweet fresh fruits at home.

Children show stubbornness, which can be softened by assurances of love, backed up by material gifts. It is pointless to scold for misconduct, hugs, kisses, heart-to-heart talk and joint preparation of cakes, dumplings, crafts for school – this is a recipe for inspiring a child for good behavior.

Good and bad periods

With the transit moon in Taurus, greed, obstinacy in matters of a personal nature, the desire to reduce high intentions to money are destructive. A sober view of things, emotional restraint will help to conclude agreements on long-term cooperation in commercial and financial matters concerning:

  • Mutually beneficial acquaintances and meetings with influential people;
  • Public speaking with a speech or presentation;
  • Buying and selling an apartment, a summer residence, land, moving, repairing (2, 8, 21, 25 lunar days are favorable);
  • Making a will, receiving money transfers, loans;
  • Monetizing personal creativity – artistic performances, handicrafts, paintings, poems;
  • Acquisition and planting of perennial plants and trees;

Opening a night club, restaurant, organizing parties and social events.

Serious troubles rarely happen, the main danger concerns the wallet – it can be stolen or the owner himself will succumb to the temptation to give the entire amount for pleasure or charity. Tense aspects with Venus, Mars and Pluto will cause offensive mistrust and unfounded suspicions on the part of relatives and colleagues. The consequences of conflicts will have to be removed for a very long time, as well as mental wounds. Reasonable spending and deliberate decisions will allow you to enjoy the gifts of Venus to the fullest.

Vasilisa Vishneva


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