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Sextile Neptune – Ascendant

Neptune distorts the perception of life and clouds the mind with mirages. However, thanks to the favorable power of sextile, directing the flow of magical illusions to the Ascendant , he creates an amazing ability to monetize ideas and make money on dreams. The ascending sign determines the place of the native in society, affects the nature of communication with the world and the choice of profession.

The highest planet Neptune includes the karmic awareness of purpose and, of course, it is associated with creativity, psychology, religion. At the heart of everything is to save the world through beauty and spirituality, to become a conductor of higher truths. Sextile helps to look beyond illusions, to feel the desires of other people and satisfy them, feeling like a magician in a blue helicopter who brought tons of ice cream for the holiday.

Influence of sextile Neptune – Ascendant on destiny

The second gift of the sextile connecting Neptune and the ascending sign , extraordinary charm and pure aura. No one can resist the charm of a native, especially if he asks for something. Even the most inveterate greedy and skeptics, not understanding how and why, give what they want.

This can be a strong temptation to use Neptunian magic for selfish purposes, which will lead to a collapse of reputation and hopes after 40 years. The gift must be used correctly, according to the purpose, for example, to receive humanitarian aid and funds for charity. Success comes in creative fields.

The owners of the sextile Neptune – Ascendant receive good money for their books, films and roles played. Investments in creative projects also bring excellent returns. The main thing is to listen to your intuition and navigate the world of business through your sense of beauty. In a surprising and paradoxical way, they help to make money where others do not see prospects. And also to study other characteristic features of the Neptune – Ascendant sextile:

  • rich imagination, sympathy, spirituality, telepathy, reading information streams;
  • mysterious appearance, attracts people visually and energetically, like a magnet;
  • extrasensory perception, natural possession of hypnosis and telekinesis, while it is impossible to force them to submit to someone else’s will;
  • the desire to fulfill other people’s desires and bathe in the stream of gratitude and joy;
  • healing abilities, understanding animals and plants without words, especially if Neptune is in the 6th house ;
  • the gift of an actor, politician, writer, photographer, psychologist, poet, artist, jeweler.

Interestingly, despite the creative inclinations, the native easily succeeds in trading, being able to sell through spiritual contact with the client, not imposing, but charming. Intuition and empathy help to understand what the buyer needs to close the inner pain. This makes the sextile ward an excellent businessman and sales representative.

Love and marriage with sextile Neptune – Ascendant

Loving and saving is the main theme in a relationship. Men and women are equally romantic and from their youth they live in anticipation of meeting a handsome prince or princess, but not at a ball, but imprisoned in a tower or enchanted.

The highest joy is to conquer circumstances with love and save the chosen one from the dragon’s mouth: to heal, learn, warm and reveal personal uniqueness.

They fall in love with potential and beauty, which in their worldview is equal to virtue.

Due to sextile, there is a high probability of avoiding a meeting with scammers pretending to be unhappy in order to get a place in the Sun at the expense of a native, but unfortunately, the owners of the aspect are not always ready to love Cinderella, who has become a queen, because then what to save her from? And there are many unfortunate and disadvantaged people around, looking for a strong shoulder. As a rule, the owners of the Neptune-Ascendant sextile keep physical fidelity in marriage and keep the vows given at the altar, but platonically passionately fall in love many times in life.

Union with a partner who has the Sun, Moon and Venus in water signs has a better chance of success than with those who have planets in the elements of fire and earth.

Strengthening sextile Neptune – Ascendant with talisman stones

Neptune has a feminine passive nature, but due to a positive connection with the Ascendant, an internal driving force appears, pushing the native to active actions to popularize his creativity.

He will not write on the table, but before his first role in the theater, he will notify all the local media and will conduct a memorable PR campaign before political elections. Illusions and idealization arise only in personal relationships.

If Neptune is in the 7th house , secret insidious enemies may appear, and in other cases this is not excluded, therefore, talisman stones are selected with a protective function, taking into account the element of the sign in which the planet of illusions is located:

fire – labrador, coral , aventurine ;

earthjade , serpentine , charoite;

waterjadeite , aquamarine , moonstone , belomorite ;

airberyl , rock crystal , larimar.

The minerals of the higher planets must be worn for a long time. If the stone evokes joyful emotions, it should be worn from morning to evening, washing with water overnight to wash away the accumulated negative. A pendant or bracelet with a stone, worn around the ankle, will become a unique amulet that helps to raise creative energy and overcome obstacles.

Vasilisa Vishneva

Celebrities with the Ascendant Sextile Neptune:


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