The 11th house is opposite to the 5th, but is its logical continuation. Passionate love, the creative expression of the ego, money as energy, rises to a higher level in the mental realm of Uranus in the expulsion of the Sun. This is expressed in the idea of equality and the ability to pour one’s talents into a common cause, to prove oneself in a team without opposing society, and to receive even greater financial returns, fame and joy from this. Friends and colleagues are guides in this difficult matter. They help to profit from the realization of the purpose of the 10th field of the horoscope.
The 11th house in Taurus portends constant, loyal friends, however, it is possible that their sympathies directly depend on the financial stability of the owners of the house. More money, more comrades, and vice versa: they use monetary assets to implement their projects, gaining fame. That is why they carefully choose friends and environment of successful and prosperous associates.
Friendship and social activity
In any team, the owners of the 11th house in Taurus strive to take a cozy place on a soft sofa and with a good view in order to comfortably study others. It is difficult to move them from their established position, and even more so to give them a load of tasks on a par with the rest. They charmingly dodge unnecessary work, not forgetting to remind that they are the foundation on which everything rests.
Friendship is obtained mainly with women, whose sympathetic patronage helps to stay in a high position with minimal involvement in the process. But if Venus is afflicted, then there is not enough confidence to refuse.
The fear of losing stability makes such individuals reluctantly take on collective tasks and plow in the field of the common harvest. If this is rewarded, then there will be no problems, but in case of injustice and lack of recognition of merit, sooner or later they will buckle up, happily throwing off the yoke. They will arrange a grandiose scandal and will regret stability, but secretly recall with pleasure their courage.
General features of the influence of the 11th house in Taurus on the native:
- the charm of a close relative, pragmatism, self-confidence;
- attraction to the rich and successful, they can intentionally avoid communicating with insecure peers, even if they are kind and smart, and run after the owners of branded things and cars;
- sympathy for artists: singers, composers, artists;
- attracting rich friends to produce and fully finance their projects, the ability to persuade, involve in an adventure or prove the reality of future profits;
- the habit of considering friends as their personal property, jealousy or even envy of their success (when Venus is struck);
- the desire to help and support comrades financially if the planet of love is harmonious, and especially when it is in the signs of Pisces, Taurus and Cancer;
- promising friends, from wealthy sections of society, homeowners or owners of family businesses, as well as representatives of the creative intelligentsia.
It is equally difficult for the owners of the 11th house in Taurus to find their place in a small team and a large-scale society. They are trying not to leave their comfort zone and at the same time ensure a comfortable, even luxurious existence, without realizing that they need to work for this. There is a risk of using other people for their own selfish purposes.
Dreams and money
Of course, finance in the understanding of the owners of the horoscope is an integral part of happiness. They can accept a talented poor employee into their social circle, taking into account that later he will be able to earn huge sums for them or develop the business so that it itself begins to make a profit. However, if personally the bearers of the 11th house in Taurus do not benefit from a poor but smart person, they will cross him out of the list. If they themselves are from a poor family, they will begin to actively seek patrons and sponsors in order to fulfill their main dreams:
- a small enterprise, for example, an atelier, a beauty salon, a bank, a jewelry company or shop, household goods, textiles (sales and production);
- creative workshop, wedding agency, spa;
- eco-goods, cosmetics shop, cafe, repair service.
They want their business to bring a stable profit, and they themselves can enjoy life, benefiting from it. For example, eat in their own restaurant, do procedures in their own beauty salon, be a brand to themselves.
Elaboration of the 11th house in Taurus
People with the 11th house in the sign of Taurus should develop a spiritual understanding of friendship and not dwell only on the material goods that friends have, but be interested in them as individuals. Preference in communication should be given to talented people, to study with them, to expand the horizons of the worldview.
Getting into a new team, they need to show the best qualities of Taurus: ease of communication, charm, the ability to create an atmosphere of comfort and coziness in the workplace, for example, treat everyone with homemade dishes, arrange birthdays and corporate parties, at least take care of organizing financial moments for which others will be grateful.
If Venus is struck, they need to develop self-worth and self-love, so as not to become a bull on which everyone who is not lazy plows. This will help the mascot stones of the 11th house in Taurus – turquoise, pink tourmaline and tanzanite.
Celebrities with the 11th House in Taurus:
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