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Moon in the sign of Virgo

The Moon in the sign of Virgo does not shine with special talents and does not delight the world with outstanding virtues, however, thanks to its presence in a practical, earthly and hardworking sign, it is able to improve the processes taking place around a person and change living conditions for the better.

General characteristics

People with the Moon in Virgo feel all the complexity and multivariance of the surrounding reality. It is vitally important for them to be able to adapt to every situation that arises in life, to find the most effective way to resolve everyday issues and achieve concrete results both in the personal life and at work.

Lunar Virgos perceive life as an endless series of new affairs and responsibilities. However, they have a good mind and memory, which allow them to quickly solve current problems and easily cope with routine work.

People who have the Moon in the sign of Virgo in their natal chart are distinguished by the following features of character and behavior:

  • Efficiency, practicality, ability to perform even the most boring and monotonous work;
  • Attention to detail, the ability to quickly understand any technology both at home and at work;
  • Tactfulness, delicacy, good diplomatic qualities;
  • Discernment in food and clothing, the ability to choose a good thing, focusing on the best value for money;
  • Interest in medicine, the ability to take care of one’s own health and the health of loved ones;
  • Thrift, love for cleanliness and order at home;
  • Ability to invent their own technologies in cooking, improve recipes;
  • Striving for a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition;
  • Criticality in relation to drugs and treatment methods.

Moon in the sign of Virgo

Unfortunately, the brain of the lunar Virgo is often overloaded with thoughts about work, and constant dissatisfaction with the state of affairs often affects their relationship with others and their health. Nervousness, meticulousness and criticality make such people unbearable for colleagues, loved ones and friends.

As a result, people can turn away from the lunar Virgos and leave them alone with their problems. A positive attitude, benevolence, a well-designed work and rest regimen, adherence to the recommendations of professional doctors and psychologists – all this will improve the quality of life of the lunar Virgos, will contribute to their recovery and establish relations with the world around them.

Moon in Virgo for a man

For a man with the Moon in Virgo, it is very important to find a life partner, but the choice is usually not easy for him. Inside himself, he develops a whole system of criteria for assessing the future wife, and finding a match for this ideal image in real life is a rather difficult task.

A man with an earthly moon is looking for a woman who is serious, intelligent, disciplined and accurate. He is impressed when a girl loves her job and knows how to do it better than anyone else. Prudence and restraint should be manifested in the appearance of a loved one, in his clothes, character and in household use. The ideal of such a man is a business woman, patient, zealous, good craftswoman, who knows how to run a household and maintain an impeccable order in the house.

Moon in Virgo woman

Moon Virgo is a good housewife and a responsible mother. She will not feed her household with anything. There are no expired food in her refrigerator, and food is always cooked under ideal conditions – clean and tidy.

Many people think that women with the Moon in Virgo love to do housework, but this is not always the case. Rather, she will think over the technology of putting things in order in the house in five minutes, and she will devote herself to more useful things: learning new methods of raising children, improving culinary or any other skills, reading useful literature.

How to find a common language with the lunar Virgos? It’s very simple: just be attentive to their inner world and subtle mental organization, to show sensitivity, care and attention to their interests and deeds, and also to help them in the difficult task of improving the world.

<< Moon in the signs of the zodiac (birth charts)

Garipova Lilia Ramilevna

Celebrities with the Moon in Virgo:


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