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6th house in the sign of Taurus

The sixth house of the horoscope symbolizes work duties and working conditions. It can also mean an intermediate profession in which people take the position of a subordinate, while a true vocation that attracts wealth and fame goes through the 10th house. The zodiac sign on the cusp will show what health problems will arise as a result of improper energy exchange, as well as the type of pets to harmonize these areas.

People with the 6th house in Taurus are heavy to lift, lazy and love comfort in the workplace. It is convenient for them to obey, be away from the main responsibility and at the same time calmly create beauty under the auspices of the ruler of the sign – Venus. These are hairdressers, web designers, tailors, beauticians, bank clerks and government officials.

Work and working conditions

It is not easy for the owners of the 6th house in Taurus to get up early in the morning and go to work, and it takes time to sit down with a pile of papers and prepare for the creative process, but, unlike Aries, who rushes into battle and quickly loses interest, they always bring the matter to the end, not forgetting to attach a bow to the result for beauty, even if it was not spelled out in the contract.

Conflicts at work are rare, even if colleagues are quarrelsome, because these six-house Taurus suffer for a long time, smooth rough corners, but tired of being peaceful, especially when their financial interests are infringed, will not leave a stone unturned from the office. They will bring litigation to a successful result with the same persistence as all their cases.

It is easy for such individuals to work in a familiar and cozy space, which they seek to decorate as much as possible and from where there is no need to leave on business. Business trips and branch inspections are not for them. The main lines of influence of the 6th house in Taurus:

  • difficulties with perseverance in the morning: they need to tune in to the work process, drink coffee from a beautiful cup, chat with colleagues, but in the evening the work capacity goes off scale;
  • preference is given to classes where they can quickly see the tangible result of their actions and it is desirable to receive financial rewards;
  • the choice of a profession is based on practical considerations, but regrets and dreams of artistic activity remain in the soul, so they definitely need to have a beautiful hobby if they work in archives, with numbers and papers;
  • tools as an extension of the hand in the energetic sense, therefore, all applied products created by them are durable, aesthetically pleasing and reliable;
  • the pleasure of participating in large-scale collective work, work in large corporations with a good reputation and history is shown;
  • the habit of delving into the topics of the profession for a long time, studying the front of responsibilities, difficulties in mastering innovations and technical innovations, but then it flies to success as on a ski slope.

It is easy to deal with six-house Taurus if they are promised a bonus for quickly completing a task, but not in a hurry, because this adds stress and a quality result will not work. It is enough to get interested in money, indicate the terms and step aside.

Disease predisposition

In medical astrology, Taurus is responsible for the neck, throat, lower jaw, and ears. Slowness is the hallmark of the sign, therefore, all protracted, chronic and sluggish diseases characteristic of these organs accompany people when suppressing a conflict or inattentive attitude to their health. At the slightest discomfort in the Eustachian tube, nose, throat, they need to see a doctor, especially when Venus is affected. The 6th house in Taurus most often gives:

  • pharyngitis, laryngitis, problems with the glands, tonsillitis of all kinds, hoarseness after a cold and being in the cold;
  • sinusitis, persistent rhinitis, adenoids, polyps;
  • inflammation of the teeth of the lower jaw;
  • disruption of the thyroid gland, osteochondrosis, curvature and injury of the neck and shoulder area.

Since the ruler of the sign Venus, asymptomatic at first, indolent sexually transmitted diseases, problems with the lips (they should not do plastic surgery with negative aspects) and a tendency to obesity are likely, especially when Sagittarius is on the Ascendant. A particular danger is the tendency to diabetes.

Elabortaion of the 6th house in Taurus

The habit of a sedentary lifestyle and slow thinking is the main problem in the 6th house in Taurus. This leads to postponing problems until tomorrow, addiction to stress seizing, excess weight.

It is best to choose a place of work where it is light, warm and cozy, there is no strict dress code and people can decorate the office with paintings, bouquets, choose their favorite color scheme.

Six-house Taurus are ideal performers. If they got down to business, they will definitely bring it to the end. They need a boss to get started, but by learning to inspire and stimulate themselves on their own, they will reach unprecedented heights and be able to lead projects. With the Ascendant in Sagittarius, such individuals need to strive to be leaders, but if they fall into the sign of Scorpio, it is more comfortable to be behind the scenes of the work process, enjoying creativity alone.

Diet control, exclusion of fatty and sugary foods, beautiful sports, such as oriental or ballroom dancing, yoga, Pilates, swimming, will help to avoid health problems.

The best talismans for professional success and wellness: pink quartz, spinel, sapphire, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, zircons.

Vasilisa Vishneva

Celebrities with the 6th House in Taurus:


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