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3rd house in the sign of Sagittarius

Successful schooling, a bank of ideas that will bring prosperity, relationships with friends and immediate family, starting with a brother and sister, shows the 3rd house. It is important to determine the sign where its cusp falls, in order to find out in what atmosphere childhood and adolescence will pass. Parents can then adjust school and teacher choices for maximum learning efficiency.

Although for the third house Sagittarius, this is unlikely to be required. Jupiter, the ruler of the sign, endows the wards with inexhaustible optimism, friendliness and the ability not to notice the shortcomings of the environment. Most often, such people grow up in a large and friendly family, study in a huge school and are friends with the whole yard. When they are defeated, or at a low level of development, there is arrogance, boasting and a desire to teach, which complicates relations with family and friends.

Communication at school and with relatives

Jupiter is a symbol of international connections and travel, as well as the expansion of space and knowledge. Therefore, the third-house Sagittarius studies, as a rule, in a prestigious large gymnasium with in-depth study of foreign languages ​​and the possibility of internships in foreign educational institutions. With harmonious layouts, the best teachers in their field teach there, the classroom has a friendly and creative atmosphere. In addition to the main studies, such children often visit other educational institutions: palaces of culture, sports complexes, travel to international competitions.

Third-house Sagittarius learn easily, with enthusiasm grasping new knowledge, but only if the subject is really interesting to them. They need an artistic and inspired teacher who turns the lesson into a theatrical performance and adventure. If they need to concentrate on a difficult and boring topic, the material slips out of memory, which depresses them. In communication, there is some rudeness, because these are people with a wide open mind, what is on their minds is in their language, and a number of common features of behavior and character:

  • straightforwardness of statements, wit, good nature, superficiality of emotions, high conceit;
  • the role of benefactors and patrons in relation to loved ones: give gifts, solve problems, and on their birthday arrange a feast for the whole class;
  • the desire to become the most important people among the close circle of friends, with a certain bright status, so that everyone would come to them for advice;
  • the perception of older brother and sister as a happy talisman and role model, and if they are younger – the need to pamper and take care of, to become an idol for them;
  • interest in jurisprudence, brilliant ability in languages ​​and the ability to establish contact with any person, which allows them to be on close terms with the director and teachers;
  • the ability to inspire others to do both good and bad;
  • talent of a leader, writer, lawyer, translator who knows how to work in a stressful environment, for example, in political negotiations.

If the 3rd house is hit, then academic and work success is impossible without purposeful efforts and diligence. This is solved through the elaboration  of Virgo and Capricorn. Their energy will support a weakened Jupiter. With a harmonious position, most of the bonuses go to the native through pull, because numerous relatives do not occupy the last place in society, they enjoy using useful contacts in various spheres of life.

Car driving and documents

Third-house Sagittarius prefer large cars in unusual colors: purplish gold or fluorescent blue. Their problem is overconfidence. Having barely read the driving instructions manual and got behind the wheel, they consider themselves experienced drivers, which of course cannot but lead to accidents.

But giving themselves the trouble to study thoroughly, especially if Saturn and Mercury are harmonious, they feel free in the role of a driver, equally well driving a bicycle, an SUV, and even being in the saddle of a black horse.

They have a special bond with horses and have a chance to make a career in equestrian sports.

If the traffic police stop the third-house Sagittarius, they will be very surprised by their legal knowledge and freedom to defendtheir rights. Not to mention the calls to influencers to get out of a difficult situation.

In matters of documents and bureaucratic instances, such individuals are lucky without additional connections. They surprisingly skip the line, get to a benevolent official, but their innate carelessness still causes trouble. For example, they can easily forget a passport or tickets at home and find it only at the airport.

Elaboration of the 3rd house in Sagittarius

People with a such horoscope are usually lucky in all areas of the 3rd house. If something does not work out, the reason is always inattention to the little things and the lack of systematic application of efforts. It is especially difficult for the owners of trines affecting the third sector. The owners of the 3rd house in Sagittarius get so used to the ease of obtaining material wealth and success in exams, and do not know that the energy of the favorable aspect is not infinite, that spending it risk losing everything.

Without the application of personal efforts for self-development, the stream of luck dries up. There is no habit of working, luck has disappeared, and the former favorite of fortune remains at a broken trough. But this will not happen if they train themselves to immerse themselves deeply in the learning process and not put off urgent matters until tomorrow.

Also, they should  not recklessly make promises that they can hardly keep. The inflated ego and pride will have to be humbled by spiritual postulates, and in striving to become an authority, not to belittle the achievements of family and friends.

Vasilisa Vishneva

Celebrities with the 3rd House in Sagittarius:


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