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Conjunction Saturn – Ascendant. Forever young ruler

The connection of the planets is a difficult aspect, requiring control over emotions and a huge supply of energy, which must be directed exclusively to the development of talents in the line of affairs affected by the heavenly bodies, otherwise the native will be thrown from one extreme to another. The union with the Ascendant is a delicate matter, it affects the appearance, behavior in public and in communication, as well as the choice of profession.

In combination with the symbol of difficulties and limitations, Saturn, the aspect denotes a harsh childhood in Spartan conditions without the warmth of those close to you. With the position of the planet in the 1st house, the native himself does not know how to show feelings, but if there are connections with the 4th, 7th and 10th houses, parents and older relatives will have a significant impact on his self-determination. In the negative – unfair grievances, in the positive – training to work, patience and endurance under any circumstances.

Influence of the Saturn-Ascendant conjunction on fate

The owner of the horoscope from an early age lives without illusions and hopes for a happy chance. With a strong position of Saturn in the 1st house, the habit of working without sparing oneself and not counting on the help of others brings dividends by the age of 30, especially in the signs of the earth and air elements. If the planet is in the 12th house , then frequent illnesses and unforeseen intrigues of ill-wishers will often test for fortitude and loyalty to ideals. Retaining faith and patience in youth, the native will be able to win success, which nothing can destroy. This is a rare gift from Saturn to a ward who has passed his exams with honor.

The connection with the Ascendant is reflected in the appearance: the native is thin, serious beyond his years, the expression on his face is gloomy, but at the same time he is surprisingly photogenic and charming in the pictures and videos. After 35 years, the effect of reverse youth occurs, when a person looks young and fresh, despite the fact that at 15 he seemed 20 years old. Sometimes the aspect gives difficulties at birth and with health, but after the 7th year of life it suddenly becomes stronger and no longer worries.

In general, all important and fateful events will occur at the turn of the seven-year cycles, especially if the conjunction of Saturn and the Ascendant is located in Capricorn. Career goals are easy to achieve, but finding friends and close-minded partners is much more difficult because of the habit of relying only on yourself, distrust and suspicion. To harmonize life, it is important to take into account other characteristic features of an unusual union:

  • stubbornness, domineering, the desire to control everything to the smallest detail, picky towards loved ones (especially if Venus is in Virgo);
  • asceticism, shyness, reticence (although with strong Mercury they can be strong orators, surprising the audience not with pompous metaphors, but with systematized facts in a simple and short presentation);
  • poverty and psychological complexes always arise because of others: parents, grandmothers, grandfathers, and with a position in the 12th house, a forced stay in a hospital or prison is possible if the Saturnian principles of discretion and caution in communication are violated;
  • authority in the eyes of others: they listen to the native’s words, subconsciously respect him and avoid going into direct conflict.
  • Another gift of the planet of fate in alliance with the Ascendant is strong strong bones, teeth and eternal slenderness of the figure. These people do not get well, even if Jupiter and the Moon are present in the 1st house.

Love and marriage at the conjunction of Saturn and the Ascendant

A native strives to communicate with people much older in order to gain experience and feel their own importance, or, conversely, younger, for whom he would be a teacher and authority. Relationships with peers do not work out, since their Saturns are projected onto the same sector of the horoscope, which causes rejection, antipathy and an irresistible desire to criticize. Even as the first beauty in the class, the owner of the connection receives ridicule and condemnation instead of admiration, and the excellent student wade through the criticism and bias of teachers.

The heyday of sexuality and attractiveness of a native for the opposite sex occurs after 30 years, when self-confidence appears through financial solvency and career success. The more power the bearers of the aspect have, the more relaxed they will behave in communication with the chosen ones.

If Saturn is the ruler of the 7th house , it is better to marry after 29 years, otherwise it is difficult to avoid divorce and cooling of feelings.

Practical interaction with the conjunction of Saturn and the Ascendant

Problems with the law instantly become public, at the slightest offense comes karmic retribution, so you need to be honest and decent. The slightest step away from the main principles of the planet, the authorities negatively affect the fate. Punctuality, responsibility for the decisions made, willpower and well-done work add pluses to karma and help reduce obstacles on the way to the goal.

It is also necessary to show respect and provide assistance to older people, especially men. With the position of Saturn in the 12th house, volunteer work and material support for nursing homes and hospital departments with elderly patients will be an excellent study of problems. It is important to forgive your ancestral father, grandfather and great-grandfather and regularly light candles in church for their health.

The native’s destiny is to be a wise teacher or mentor, so it is preferable to aspire to a leadership position in education, culture, finance and politics, by patronizing young professionals.

Jewelry-talismans with lapis lazuli , black onyx , obsidian , turquoise , jet will help harmonize the sharp corners of the conjunction of Saturn and the Ascendant . Good luck in love will bring a burgundy pomegranate . Blue sapphire with this aspect is worn no longer than two hours a day.

Vasilisa Vishneva

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