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Ascending node in the 4th house – Descending node in the 10th house. Root Karma

The angular axis of 4 – 10 houses has always been incredibly significant. To work out the Karmic knots, Ascending (Rahu) and Descending (Ketu), you will need to carefully study your family and significant events in the life of your ancestors in order to reach the fulfillment of your destiny. Without working out generic programs for the 4th house, where the Ascending node stands, the owner of the horoscope will only have to dream of the exploits and glory that he fully received in the past through the Descending Node in the 10th house.

The native has a special spiritual closeness with one of the parents and most often it is his karma that needs to be worked out. The lack of harmony along this axis brings constant problems with self-realization, when any career advancement awakens scandals at home, as well as breakdowns and fires in the apartment. A similar position of the nodes indicates success in their own country, and is also an indirect hint of freelancing.

Lunar nodes in the 4th and 10th houses and past incarnations

In the past, the owner of the Ascending Lunar Node in the 10th house was a popular personality, if not a world star. He used to identify his “I” with power, success and superiority. In the subconscious mind lives the memory of universal admiration and the possession of unlimited power. The situation is aggravated if Ketu is in fire signs. A person believes that everyone owes him by definition, or he is eager to become the first, popular, rich at all costs. The main problems of the past incarnation:

  • isolation from roots and homeland: in order to become the main, significant figure, I had to leave my parents and move to another country (Marie Antoinette, Catherine II);
  • improper or thoughtless spending of one’s resources, wealth, indulgence in vices;
  • corruption due to fame or inadequate perception of oneself, one’s relatives, when one is ashamed of one’s parents, creating a false legend about oneself.

In 90% of cases, the Descending Node is colored in dark tones. In this incarnation, the native needs to correct the mistakes of the past, establish a connection with his roots or heal birth trauma, return the debts of his ancestors.

Psychological problems with the Ascending node in the 4th house – Descending node in the 10th house

The position of the nodes along the axis 4-10 house is the most rigid and cardinal, difficult to work out. The themes of parents and the family nest, the destiny of fate cannot be changed. You can only adapt to them, change your attitude, create a stunning performance from the proposed circumstances with a happy ending, which is not always easy to do.

The native is inclined to pretend that everything is fine, he is satisfied with life, although deep dissatisfaction with his parents, his home and even the country is ripening in the depths. He is still attracted by the brilliant gifts of world fame, although in this incarnation he will just need to take root in his penates and take care of his parents, even if there are negative aspects and relations with the family are far from ideal. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to repeat the fate of the parent to whom the native is especially attached. Often, it is his ambitions that push the ward of the node to enter a university that is alien to him in spirit, the choice of a prestigious but unloved profession, moving to another country.

The psychological problems of the Ascending node in the 4th house and the Descending node in the 10th house are quite widely manifested:

  • violation of gender balance: women hate to stay at home, do housework, build a career, while dreaming of family happiness and a caring spouse, while men, on the contrary, do not want to be bosses, often become henpecked;
  • the search for a teacher who will tell you how to live, the complete copying of the fate and appearance of a successful parent or the denial of family achievements, the desire to start from scratch;
  • merging with my social mask, a complete misunderstanding of who I really am, what my desires are, which makes me happy and self-sufficient.

It is difficult for a native to feel like an adult. The desire to avoid responsibility, to bury yourself in a blanket in front of the TV, to brag in front of weak and less talented interlocutors sometimes even blocks bold ambitions and dreams.

Karmic tasks at the Ascending node in the 4th house – Descending node in the 10th house

Man came into the world to cleanse his roots from the sins and mistakes of the past. If there were crimes in the family, it is necessary to restore justice as much as possible, if possible. At a minimum, put things in order in old photographs, archives, papers, and resolve issues of inheritance. The native needs to take care of his parents, but his task is to learn to love and accept himself as he is, otherwise love will replace fear and a sense of duty. It is important to be in a resource, not to depend on the opinions of parents, but to accept them with all the advantages and disadvantages.

The main karmic task of the Ascending node in the 4th house is to become the full owner of your home and make it a place of power, arranging it to your own taste, regardless of the views of the public.

Working through the problems of the Ascending Node in the 4th house and the Descending Node in the 10th house

The more real estate a native acquires in his hometown or country, the more confident and calm he will feel. Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to live with your parents in the same house. The person may have many negative childhood memories or conflicts with the family. However, it is important to live nearby and help from the heart. It neutralizes karma.

You will have to find a balance between the desire for a career for yourself and the requirements of the family. To do this, it is necessary to gain inner wisdom and maturity without neglecting the interests of home, that is, to have time to work in joy and spend time with loved ones. The easiest way to do this is freelancing or in creative professions, when you can work from home, remotely in a free schedule.

Vasilisa Vishneva


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