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9th house in the sign of Virgo

The ninth house of the horoscope symbolizes the knowledge that helps people move forward towards the destination of the 10th house and more easily overcome the crises of the 8th. These are higher education, practical skills and religious insights. Through travel and contact with foreigners, they expand their worldview and learn to perceive the world as a multifaceted model.

The 9th house in Virgo creates seekers of truth who strive to put together a holistic puzzle of reality from the smallest details, sometimes not realizing that the big picture depends on the pieces they have chosen. The more attentive they are, the more beautiful the result will be. However, if something violates their plans, they look in despair at the puzzle scattered to the wind, not daring to put it back together. Jupiter, as the ruler of the 9th house, is here in symbolic imprisonment, so the psychological crisis covers you with your head when you try to rebuild the usual worldview.

Education and knowledge

Virgos of the Nine Houses are convinced that higher education and upbringing, following the example of royal families, open the way to a better life. Their brain is like a computer, they know how to follow the rules, but only those that have been selected after careful analytical work. They do not believe in a word, but compare the facts, try on their personal experience on them, and then decide whether to believe or not.

Despite such a practical approach, it is among the owners of the 9th house in Virgo that there are many theologians and priests who lead people to God thanks to a powerful evidence base. An excellent choice of profession for the owner of the horoscope will be jurisprudence, plastic and general surgery and dentistry, especially since Libra is located in the 10th house with ideas of justice, beauty and recognition in society. The desire to reach great heights through noble work also leads them to politics and insurance.

Success in studies depends on the position of Mercury. Of course, it will be more difficult for the owners of the planet in Pisces or Sagittarius than when it is in Virgo, Aquarius or Gemini. The main features of the influence of the 9th house in Virgo on study and destiny:

  • corrosive mind, good memory, ability to combine small details into a big picture, accuracy;
  • the ability to long and methodically perform routine work, systematizing the process;
  • low level of ambition, philosophical attitude to injustice and other people’s weaknesses;
  • obstacles cause joy and induce to consolidate forces in order to reach the top of the goal with diligence;
  • the desire to get a good education inspires them to study day and night, when they literally bite into the granite of science and become professionals of the highest category;
  • dogmatism, pettiness, tediousness arise with the affected retrograde Mercury and Venus in earth signs;
  • verbalism and pickiness wake up in a calm and reasonable native when working with a spiritual teacher, up to a showdown and quarrels with the best of intentions;
  • lack of large financial claims: they agree to hard work at a low price, if a useful project is interesting, they participate in charity, and they are ready to do science for free.

The owners of the 9th house in Virgo often have a desire to build their own housing after graduation, because before that the school and university were the second home for them.

Travel and religion

Such owners of the horoscope find it difficult to perceive a foreign culture and religion, because they cannot get out of the usual system of views and rise above the situation. Therefore, it is not easy for them to communicate with foreigners and it is better to limit themselves to business contacts for the benefit of a common cause, without going into details. Religion for them is akin to the work of clearing the Augean stables of consciousness, when it is necessary to free up as much free space as possible from sins and dark thoughts, and a conversation with a priest is similar to a visit to a psychologist.

The owners of the 9th house in Virgo often go on business trips. They save money on vacation, so the desire to see the world most often results in bus tours around Europe or a trip to a proven place by the sea. Unfamiliar cities and countries frighten cautious horoscope holders. Preference is given to the same hotel where they can go for years. If suddenly they still want to visit a new place, guidebooks and travel forums will be read by them from and to, and at the same time outlined.

Elaboration of the 9th house in Virgo

The main problem of the native is the lack of imagination, ambition and breadth of views on learning, travel and religion. It is not uncommon for nine-house Virgos to refuse to leave their native city at all out of economy, lack of interest in other cultures, or fear.

Possessing many talents and not appreciating themselves in a worthy way, they lose the opportunity to make a brilliant career and make capital. It is necessary to leave the comfort zone in stages, every day or at least a week to make a bold act, showing the world all the value. This could be a presentation, a trip to another city, an account on a new social network, or learning a foreign language.

It is important to understand that any religion leads to God. Remaining within the framework of the usual worldview, they can calmly and respectfully treat the beliefs of other people.

Since the worldview of the nine-house Virgo is based on a prestigious and high-quality education, they should choose a university very carefully, because any failures on the way to a diploma are perceived as a real tragedy.

The energy of talisman stones will help the native to discover talents and get rid of shyness. For the 9th house in Virgo, emerald, peridot, sultanite and jadeite are ideal.

Vasilisa Vishneva

Celebrities with the 9th House in Virgo:


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