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Trigon Neptune – Lilith: the possibilities of a parapsychologist

This is an aspect of artistic talent in all Neptunian realms, as well as the ability of a diagnostician to intuitively read the range of causes of a problem from the patient’s subconscious. Even if the native is far from medicine, he has the gift of telepathy and empathy, automatically connecting to the emotions of the interlocutor, adjusting to him psychologically.

Thanks to this, he gains many friends, admirers, but he himself can use people in his own interests, quite early understanding the power of his mild, but irresistible influence on the mind and emotions of people. Innate musicality and plasticity give the opportunity to become an artist of the highest level, and at the same time, Lilith would not be herself if she did not beckon a swindler-adventurer with an easy income, this option is also not excluded.

Opportunities and dangers of the trine Lilith – Neptune

So much has been given to the native by nature that the main thing is not to play too much, but to really apply your talents. Trine helps circumstances develop favorably, but when everything goes smoothly, a person loses motivation. He already has the feeling that higher powers are protecting him from trouble, so it is easy to succumb to laziness, because it seems that everything will be in time anyway.

However, the possibilities of a trine are not endless. After 35 years, they gradually decrease and the native runs the risk of being left with nothing.

All your talents in the field of music, drawing, dancing, scenes must be realized as early as possible. This will help later succeed in other Neptunian areas: medicine, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, photography, marine biology.

Despite the fact that the trine is considered a favorable aspect, in the case of Neptune and Lilith, not everything is so simple. Yes, it ensures the free flow of energy, but it dilutes moral attitudes. It is easy for the native to deceive and manipulate the consciousness of other people, sometimes even through vivid artistic images like Ostap Bender, and he does not feel remorse, unlike the owners of quadratures, since he does not separate Lilith from Neptune.

At the highest level of development, the aspect gives deep religiosity, the ability to connect to egregores of any faith, calm down storms of emotions and scandals. This is the calling of a priest who understands the nature of sin and therefore does not condemn, but knows exactly how to cope with the temptation.

At an average level, a person easily passes from the state of a talented and sensitive artist to a skillful manipulator who knows how to lay softly, but later his relatives and colleagues sleep hard.

It is also the ability to control the masses of people with the help of a religious gift, which manifests itself at all levels of spiritual development, but naturally with different goals.

Trine Neptune – Lilith and relationships

The native has a mystical attitude towards love, and he is looking for the same deeply feeling partner, for whom mutual attraction is not just a passion, but a powerful spiritual rebirth. At a low level of development, unfortunately, there is a slight involvement in the vices of a partner, such as alcoholism, a marginal lifestyle, and drugs. At the same time, the owners of the trine Lilith – Neptune tend to justify and to some extent deify the deviations from the norm of their beloved.

So, for example, in alcoholism they see the desire to escape from the cruel world, and in the unwillingness to find a job – the pain of an unrecognized genius. This type of behavior is more typical for women, although men can fall in love with a parasitic person and save her.

Another thing is that, as a rule, this does not lead to the death of the native, if desired, he knows how to get out of the pit, but the combination of Lilith with Neptune still distorts the perception of another person, which, although it gives the appearance of good luck in love, real happiness is possible only with meeting with a spiritually developed mystic without Neptunian vices.

On the other hand, the identity of the native himself is also perceived by his relatives in a distorted form. It seems to them that this is a person without vice and flaw, they idealize him and endow him with perfect qualities, and since there are no people without flaws, it is worth showing yourself in a lively, earthly perspective, as admirers are disappointed. The gift of captivating at first sight, unfortunately, comes as a bonus-shifter. It’s hard to live up to your image, but it’s even harder to be yourself.

How to work trine Lilith – Neptune

To create and see the results of one’s fantasy, embodied in material images, whether it be a staged performance, a written book, a waltz played or participation in an exhibition of drawings, helps the native jump on a wave of beneficial energy. Trine Neptune – Lilith often gives the feeling that at any moment you can become a glorified creator, so you can lie on the couch and dream, but this is not so. The energy portal can close, so it needs to be fed with relentless personal creativity.

If Neptune is in 1, 2, 6, 8, 10, 11 houses, it will not be superfluous to remember that symbolically this planet is associated with money, which means that financial literacy courses will activate the influence of the trine and contribute to a harmonious shift in circumstances in favor of the native.

It is necessary to maintain an energy balance between daydreaming, religious zeal and practicality, so as not to block creative impulses, but also not to break away from reality. Serpentine jewelry will help with this .

Vasilisa Vishneva

Celebrities with the Neptune Trine Lilith:


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