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Quickons Mercury – Jupiter: Tramp – benefactor

Quickons is a minor aspect, but its influence cannot be discounted when analyzing a horoscope if personal and social planets are involved. It disturbs the native with the energy of opposition in the affairs of the affected houses, but at the same time, it gives favorable opportunities to work out inner fears once and for all. It’s like getting a stellar chance when your hamstrings are shaking and there’s one step forward on stage for all to see, or back into the shadows. In the first case, there is a chance to win and break a flurry of applause, in the second – to stay in a hateful comfort zone and regret missed opportunities.

The owner of the quincunx Mercury-Jupiter from adolescence begins to oppose himself to the world around him. He does not like his social circle, he wants to try something radically opposite: to roam with the gypsies, go to the East, leave the university and go to the artisans. Despite the fact that Jupiter is a planet of great happiness, under the influence of Mercury, looking for an ideal place in the world, its energy becomes restless and confuses the native, forcing him to believe in his exclusivity or invent enemies to have fun fighting with them.

Character and health with quinceon Mercury-Jupiter

Although a person often wants to relieve himself of social obligations in the form of an indispensable higher education and parental business by inheritance, he takes on many other problems, mainly of an emotional nature. By nature, he is a benefactor. He wants to reconcile the warring parties and make a fair decision, but in the process of calming the conflict, he himself begins to wield his fists: he fights for peace, but spreads it with fire and sword.

In words, such people prove that they strive for higher ideals and the search for truth, but in reality they turn out to be idle revelers. When communicating with the owner of the Quinceon Mercury-Jupiter, you should always look at his actions.

The native himself really wants to make an instant favorable impression on others. At a low level of development, and even more so if Mercury is struck, he invents a legend for himself, presenting himself as some kind of celebrity or rich man, promises a lot, but does not fulfill anything.

With a harmonious strong Jupiter, he certainly has connections and opportunities for help, which he hurries to use to earn approval. Given the bright charisma and the ability to be at the right time in a place where you have to act quickly and make bold decisions, the native easily earns a reputation as a person who can be trusted and get results. And here he begins to bend under the weight of the problems of people who need help. This is especially true for people working in the field of public relations, politics, social programs for the population, education and finance. On the one hand, the owner of the Mercury-Jupiter quincunx loves to be among people and feel that they are needed, on the other hand, he does not have time for personal matters.

The fact is that the native feels guilty if he pushes someone away or refuses. However, his kindness can cost him dearly. Based on experiences, he gets hooked on fast serotonin from sweet food, seizing stress, which is fraught with weight gain, diabetes and liver problems.

Quickons Mercury-Jupiter, personal life and synastry

The native falls in love with good looks and a sharp mind, but rarely appreciates the warmth of the heart, and may scorn secular conventions: marrying or marrying against parental consent or deliberately shocking society. He likes to enter into relationships with people who are eccentric, somewhat cynical, and without a king in his head.

It is especially difficult at a young age. If a native falls in love with an anarchist who despises conventions, then he can easily leave the institute, leave his career and turn into just an attachment to the one he considers the standard.

In most cases, women are involved in such relationships. Being themselves bright and interesting personalities, since the quinceon Mercury-Jupiter gives a clear mind and a desire to shine in society, having met an abuser, they very quickly elevate him to the rank of indisputable authority, refuse beautiful clothes, promising work and begin to serve their chosen one.

Even in easy love, the native puts a lot of effort, strives to please, please, solve problems and gets into trouble, promising to do more than he actually can. In the synastry, the quincunx Mercury-Jupiter promises powerful intellectual cooperation, it is more of a business relationship.

How to work out the Jupiter-Mercury quincunx

It is advisable for the native from time to time to arrange an informational detox for himself, to retire and think over a plan of his actions for the near future. The most important thing is to learn to say no and not to experience strong feelings about it, to realize that you are not obliged to serve the interests of other people until you have fully satisfied your own healthy ambitions and basic security needs.

Without competent prioritization, the native will not have time to realize his creative talents, and instead of the family, other people who require urgent help will come first. Higher education must be obtained without fail, despite internal and external obstacles, and learn from problems and give feedback, advice and recommendations to other people. This will be the best help.

Vasilisa Vishneva

Celebrities with the Mercury Quincunx Jupiter:


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