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Midheaven (MC, Meridian) in the sign of Capricorn

The point of the Meridian passing through the top of the 10th house, the Midheaven, in Capricorn puts the seal of the great mission on people. They seek to reach the highest rung of the social ladder and are sometimes so obsessed with a career that they turn into  callous egoists.

The vocation of the owners of the MC in Capricorn is to be  respected members of society, for which they are ready to be subordinate for some time, fulfilling the requirements of  superiors and strengthening their reputation in order to fly up later. These are practitioners who outwardly observe the rules of the game, holding the ace of spades up their sleeves.

The main thing is to perpetuate a name, create a brand and create something tangible and solid. For this, the MC carriers in Capricorn can patiently wait for years and work tirelessly, limiting personal material needs. Such inner confidence is transmitted to others, an example of this is Martin Luther King, in whose chart the Sun on the Meridian in Capricorn made people bewitched to listen to every word, which made him an authoritative leader of the Civil Rights movement and a world celebrity.

Features of a psychological portrait

People with MC in Capricorn are helped by two dominant planets: Saturn – to endure difficulties and stubbornly go towards the intended goal, using the support of patrons, and Uranus – to be inspired by freedom and independence to create their own business. The public recognition achieved by these owners of the MC in Capricorn will be incredibly lasting, and will even remain in the memory of centuries, as happened with Alexander the Great.

The characteristic features of individuals with which the MC in Capricorn endows:

  • thirst for approval from people who are authoritative for them;
  • pragmatism, responsibility, dogmatism, commitment to work ethics;
  • choosing a wise mentor or influencer as a role model in adolescence;
  • painful experience of error and fear of failure, low self-esteem, shyness;
  • lack of flexibility and adherence to the once chosen course, high moral principles.

The opposite point of the Meridian in Capricorn is in Cancer. Such individuals need warm emotional care at home and the love and dedication of family members to balance the limitations of Saturn with the bold innovation of Uranus. Weak imagination and emotional restraint also require constant development. Travel to other countries will help this, despite the very restrained interest of them in a change of scenery.

Professional preferences

An increased sense of responsibility forces the holders of the Meridian in Capricorn to study for a long time, delving into the details of the skill, and then hesitate with taking office for fear of not meeting the expectations of the leadership. They cannot be subordinated to  less intelligent and educated leaders – a conflict will occur. Success inspires and transforms individuals: along with the recognition of authoritative people, they turn from  closed workaholics to  generous, liberal and sociable bosses who, however, will not tolerate lazy and slow-witted in the workplace.

When working through Saturn and Uranus, it reaches high positions much faster in areas related to the management of the world order:

  • political and military activities – rulers, military leaders, ministers, officials, senior military officials;
  • industry – textile, leather, footwear, woodworking, mining – directors of enterprises, managers, artisans;
  • construction – foremen, miners, miners, technical engineers, architects;
  • agriculture and forestry – farmers, agronomists, flower growers, plowmen, farmers, well diggers, surveyors;
  • research work – geologists, geographers, historians, economists, sociologists, cartographers;
  • financial sphere – bankers, insurance agents, financial directors of enterprises, usurers;
  • art – documentary writers, stage directors, sculptors.

These owners of the Meridian in Capricorn is inspired not by the prospect of a luxurious life, but by power. Therefore, sometimes they prefer to be  “gray eminences”, controlling the puppets from behind the screen, and do not attract undue attention to themselves.

Influence of the Ascendant and the planets near Meridian

People with MC in Capricorn sometimes do not even know about endurance and the ability to endure the blows of fate, moving towards the goal, especially if their Ascendant is in the sign of Aries. Fiery energy gives charisma a revolutionary who knows how to implement constructively thought-out ideas into reality.

Ascendant in Taurus adds conservatism and dogmatism, but at the same time gives excellent organizational skills and a friendly attitude towards employees, the ability to appreciate the graceful form of presenting completed tasks. An ascending sign in Pisces contributes to the exaggeration of personal significance for others: people are afraid to take the wrong step so as not to tarnish their reputation and waits, instead of taking decisive actions.

The position of the Ascendant in the signs of Air is favorable, giving the necessary lightness to the pragmatic Capricorn, as well as the presence of the Sun and Mercury at 10-15 degrees from the Midheaven, helping to pursue a career in the intellectual spheres. The presence of Mars gives success in the military field, and Neptune slows down professional implementation with a distorted vision of reality.

Vasilisa Vishneva

Celebrities with the Midheaven in Capricorn:


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