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8th house in the sign of Pisces

The house of grand gains and losses, big business and risks, shows the source of danger for the native. They can become deadly if people are not careful and look for trouble, which usually happens to those who do not know the sign on the cusp of the eighth sector. The subconscious need for transformation makes a person unenlightened in astrology re-live the same crises.

The 8th house in Pisces is an indicator of worked out karma, when a person has learned to respond to sudden changes, illnesses and possession of wealth from the position of all signs of the zodiac. Due to this, the main wealth of the native is a deep intuition that helps to feel the danger everywhere, except for water, illusions, alcohol and psychotropic substances. Acutely experiencing injustice, understanding how everything is arranged due to many previous lives, the native seeks to escape from reality into the world of dreams, which leads to poisoning and addictions.

Crises and sources of danger

The main source of problems for men and women with the 8th house in Pisces is alcohol. At first, it dulls the fear of the trials and emotions experienced once in past incarnations associated with fame, big money and managing other people’s resources, helps to relax after a long nervous tension, but later a powerful addiction to “painkillers” arises, and later terrible things happen.

Intoxicated individuals are robbed, humiliated, made a mockery of, sunstroke, allergies, frostbite may happen to them, or the sea will suddenly become knee-deep, and it will begin to brag, balancing on the edge of the abyss. Owners of the 8th house in Pisces can freeze to death in the snow or drown in their own bath due to addiction to alcohol, although if not for this, they would have reached brilliant heights in art and production.

In addition, increased anxiety does them a good service: they feel that they should not enter the elevator with a certain person, or in no case should they borrow money.

Other main sources of danger in the 8th house in Pisces:

  • all analogues of alcohol: drugs, painkillers, antidepressants, even nasal spray can be addictive;
  • strong feelings and emotions – passion, platonic affection, idealization of a loved one, creation of idols;
  • distraction, self-indulgence, laziness, depraved fantasies, slovenliness and carelessness;
  • floods, tsunamis, violent or negligent drowning, injuries during water sports and jumping into the sea or river;
  • poisoning with various liquids and gases, but food poisoning is not excluded, the danger of general anesthesia (for the operation it is better to choose a time with favorable transits of the planets so that everything goes well);
  • alcoholics, swindlers, thieves, gypsies, drug addicts, mentally ill people – they should not enter into even superficial negotiations with them;
  • infectious epidemics and pandemics – avoid visiting countries with an unfavorable situation in terms of general public health.

In addition, the native is exhausted by internal dialogues, fears and fantasies on painful topics. People need to understand that thanks to the influence of Neptune, the eight-house Pisces have a rich imagination, which obediently draws anything according to the schemes of the subconscious, and turn this gift to good, transforming it into creativity, charity and scientific research.

Passion and money

The native literally dissolves in sex with a loved one. For the owners of the horoscope, there are no forbidden topics and actions, they are included in the energy of partners and seek to generously endow them with affection and tenderness. With the defeat of Neptune and Venus, there is a tendency to debauchery or sacrifice. For example, a young girl marries a rich old man to save her family from poverty. This is the act of the eight-house Pisces. Money in this situation is always fraught with the danger of being deceived, with losses and unexpected off-topic waste.

With a harmonious position of the planets, the native is an ideal partner in intimate relationships, sensual and caring. Men and women are equally attentive to the emotional experiences of their chosen ones, they love to make romantic surprises and gifts.

They often manage the huge financial flows of other people, not considering themselves worthy of great wealth, or they are simply not interested in it, given that Pisces complete the zodiac circle, which means that in past lives the native has already experienced different ways of owning money.

Elaboration of the 8th house in Pisces

If the owners of the 8th house in the sign of Pisces are tormented by fears and anxieties related to the issues of death, wealth, the occult and mental health, it means that negative karma has accumulated, many topics are left without elaboration and this needs to be done here and now. The native is shown to work with the family with specialists, through meditation and constellation, get rid of fears with the help of a psychologist and be sure to engage in creativity.

Dancing, music, acting, painting release powerful Neptunian energy, but to keep it from drifting into a maze of illusion, they need to be grounded through learning financial literacy and practical application of skills like investing.

Caution on the water, the rejection of alcohol and communication with those who like to drink, lie and appropriate what lies badly – the guarantor of the harmonious development of the 8th house in Pisces.

A good help will be jewelry-talismans that help dispel the fog of worldview: serpentine, amethyst, larimar, labrador and charoite.

Vasilisa Vishneva

Celebrities with the 8th House in Pisces:


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