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Jupiter Square – MC (Midheaven). Erecting a monument to myself

It is easier to overcome tense aspects if they include planets of an initially positive nature. But here, too, there are some nuances. Jupiter symbolizes great happiness, money, honor and luck of the highest category, but he is characterized by exaggeration, voluptuousness and selfishness.

It is important to live on the upper floors of the planet of luck, showing nobility, generosity and passion for learning, and not luxury, then it will be easier to overcome the barriers of square with the Meridian of the middle of heaven, denoting professional realization and karmic destiny. Even under the influence of such a complex aspect, the native does not lose the fuse of ambition and desire to provide himself with a decent standard of living, becoming an influential person. Paradoxically, this can be done by developing common sense and humility.

Dangers of the Jupiter-MC square

The Achilles’ heel of the bearer of the square is vanity. Men and women under his influence are convinced that they were born for great deeds, and if they did not have time to accomplish them, especially in their college years, they begin to fantasize and lie, exaggerating their merits and talents. This leads to unpleasant situations when, on the basis of rumors, they are entrusted with cases in which they do not yet have experience, and the lie turns into public shame.

After such a cold shower, many are generally afraid to take on promising projects and tell too much about themselves, but those aimed at development and success still work on their mistakes and begin to study with fierceness, gain experience and greedily conquer peak after peak.

Saturn and Uranus have a great influence on the fate of the Jupiter-Midheaven square . With a strong position of the former, persistence in achieving the set goals, high efficiency and a desire to give a really good result is manifested, and if the latter dominates, creativity, an unusual approach to profession, passion for travel and riddles ensure the success of self-realization. It is important to take into account other directions of the aspect’s influence:

  • a strong need for awards and recognition of their work;
  • the desire to study in prestigious institutions, where eminent teachers teach, and the external environment is luxurious and stylish;
  • collecting diplomas and certificates strengthens self-confidence, but distracts from delving into one narrow specialty, which affects professionalism;
  • bright creative inclinations, noisy sociability, a sense of humor, the ability to entertain and win over interlocutors;
  • excessive directness, inability to accurately lead the authorities to the desired decision: they immediately dump their problems and intentions on their heads;
  • lack of balance between your desires and the interests of other people;
  • selfishness, arrogance, conflicts with authoritative people.

The carriers of the aspect have dualistic thinking, they clearly distinguish between good and evil and do not see transitions. They have a strong desire to preach their own system of values, but this is a dangerous path, because then any mistake and deviation from the rules will be exposed to the public. For the same reason, they cannot judge anyone.

Personal relationships

Men and women with the square Jupiter – MC often refute the values ​​and priorities adopted in the family. This is especially evident if a person was born in a family with religious foundations or among ordinary hard workers without higher education.

The desire to build your empire on the principles of freedom and equality, but of course, heading it as a leader, prompts you to study brilliantly, miraculously enter a prestigious university and earn early. The obstacles on this path come from the native himself. Jupiter Square – The middle of the sky does not let you keep your mouth shut if the teachers at the university and the company leaders are incompetent and unfair. The native defends the highest ideals, but often destroys the relationship in the bud.

Men and women with this aspect dream of a big family and are happy when they can provide a bright and interesting life for their household. However, if they interfere with work or require too much materially, they begin to feel burdened with family responsibilities and run off on business trips. Rest alone in another country will save the situation.

Elaboration of the Jupiter square – MC

It is important for a native to have education and things that are prestigious from the point of view of society, but it is necessary to take it simply. It is better to choose a profession associated with large-scale events, entertainment and entertainment. These are politics, show business, diplomacy, sports, advertising and, of course, business associated with big money.

Relations with foreign partners will be very positive, and language learning will harmonize the Jupiter imbalance. It is undesirable to work in the field of jurisprudence, since it is difficult for a native to judge objectively and understand the motivation of another person, but a legal education will help to find an inner balance in politics and business.

The study of Saturn and the development of modesty, perseverance and industriousness neutralize the dislike of others caused by the complacency and bragging of a tense Jupiter.

To awaken wisdom and attract wealth, talisman stones are recommended: charoite, amethyst , yellow sapphire .

Vasilisa Vishneva

Celebrities with the Midheaven Square Jupiter:


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