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Mars sextile Lilith: full sail

If the Black Moon (Lilith) is in a positive aspect, it works in plus for conscious and intellectually developed people, and it gives a lot of energy to simpletons, but they just waste it on no business. Sextile in itself does not lead a person to success, it helps to be in the right place, gives a happy combination of circumstances, but you need to act on your own. Especially if the second participant in the aspect is Mars .

Fearlessness, initiative, brightness of reactions and shameless behavior of the leader distinguishes the owner of the card with strong positions. These qualities help to be on horseback in any situation or turn on during stressful events. However, it also happens that a person with weak Lilith and Mars is afraid to take a step forward and drags out a gray existence, although he could reach the stars.

Advantages and weaknesses of the sextile Lilith – Mars

The aspect gives the native an unprecedented self-confidence, bordering on aplomb. If he likes to do something or do something, he will not even think about how others will perceive it. His personal sympathy is the measure of everything. Even if he is attracted to strange and dangerous things, it is useless to persuade him to give it up. Here the selfish energy of the Black Moon manifests itself and the Martian narcissism with oneself is in danger.

In a good version, a person on this wave performs feats, in a bad version he gets into trouble, wanting to be a hero. The result depends on his personal intelligence, experience and wisdom. If there are none, then this is the one who flies first at the enemy, right at the bullets, waving his saber. The result of such reckless behavior is obvious, unless a miracle happens.

Sextile Mars – Lilith makes the native very ambitious, but if the Black Moon is weak, and Mars is afflicted with negative aspects or is in Cancer and Lilith, then a healthy desire for success can be tabooed by children’s complexes. For example, in childhood they were taught to be modest, not to think about what they want, but simply to fulfill their duties, or even worse: they scolded and punished for personal desires. This is a very dangerous state when you madly want to get what you want, but internal complexes do not allow you to do it. The native is literally torn apart by the primitive Martian energy, tied to the deep subconscious of the Black Moon, and it is in this state that he can commit a crime for good reasons.

A strong position encourages a person to be proud of his frankness, independence and vanity. Women with sextile Mars – Lilith themselves approach an interesting man and offer an acquaintance, the first ones declare their love.

The positive influence of the sextile Lilith – Mars

The main thing that distinguishes the native from others is the invincible will to win and the ability not to give up, not to give up in the face of troubles and enemies.

True, sometimes he himself does not suspect about this feature until he gets into a difficult situation. It is a mistake to believe that since the sextile symbolizes good luck and a happy occasion, they will fall by themselves from the cornucopia. Mars is like a tough coach. If the native does not pump it through sports, courageous deeds, leaving the comfort zone, then the need for this will arise due to circumstances. And then the owner of the aspect will discover how hardy he is, he is sure that everything will work out, and he is ready to act to the bitter end.

With a strong position of Mars and Lilith, a person usually sets ambitious goals himself and receives some masochistic pleasure in the process of achieving them. This is the aspect of athletes relentlessly pumping their muscles and raising the bar in their quest to set a record. Whatever the native does, he is spurred on by sports passion – to get around and overtake opponents.

It is also an aspect of entrepreneurs with unique business qualities. They develop their business from scratch, and the emerging problems are solved in a highly non-standard way. That is why it is easier for them to work alone. Stress only spurs their creativity and provides the necessary fuse to turn on the internal resource.

How to turn on the sextile Lilith – Mars

The peculiarity of the aspect is that it does not always work, but only in conditions of competition and a strong desire to achieve an important goal, or the native purposefully activates it through sports and actions aimed at satisfying ambitions. If the Black Moon and Mars are in a weak position, then it is generally difficult for the native to decide on specific steps. A competition with someone you know can spur him on: looking at their success, you will definitely want to repeat or do better.

Sextile Lilith – Mars turns on wonderfully with envy. A person wants so much what the other already has that he forgets about his fears and begins to work on himself, and even if both participants in the aspect are strong, he does not hesitate for a second, literally breaking the walls with his forehead. If the forces run out, you can think that everything that happens is an adventure in which you are the main character, and then inspiration will give energy. The second most important trigger is freedom. For the sake of finding it, the native is ready to plow day and night.

The main task of sextile Mars – Lilith is to get rid of everything that keeps you from action, not to be afraid to make decisions and take the initiative.

Vasilisa Vishneva

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