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The first phase of the moon is the best time to accomplish

The waxing moon is a thin crescent in the firmament, which will grow and enlarge in the future. After the New Moon and its adverse effect on the human body, with the growth of the Moon, everything begins to change. A person ceases to feel oppression, is filled with new energy of the earthly satellite, so one can experience a rush of euphoria after prolonged stagnation during the birth of the Moon. Astrologers recommend starting new businesses during the first lunar phase, right up to the Full Moon – at this time you are guaranteed to be successful.
The first phase of the moon

At this time, do not limit yourself to physical work, sports activities and so on. This is not just a recommendation – it is a vital necessity, because with the growth of the moon, the supply of energy in the human body increases, so it is very important to release it in the right direction. It will come out anyway, so here are two ways to implement it:

  1. Spend the accumulated energy on the implementation of household chores, work or hobbies;
  2. Restrain it, and ultimately throw it out in the form of anger on your loved ones.

Aggression during the first phase of the moon

The first phase of the moonThose who do not channel the energy stored in the body may experience bouts of rage or aggression. As a rule, they manifest themselves in communication, when the interlocutor or even you feel an unexpected surge of anger and simply break down. It is very important to treat such manifestations in yourself and other people with understanding, especially if these are your loved ones. In addition, you can help them release their anger, and there are several ways to do this:

  • Active recreation – a trip to nature or a trip to the stadium, to the gym can be an excellent solution to the problem. Play active games or go for a run, thus throwing out the accumulated energy.
  • Hobbies – full dedication to your favorite business will help get rid of aggression, in addition, in the process of work, new ideas or goals may appear, the achievement of which will be given all your free time.
  • Creativity – to create a creative masterpiece requires a lot of strength and energy. Therefore, mental work is perhaps the main way to get rid of the energy accumulated under the influence of the moon in the first phase.

What can you do?

Astrologers recommend during this period to be active and purposeful, if you do not yet have a goal, it's time to set it and start walking towards it. In addition, you can do the following things:

  • Planning and achieving goals . Time in the first period of the young moon is best spent planning goals or projects, as well as moving to their implementation. You have more than enough time to implement your settings, up to the decrease of the lunar cycle.
  • Work and business . Businessmen who have entered into business agreements on these days are guaranteed to receive success at the end of the project or transaction. It's not just business people and entrepreneurs who will succeed, but it's time for office workers to push for promotions and promotions.
  • Weddings . The marriages that were concluded during this period are supposed to be bright, active, but not always long. Therefore, if you like to live a measured and calm life, do not rush to appoint a wedding in the first period of the growing moon.
  • Investments . The time of the first period of the waxing moon is the best time for investing money, in projects or playing on the stock exchange. However, do without fanaticism in solutions and do not invest in frankly “dead” projects.


In conclusion, we can say that after the New Moon , a person's mood changes, the emotional background begins to improve, immunity increases, and physical strength is in full swing. You can shake yourself up after the period of stagnation caused by the birth of the moon, set goals and go to them. It is very important to realize the accumulating energy so that it does not harm you and your loved ones.


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