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Trigon Venus-Pluto. Looking for fabulous love

Trigon (trine) is a favorable aspect that connects the planets of one element. This helps the energies flow in one direction, removing obstacles to the affairs of the homes where they are. The ease and speed of the execution of goals are more characteristic of the union of friendly planets that support each other.

In the Venus-Pluto trine, there is no such unity, they are antagonists, and therefore contradictions and difficulties arise in fate and character. The desire to love selflessly and passionately, dissolving in the feelings of an unusual, but necessarily worthy person, coexists with egoism, the imposition of one’s opinion and the remaking of the beloved for personal interests and worldview.

Possibilities of the Venus-Pluto trigon

Under the influence of the aspect, the native becomes incredibly photogenic. If you see the carrier of the Venus-Pluto trine in a photo or video, you will not be able to forget. This is a definite plus when choosing an acting profession. Men and women prefer an unusual, austere and provocative style at the same time.

The second plus of the Venus-Pluto trine is the ease of getting money literally from heaven, especially if the 2nd and 8th houses are affected .

Luck in the acquisition of real estate, the conclusion of transactions, successful employment is based on personal charm and charisma. Among the many candidates for the position, the native is chosen not for professional qualities, but simply because he likes it. Magnetism and artistry help to make a brilliant career in show business, if they affect the 5th and 10th houses , but also in trade: from a salesman to a financial tycoon. Success also awaits in the organization of cultural and artistic events and festivals. However, this will require the maximum use of all the possibilities of the trigon (trine) Venus-Pluto:

  • diplomacy, artistry, magical emotional impact on the interlocutor;
  • striving for spiritual unity in marriage, friendship, business, mutual benefit and enrichment;
  • self-expression through art – theater, painting, sculpture, fashion, cinema, video blogs;
  • talent as a leader and innovator, a desire for change and reconstruction in the workplace;
  • the ability to change people’s lives both for the better and for the worse through their charisma and hobbies;
  • sexual attraction and the need for pleasure, the tendency to overeat closer to old age.

Holders of the Venus-Pluto trine often play a fatal or fateful role for other people, and sometimes they do not even know about it. The secret passion of a classmate who was afraid to confess his feelings and later remained lonely or, conversely, the desire to become like a bright successful native are key examples of such influence.

Love and family under the Venus-Pluto trigon

The aspect attunes the ward to eternal love for one partner. As a rule, these are monogamous, which does not prevent them from being ladies’ men and meeting different people in their youth, but this is just a search for their soul mate in a variety of types. Having met the love of life, the native will no longer part with it and will become a faithful companion.

As soon as a woman with the Venus-Pluto trigon enters the room, the eyes of men will be riveted to her. Even without possessing classical beauty, she awakens fatal passions.

The aspect does not directly affect the stronger sex, manifesting itself more through the image of a wife. This is a harbinger of a self-sufficient and wealthy wife who works in a bank and is fond of esotericism. For a man, the Venus-Pluto trine is a sign of easy earnings and receiving material things as a gift. He may be supported by a rich woman, or the boss will reward a great job with a car or apartment.

The family life of a monogamous person with a similar aspect is not cloudless. Constant joint stay with a karmic partner strikes sparks of quarrels and conflicts. The marriage will last long if you practice separate rest.

Practical application of the Venus-Pluto trigon

The native’s main motivation on the path to success is a happy love story with a bright, intelligent and interesting partner. Falling in love, the owner of the Venus-Pluto trine is ready to move mountains and amazes with sparkling energy and charm. Without a strong feeling of emptiness and the absence of the need to develop systematically, the talents inherent in nature are nullified.

It is necessary to separate personal life from purpose and not fall into depression due to the forced loneliness. This will help creativity, visiting iconic cultural events: concerts, festivals and necessarily – fruitful work to your liking.

Holders of the Venus-Pluto trine intuitively guess about their ability to control other people’s emotions and behavior, so they are often tempted to become a puppeteer and receive material benefits from their passionate friends and fans. However, this is a direct path to a growing karmic debt, which will have to be paid for by the affairs of the house where Pluto is located. Gifts can only be accepted as a result of a sincere and independent offer.

If the planets are weakened, the trine (trine) is not fully manifested. Jewelry with natural stones will help to raise energy. Charoite combines the vibrations of both Venus and Pluto, but if both planets are strong, you can wear it for no more than a few hours. Tourmaline, malachite and carnelian will be excellent talismans .

Vasilisa Vishneva

Celebrities with the Venus Trine Pluto:


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