Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces > Moon Astrology

Transit Moon in Libra – beauty and harmony

The moon, passing through the sign of Libra , again falls under the influence of the symbol of love and beauty of Venus and the cheerful air element, contributing to the improvement of communication between the opposite sex, new acquaintances, and the renewal of friendly relations. The process is best transferred to the graceful setting of theater, art gallery and social events, where it is now easy to make useful connections with influential patrons.

Negotiations on partnership and cooperation are held with upholding a personal point of view, in disputes, but there are no serious conflicts – the transit Moon in Libra strives for balance, peacemaking and maintaining decency. Violations of social norms and traditions lead to negative long-term consequences in the future. Time for unhurried walks, romantic evenings with candles, beauty maintenance, healing, spiritual enrichment with art.

In matters of restoring justice through the justice system, one cannot take a position of strength – subtle diplomacy and brilliance of intellect will solve problems much faster and more efficiently. The desire to create beauty with your hands needs to be supported in yourself and loved ones – buy paints and canvas, a set for needlework, a guitar, this will reveal previously unknown talents.

Career and finance

The Transit Moon in Libra favors those working in the fields of beauty, art and law, as well as freelancers, artisans and jewelers. Stores selling expensive elegant clothes, jewelry – jewelry and bijouterie, beauty salons, hairdressers, photo studios are flourishing. More orders from those who prepare culinary delights to order and image makers. Politicians and public figures will feel the inspiration and support of voters, and interest in celebrity will increase. The bosses will appreciate the flattery and compliments.

Astrologers predict an influx of cash flows from those who maintain a balance of emotions in relations with customers and recommend making purchases that will delight for a long time:

  • cosmetics, creams, perfumes, jewelry;
  • antiques, paintings, mirrors;
  • cute trinkets, books about love and personal growth.

True, Libra is a sign of internal fluctuations, they will not give you an easy decision. A potential buyer will walk around the store for a long time, try on, think, hesitate. Sellers will have to persuade and provide evidence in favor of the acquisition. A good company of advisers on the transit Moon in Libra will solve many problems.

Love and health

It is a rare period when spiritual closeness and desire for material comfort are harmoniously combined in a relationship. Fall in love with equals in intelligence, education and status. On a date, it is important to present an exquisite gift – beautifully decorated flowers, originally packed sweets, accessories. An ideal time for a wedding ceremony, it will go smoothly, without excesses, as well as for the first intimacy with a loved one. Tense aspects provoke a showdown, quarrels over trifles, vile actions on the part of women rivals.

The transit moon in Libra exacerbates chronic diseases of the genitals, kidneys, bladder, endocrine system. Operations in this area are prohibited. People with diabetes, overweight, need to completely eliminate sugar-containing foods and carry the necessary medicines in their bag. Healthy adherents of proper nutrition will like the astrological recommendation to switch to raw vegetables and fruits.

Treatment will be successful:

  • headaches;
  • cerebral circulation;
  • ear and eye diseases;
  • teeth of the upper row, skin, blood vessels.

A good period for plastic surgery and the start of a slimming complex.

Children are calm, they perceive information well at creative workshops. A visit to the theater will be a useful pleasure. A heightened sense of justice and a desire to protect the weak can drag the child into a fight or quarrel.

Favorable and negative period

Now it is important to start things that do not require long routine work, which can be done easily and fun with the help of a team. Those who dream of taking the social elevator upward will have a good start by joining a socio-political organization, becoming a member of an elite club.

Entertainment events will be great:

  • parties, receptions, presentations;
  • short vacations, nature hikes;
  • travel by rail and by car;
  • interior design renovation, home shopping;
  • PR campaigns to attract interest, increase prestige.

The debtors respond positively to the request to return the money on the transit moon in Libra. It is favorable to submit petitions, applications to the courts.

Lies and intrigues come to the surface. An unjust act immediately turns into retribution for the perpetrator, you need to avoid harsh words, stabbing objects, and control behavior. However, with negative aspects to the Moon, you can suffer from opponents who deliberately spoil your reputation, and quarrel with loved ones.

Vasilisa Vishneva


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