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Moon and aspects

The moon is a transmitter of sensations, emotions. It reigns in the spheres of the soul and subconsciousness, innate reflexes and habits that come from childhood.

Aspects of the Moon determine the daily lifestyle of people, affect their health, relationships with others. They control the maternal nature of women and the feelings of men associated with the opposite sex.

Influence of aspects of the moon on human nature and destiny

Strong Moon and positive connections

The energy flows of the planets merge into a single whole, as a result of which the personality traits reinforce each other. The influence of conjunction is especially intense in the area of ​​feelings.

Lifestyle, career, family relationships, creativity, plans for the future, leisure – all these areas are dominated by an emotional approach. Subconscious impulses and complexes formed in childhood play an important role in solving everyday problems.

Harmonious connections give fruitful energy and peace of mind.

Struck Moon

The afflicted (“evil”) connection personifies everyday difficulties. A dilemma often arises: hard work or eternal deprivation.

Childhood can be clouded by conflicts with the mother, divorce, or the death of parents. In personal life, people deprived of maternal love are subject to outbursts of jealousy, tyranny, and cruelty. Men tend to see women as the cause of all their troubles.
Aspects of the Moon

Harmonious aspects

People quickly forget troubles, adapt without problems to any life conditions. Kind aspects mean a happy childhood, great relationships with parents, spouses, children, the ability to fully relax. Another gift is their extraordinary ability for various types of learning.

But there are also pitfalls. Ones who easily forget their own pain cannot be expected to provide true comfort in difficult situations.

A man of a harmonious Moon is inclined to idealize others, to embellish reality. Another catch is the lack of a firm position in life.

Tense aspects

geocult-luna-3fSince the planets stand against each other, like duelists, the personality is woven from contradictions and paradoxes. People can go ahead to the intended goal, and then suddenly become disillusioned with it and devote themselves to activities that they previously fiercely criticized. Their obsession and inconsistency provokes a sharp protest from others.

Throwing in opposite directions may be accompanied by outbursts of irritation, neuroses. Failure to relax and rest increases the risk of psychosomatic disorders.

The tendency to blame loved ones for their failures and mistakes creates conflicts in their personal life.

If the cause of the family discord is a man’s subconscious dislike of women in general, it will be very difficult to gain mutual understanding.

Strong national and social prejudices also interfere with happiness and peace of mind.

There are positive aspects to the tense aspects as well. A life without ups and downs can turn into a routine that carries with it boredom and dissatisfaction; at the same time, a person is devoid of the ability to resist. But overcoming obstacles hardens character, teaches to achieve the implementation of their plans. The hardships of the path add to the sweetness of victory.

In any case, the ability to manage one’s own emotions and energy, objective self-esteem can reduce the influence of the planet straining the moon and bring a person closer to finding peace of mind.




0 °

Moon – Sun
Moon – Mercury
Moon – Jupiter
Moon – Venus
Moon – Mars
Moon – Saturn
Moon – Uranus
Moon – Neptune
Moon – Pluto
Moon- Ascendant


60 °

Moon – Sun
Moon – Mercury
Moon – Venus
Moon – Mars
Moon – Jupiter
Moon – Saturn
Moon – Uranus
Moon – Neptune
Moon – Pluto
Moon – Ascendant


90 °

Moon – Sun
Moon – Mercury
Moon – Venus
Moon – Mars
Moon – Jupiter
Moon – Saturn
Moon – Pluto
Moon – Neptune
Moon – Uranus
Moon – Ascendant


120 °

Moon – Sun
Moon – Mercury
Moon – Venus
Moon – Mars
Moon – Jupiter
Moon – Saturn
Moon – Neptune
Moon – Uranus
Moon – Pluto
Moon – Ascendant


180 °

Moon – Sun
Moon – Mercury
Moon – Jupiter
Moon – Mars
Moon – Venus
Moon – Saturn
Moon – Neptune
Moon – Uranus
Moon – Pluto
Moon – Ascendant


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