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Saturn in the sign of Taurus

The planet, named after the ancient Greek god Kronos, symbolizes the relentlessness of time. Saturn is not cruel, it is the same law for everyone: the need to maintain discipline, accuracy in the performance of duties. Practicality and a reasonable approach must be developed for the sign, where the planet of power and order is located.

In Taurus, Saturn is supported by the elements of the Earth and friendly Venus, but the position is far from the ease of being. The native needs to form a stable value system, create a foundation for productive work, which is difficult to do due to the slowness and caution of Taurus. Greed, secrecy, conservatism and dependence on tasty, unhealthy food are pain points at the lowest and middle level of human development. Higher powers help those who accumulate energy, useful information for building a personal system of success on the way to the goal.

The influence of Saturn in Taurus on fate

Time in the kingdom of Venus and Chiron goes slowly, so people in this position are in no hurry, moving towards the fulfillment of many points of the personal plan. The wards of terrestrial Saturn are born organizers who have a good sense of the structure of the team. It is easy for them to fit into the existing set of rules, from the dress code to the observance of the chain of command. In the position of chief, they themselves establish the laws that everyone must follow.

The goal is to gain a solid position in society, wealth and real estate. With a harmonious strong Saturn, this is easily accomplished by the age of 30. When the planet is damaged, envy, stinginess, lasciviousness develop, but the native skillfully hides all passions and vices from others, as well as painful experiences.

It is necessary to find a middle ground when throwing from one extreme to another: restrictions on spending and nutrition for the sake of great goals, or, conversely, insatiability in love and food. To do this, people need to know the main lines of influence of Saturn in Taurus on fate and character:

  • endurance, patience, restraint, perseverance and stubbornness, decisiveness, phlegmatism and the habit of hiding true emotions;
  • leadership in secondary roles, preferring to be a deputy leader or a freelance artist with their own rules and daily routine;
  • striving for financial reliability in work and emotional calmness in relationships (especially when located in the 7th house );
  • the ability to create an eternal and strong even from a business destroyed to the ground, to recreate a family business, a family estate, to renew a bankrupt enterprise;
  • energy potential is revealed in farming, gardening, real estate trade, banking;
  • the desire to provide oneself with a dignified and comfortable old age encourages from youth to save money for the future, even at the cost of an ascetic existence.

The dangerous time of the native falls on the 9th, 14th, 25th and 32nd years of life. It can be diseases of the throat and respiratory tract, rock falls in the mountains, attacks of large animals.

Saturn in Taurus

Personal life of Saturn in Taurus

Earthly Saturnians are reliable and faithful companions in life, who carefully plan their family budget. Their partners can be sure that they will not be left without a caviar sandwich and annual trips to the sea. Men, however, are caring and affectionate on the condition of stable cash earnings. If there are problems with finances, they become aggressive and stingy to the extreme. Women in such a situation prefer to choose a rich sponsor and, at his expense, develop their own business, or be supported.

The owners of Saturn in Taurus are generous and strive for spiritual growth only with a stable financial situation. Otherwise, the fear of remaining poor and defenseless pushes them to reckless actions and raises a storm of negativity in their souls. Therefore, they are in no hurry to get married, trying to make a career, save money and acquire their own housing.

Even girls with earthly Saturn get married, as a rule, after 30 years. In personal life, they rarely reveal their souls to a partner, keeping silent about difficulties at work and emotional experiences. An exception would be the presence of an ascending water sign or the location of the Moon and Venus in the signs of Pisces and Cancer. The most difficult thing is to get along with a Saturnian who has an Ascendant in Virgo and Capricorn or Saturn in Taurus in the 7th house.

Important aspects with other planets

With favorable aspects with Venus and the Moon,  people with Saturn in the sign of Taurus become incredibly charming, despite the slowness and secrecy. The combination of the planets enhances gender qualities, making the stronger sex emphatically masculine, and the ladies feminine and soft. Such individuals reveal themselves in close communication as sensitive and attentive interlocutors. Tense aspects leave no chance for mutual understanding. Rigidity, categoricalness, unwillingness to compromise dominate the character.

For career success and the accumulation of wealth, a harmonious aspect with Jupiter, helping to lead people and organize their own business, will be of great help. A good connection with Mars will help to show determination in achieving the goal, and also bode well in the field of agriculture and handicrafts. The support of Mercury relieves the slowness of speech and adds personal charm in business negotiations. Decorations with demantoid (green garnet) and diopside (Siberian emerald) will help to strengthen the positive qualities of Saturn in Taurus.

Additional description

People born with Saturn under the sign of Taurus in the natal chart are very persistent in achieving their goals. Sometimes they are too preoccupied with material goods and the desire to stock up as much as possible for the notorious “rainy day”. They tend to pay too much attention to material goods, which give them a sense of security and if this goes too far, they become stingy and unhappy due to constant concern about the future and their prosperity. Such people need to reconsider their values ​​and understand what can really provide them with true security.

On the other hand, being at the same time tireless workers and possessing patiences, caution, determination, discipline and organizational skills, they do not leave the distance when the people around them are defeated. Hard work is their forte, and their feelings are serious and well controlled, but not easy to change and sometimes forgiving and forgetting can be quite difficult for them. Loyalty is very important for people with Saturn in Taurus. The construction of structures that have a continuation is the need that prevails in them.

Vasilisa Vishneva

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