Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces > Moon Astrology

Transit Moon in Aquarius – the explosive spirit of freedom

The Transit Moon, walking along the constellation of Aquarius in the kingdom of Uranus – the lord of unexpected changes and original self-expression, opens the gateway of freedom, which will take your breath away. The desire to change annoying living conditions, work, to try something new, including personal relationships, excites the blood, increasing nervousness and emotional intensity. Everyday affairs are annoying, dreams of grandiose future events distract attention from the business process: mistakes and miscalculations are possible.

People begin to believe in the possibility of magic, interest in supernatural things awakens. Communication with astrologers, immersion in esotericism, yoga and meditation, in order to change fate, will help to cope with the longing for a miracle. Close contact with the subconscious and knowledgeable people helps to make spiritual discoveries, to understand how to apply a heap of innovative ideas in practice.

The danger is out of touch with reality and abrupt actions that fatally change fate: to distribute money to those in need and go to a monastery, sell an apartment and travel around the world, file for divorce. What appears to be correct on a transit moon in Aquarius often turns out to be a castle of illusion. It is better to write down alluring plans and think it over carefully.

Career and finance

It depends on the level of spiritual development whether a series of incidents, ridiculous situations, “setups” on the part of employees, or a lucky chance will lead to an extraordinary takeoff. Success comes to those who are able to think creatively, break stereotypes with a new strategy when performing tasks and personal behavior. When going through an interview, it is advisable to be remembered by the employer for bold and unconventional judgments, add bright blue and purple tones to business clothes.

The Transiting Moon in Aquarius is supportive of activities in the areas:

  • mass media, Internet resources;
  • design bureau, scientific and technical industry;
  • theater, cinema, directing, screenwriting;
  • PR technologies, politics, international relations.

It will be difficult for financiers and accountants accustomed to dry statistics. A thorough, correct person can be easily bypassed on a career line by a freelancer with a sudden brilliant idea.

Partners and colleagues may be late, and fate often throws up emergency situations like a stuck elevator and an accident, especially with negative aspects of the transit moon in Aquarius. Office equipment breaks down in the midst of a workflow, so it doesn’t hurt to check it in advance. Cash receipts appear unexpectedly in the form of a bonus or reward, or they are absent.

Love and health

In relationships, friendship comes to the fore. The love that flared up these days will not last on passion alone, without warm trust, common interests and, most importantly, secrets. Joint study of esotericism, visiting places of power will bring hearts closer together faster than communication in a cafe.

The desire to bind a partner with deliberate obligations, a reminder of responsibility and performing routine duties will lead to a strong crack in feelings and it will be difficult to get rid of it. There is a desire to attract the attention of the object of passion with eccentricities and outrageous antics – a million scarlet roses, a date in a cave or a flight on a hang glider.

On the transit moon in Aquarius, the nervous system, eyes and legs are very vulnerable. If you do not control your emotional state, there is a high probability of getting into a mess or being in the epicenter of a scandal.

You can treat and examine:

  • heart, veins, blood vessels (except for the eye);
  • chest area, spine, lower back;
  • chest, female organs (up to the operation of tumors);
  • inflammatory formations, cracks, spurs on the legs;
  • teeth (filling, removal), jaw.

It is important for children to feel the attention of friends, to communicate with pleasant people with the same interests. If creative impulses have just appeared, it’s time to formalize them into something material by visiting a circle or a theater studio. Birthday parties with a large number of guests are especially fun on the Aquarian Moon.

Favorable and negative period

With negative aspects with Mars , Saturn , Uranus, astrologers are advised to exclude contacts with household appliances, to refuse to repair electrical appliances so as not to become a victim of an electric shock. It is also better to forget about air travel, be careful while driving and not engage in polemics with aggressive strangers.

On the transit moon in Aquarius it is safe to do:

  • self-education – intellectual and psychological trainings;
  • the development of extrasensory abilities and intuition;
  • visiting exotic restaurants, water parks;
  • meet friends, make presentations to attract sponsors;
  • cultural and sports events;
  • organization of celebrations and celebrations – anniversaries, weddings, engagements;
  • the sale of land, metal, stones, the purchase of gadgets, computers, electronics (only with several favorable aspects);
  • purchase of new housing, global relocation;
  • weeding the beds, decorating the summer cottage.

It is better to postpone the transition to a new job and position, planting seedlings and flowers. The handling of gas requires special care. On the transit moon in Aquarius, there are more frequent cases of explosions and riots.

Vasilisa Vishneva


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