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Aspects of the Moon and Neptune

Moon conjunct Neptune

You have an indefatigable imagination and the ability to visualize your dreams and fantasies into reality, if, of course, you can make the certain efforts necessary for this. You are truly a dreamer, determined to be in a world of illusion and mystery – you go into your own little world to escape from the hustle and bustle of this world. You must be extremely careful not to get bogged down in it, neglecting your earthly duties and responsibilities. Constantly running away from the problem will not get rid of them. You are sympathetic, compassionate, affectionate, kind, and very sensitive to heartwarming stories. You need to develop self-control of your emotions and imagination.

You can feel the pain and grief of others while trying to help those you can. You are quite passive and it is quite difficult for you to participate in the struggle or stand up for yourself, even if it is just necessary. You definitely need to learn how to assert your rights. You have aptitude for the occult arts and may even have prophetic dreams. You have great intuition and you can quite trust her if you develop the habit of really listening and responding to her signals. You should avoid any negative spiritual practices, such as fortune telling, hypnosis, psychics or mediums – this will be detrimental to you. You have psychic abilities, but there is no reason to turn to these practices.

It is likely that you lack the necessary willpower to resist temptation, so it would be wise for you to avoid them completely rather than put yourself in difficult situations. You instantly absorb the emotional state of people and situations with which you surround yourself, so choose a positive environment that will improve you, and not lead to degradation. Religious music touches your soul and you associate it with a voice from a real home. There is the possibility of introversion and self-indulgence. You have a strong attraction and talent for art and music, as well as photography, dance and drama. At times, you become discouraged with others because of your tendency to idealize the people you love.
Aspects of the Moon and Neptune

Moon in harmony with Neptune

You have a rich imagination, strong intuition and are very receptive. You are gentle, kind, romantic, sympathetic and compassionate. You are always ready to listen to other people's problems and do not judge people for what they did. You are idealistic, inspirational, and emotionally self-actualizing through art, be it painting, music, dance or drama. You may be interested in photography or something related to the sea. You are able to sacrifice your own needs if it helps others. You are very creative and have a constant need to express yourself in order to stay emotionally balanced.

You have an interest in metaphysics and occult science, as well as abilities in this area, even if they are currently at rest. You are especially susceptible to fluctuations in your environment, so you should pay special attention to the people and situations with which you surround yourself. The beauty and harmony of your surroundings has a very powerful effect on your emotions. You will do your best to keep the peace, avoid confrontation, and make everyone happy. You give, sparing no effort and your time to help others, and in this regard you are completely disinterested. You have a great need to help others. There is a possibility of prophetic dreams.

Inharmonious aspects of the Moon with Neptune

From the problems and pressure of the real world, you escape into the world of your fantasies and imaginations. You must be extremely careful not to get bogged down in it, neglecting your earthly duties and responsibilities. Constantly running away from the problem will not get rid of them. You are sympathetic, compassionate, affectionate, kind, and very sensitive to heartwarming stories. It is necessary to develop self-control of your emotions and imagination.

You are quite passive, and it is quite difficult for you to participate in the struggle or stand up for yourself, even if it is just necessary. You definitely need to learn how to assert your rights. You have great intuition and you can quite trust it if you develop the habit of really listening and reacting. You should avoid any negative spiritual practices, such as fortune telling, hypnosis, psychics or mediums – this will be detrimental to you. You have psychic abilities, but there is no reason to turn to these practices.

It is likely that you lack the necessary willpower to resist temptation, so it would be wise for you to avoid them completely rather than put yourself in difficult situations. You instantly absorb the emotional state of people and situations with which you surround yourself, so choose a positive environment that will improve you, and will not lead to degradation. There is the possibility of introversion and self-indulgence. At times, you become discouraged with those around you because of your tendency to idealize the people you love.

Lying, using drugs or alcohol can become a habit. You may have trouble distinguishing reality from an imaginary and illusory world. You do not like confrontation, and you try to avoid problems in your personal life, running away into your fantasies, and avoid dealing with them directly. You are quite gullible and naive about people, especially if you like them. You must learn to separate truth from untruth and overcome your emotional sensitivity. Because of your intense sensitivity, when you are upset or hurt, you can lie to resolve the situation.

Your emotional sensitivity does not always allow you to discern whether others are telling you the truth or not, so you can be easily deceived without much effort on their part. You are too easily hurt. A deep sense of insecurity and inferiority can make you withdraw into a fantasy world. Your confusion sometimes leads to a misunderstanding of what has been said and makes you feel pain and rejection. Deception is possible both on the part of other people and your own fantasies.


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