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1st house in the sign of Cancer

The sign of the location of the 1st house of the natal chart largely determines whether the potential inherent in it will come true. It is like the 1st chakra of the physical body. If it is blocked, then the energy does not go further, there is no development. Here are the main resources of self-expression, the image that people demonstrate in society, and it may not coincide with the sun sign, complementing or dissipating its influence.

1 house in Cancer creates a sensual, restrained nature, in the soul of which serious passions boil. It is difficult for others to believe this, because  shy, modest individuals rarely share their bold dreams and spiritual discoveries. All life goals and successes will be tied to the most important thing – the family, but most often not the one that people create, but the one where they were brought up.

Circumstances of birth

If the Moon, the ruler of Cancer, is harmonious, such individuals are born in an atmosphere of love and become desirable for the whole family. Most often, births take place in an intimate, almost magical setting, perhaps in water. The mother of the baby has a strong desire to see the birth at home, but even if the birth takes place in a hospital, then this is a private clinic where she can give birth in the pool to the music in the presence of the father.

The afflicted Moon gives reason to fear difficult protracted childbirth, polyhydramnios, quarrels with relatives, if, for example, they want to immediately see the baby or be present nearby, but the woman is against it.

Image in the eyes of others

The owners of the 1st house in Cancer attract attention with soft beauty and romantic appearance. They are a little closed at the first communication, but do not forget that their shyness and vulnerability are not the main qualities. Ambitions and a steel core of character are burning inside, allowing you to withstand a variety of tests.

They are sensitive about the events of their family, especially mother and children. Love experiences have a great influence on their success in society. Primitive Cancers need the passion and attention of the opposite sex. Then they easily manage to pass interviews and pass tests. Failures in the intimate sphere and quarrels with parents adversely affect all areas of life.

People born in this position are always ready to help disinterestedly, they know how to listen and they like it more than talking. With a harmonious Moon, the mere presence of such individuals in a company defuses a tense situation and pacifies.

The owners of the 1st house in Cancer understand that, compared to other people, they are not 100% confident in themselves, they suffer from innate empathy, feeling the intensity of the negative emotions of others, therefore they try to support the sick and upset, drawing their strength from this.

Positive qualities: kindness, unselfishness, sympathy, willingness to help, the ability to easily get along with children, love wholeheartedly and protect what is dear.

Negative qualities: touchiness, pickiness, criticality, judgments based on personal sympathies.

Ways of self-expression

The mission of Cancer in the 1st house is to love, feed and heal both on the physical plane and on the spiritual plane. These are excellent psychologists, primary school teachers, doctors, nannies, nurses, astrologers, healers, children’s theater actors, cooks.

An emotional character requires self-expression on stage, in communication with a large number of people, so any field of activity where people can speak to their heart’s content, advise, treat and offer a way out of a difficult situation at the same time will work out the affected Moon. Such people are not only good teachers, but also salesmen.

If there is a negative aspect with Neptune, it is difficult for people with 1st house in the sign of Cancer to decide on a profession, they can try different specialties before finding their own. At the same time, publicity for the show is not the element of Cancers of the first house. They sacredly protect their families and personal lives from excessive attention, mainly because of the fear of criticism and envy.

Such individuals are
waiting for success in their country, so all hobbies related to the history of their native land, family genealogy, birth programs, as well as psychology and esotericism will help to become more confident and calm.

Style and colors of clothes

Cencers of the first house with a strong Moon love light shades: white, yellow, wheaten interspersed with gold or silver. This is a modest classic, because it is unpleasant for them to cause violent emotions in others, which they then feel with their whole body. Even with great opportunities, they will prefer a proven image of flamboyant extravagance, unless Venus is in Aquarius.

When the Moon is afflicted, individuals with 1 house in Cancer will choose a monochromatic style of dress: black, gray, rarely with a combination of white to blend in with the crowd. Women often copy the image of their mother, men the manner of her behavior.

Elaboration of the 1st house in the sign of Cancer

Those born in this position need to find their psychologist in order to work through childhood traumas and learn to defend themselves from the injustice and illogicality of the world. These people acutely perceive negative events, and external softness and compliance attract dominant aggressors to them so that they can finally pull out their inner strength and realize their capabilities. However, they do not need to fight in the style of Aries, the main thing is to gain inner support and confidence.

The 7th house here falls into the sign of Capricorn, which means that partners in love and business, as well as enemies, will be influential, strict and unemotional, which is very painful for Cancer of the 1st house. By learning to be equal with them, making the gift of empathy and selfless love their strength, not vulnerability, they will be able to raise their partner to a new level and give a powerful response to enemies.

The best talisman stones for the native will be: rock crystal, jet, blue agate, topaz, celestite.


Vasilisa Vishneva


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