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1st house in the sign of Leo

The natal chart begins with the physical and emotional characteristics of natives, represented by the 1st house. Everything is visible here: under what conditions they were born, their spontaneous reactions to events and people, habits, desired social role, talents and lifestyle. The ascendant and cusp of the 1st house may not coincide, therefore, in order to understand internal motives, it is important to accurately determine the desired sign.

Leo endows such individuals  with a regal appearance and an imperious character. The brighter the Sun is represented, the stronger these qualities are expressed. These are leaders and commanders, but depending on the positions of the Moon and Venus, they can be generous patrons or dictators. In any case, the main measure of quality in life will be personal tastes and preferences. Happiness, if the level of culture of these individuals themselves is high, because any injustice will be followed by karmic retribution.

Birth conditions

1 house in Leo means that the whole family is waiting for the birth of a child. Mom is observed in a private clinic or there is an agreement on paid childbirth in comfortable conditions. Expensive toys, a bed, clothes of famous brands were bought in advance. Births occur on time, all relatives are happy, arrange a holiday, bring gifts.

However, if the Sun is overshadowed by negative accents, conflicts with the father and the struggle between parents for the child, the choice of a maternity hospital, a name, as well as quarrels with relatives are possible.

Image in the eyes of others

The strength of the manifestation of the imperious and unceremonious nature of the primordial Leo depends on the position of the Sun. If it is in Libra, Virgo, Capricorn, then people will think and hesitate for a long time before making decisions, and appearances in society, speaking to the public and on stage, will bring them less joy than the owners of the Sun in Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius, where the fiery and airy elements are manifested in a passionate desire to shine and attract attention.

Such individuals usually have a noticeable appearance, lush hair, broad shoulders, regal posture, but most importantly – high conceit and confidence in their chosenness.

Even if the talents are in their infancy, the primordial Leos believe that they were born to rule and command, which at this stage causes a lot of protests from others who surpass them in intelligence and talent, given that the 7th house in Aquarius attracts freedom-loving and diversified enemies.

For a complete victory, Leos will have to work on themselves, revealing their creative and pedagogical abilities, and most importantly, democracy and liberalism, which is difficult to do for proud natures.

Positive qualities of the 1st house in Leo: optimism, the ability to find a solution to any situation and speak on an equal footing with government officials, leadership inclinations, artistry, teacher talent, courage, loyalty to the word.

Negative qualities: pride, selfishness, narcissism, stubbornness, hypertrophied ambition, division of people into castes, the habit of shooting from the hip without thinking about the consequences.

Ways of self-expression

Leos of the 1st house  live as if the cameras of all the TV channels of the world are directed at them. They carry their personality into the light, graciously accepting compliments and admiration, while disgusted by crude flattery, but inspired by the sincere joy of fans.

Men and women with 1 house in Leo need to play several social roles to the maximum, so they most often achieve a lot: influential bosses, brilliant actors, caring, albeit ambitious for children, parents. Everything they undertake, they try to do 100%, because they feel that the world is looking at them.

It is contraindicated for them to sit at home, they must be in the world: receptions, political and social events, weddings, birthdays, children’s creative festivals, just fun festivities with friends. Professions are also better to choose with the opportunity to be in public: politics, sports, teaching, art, management, marketing.

Style and colors of clothing

It is vital for men and women with 1 house in Leo to dress beautifully and brightly. If Venus, the Sun and Mars have many squares and oppositions, this desire develops into excessive hanging with jewels, clown makeup for women, obsession with appearance in men: they dye their hair, eyebrows, wear gold chains. However, to show everyone the upper class is such a deep need that it cannot be resisted. It is better to buy 1 expensive branded item than a hundred bright cheap colors, wear gold with small diamonds than imitation precious metals. Image style: classic, romanticism, sports. The color of success is yellow, orange, burgundy, scarlet.

Elaboration of the 1st house in Leo

The main sin of such individuals is egocentrism. They do not think about other people’s feelings and interests, do not choose words, enjoy trampling competitors into dust, although an alliance with them would bring much more benefit to society.

The ability to manage emotions, to separate a personal attitude towards a person from communication on business and at work, not to break loose at subordinates if there are problems at home, to give up the pleasure of humiliating and to feel one’s power gives a powerful study of the 1st house in Leo. It is necessary to develop objectivity in oneself, to act in justice, to grow inner wisdom.

The second direction is creative growth. Even if the work is not related to something artistic, it is important to have a hobby: dancing, drawing, singing. It is perfect to maintain a personal blog in social networks, where the main actor is the primordial Leo.

The best talismans for the native will be chrysolite, sunstone, amber, yellow diamonds, topazes, citrines.

Vasilisa Vishneva


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