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Leo stones

The fifth sign of the zodiac is active from 23 July to 23 August. Managing Planet – Sun . Element – Fire.

Leo is an exceptionally solid sign, devoid of nuances and halftones. His generosity comes to extravagance, generosity knows no bounds – but only on one mandatory condition: admiration must be shown to him and unquestioningly obeyed. Leo ruthlessly pursues the enemy, but when he is defeated, he is immediately ready to show mercy.

A mathematical mindset, logic, tremendous efficiency – Leo uses all his best qualities to satisfy his insatiable ambition. Among the representatives of the sign there are many famous scientists, politicians, athletes, businessmen. Then vanity turns into vanity and pride.

Leo men represent ultimate masculinity, women – perfect femininity.

A man is a family patriarch, a faithful husband, a caring father who indulges children immensely.

The favorite image of the Lioness is a high society lady. Beautiful women of the sign love chic, both luxurious and cheap. If there is no money for natural diamonds and furs, the Lioness replaces them with fakes.

Auspicious stones help fight negative qualities, enhance dignity, bring happiness and good luck.
Leo stones

The main stones are talismans for Leo

The duration of the sign coincides with the peak of summer, in the multicolored landscape of which a decline is already foreseen. The sun fills the stones of Leo with an orange-golden, green, red glow. The collection of amulets also contains symbols of the coming autumn – imperious, harsh minerals. The optimal combination: 5-10 warm stones plus 2-3 cold ones. They cannot be worn together. The representative of the sign must take into account not only the season, but also the time of day, as well as the situation and his own mood.

Diamond (Diamond)

A luxurious gem as if created in order to emphasize the status of a royal sign. Diamond (Diamond) – a symbol of power and strength. It helps its owner to establish contacts with the outside world and keep angry outbursts under control.


The Sun Stone ” Heliodor ” has a beneficial effect on Lviv leaders, scientists, students. It sharpens thinking skills, enhances the craving for knowledge, and improves organizational skills. For lionesses, the magic of Heliodor gives the key to family happiness.


Ruby is a talisman for representatives of public professions, high-ranking administrators. Regulates the owner's energy balance, replenishes positive energy, neutralizes dark influences.

Topaz (golden)

Leos are often irritable and picky. Golden topaz restores their peace of mind. He tells ambitious individuals how to win the sympathy of their superiors and unravel the insidious plans of ill-wishers.


Eliminates fears, dispels self-dissatisfaction, and tourmaline also develops creativity.


Plays the role of “psychoanalyst”. Warns the addicted Leo from adventures. Chrysolite helps to improve relationships in the family and at work, relieves insomnia, anxious thoughts.


Radiant amber is an effective talisman for a sign. Gives good luck and positive emotions. Protects from envious people, relieves depression. Improves well-being in case of heart disease.
Leo stones

Stones – amulets for Lviv by date of birth

July 23 – August 1

The influence of Saturn can turn the representative of the sign into a fierce and indomitable predator. Such a person is obsessed with power, does not reckon with anyone. Minerals of Leo of the first decade:

  • rhinestone , sapphire (except blue) – tuned to the owner's energy vibrations, stabilize and regulate them in a positive direction;
  •  alexandrite , onyx – suppress outbursts of rage, struggle with the habit of breaking down on subordinates or households.

August 2 – August 12

Jupiter returns prudence and restraint to the sign. Leo of the second decade with enthusiasm brings to life the most difficult projects. Snobbery can add a negative touch to his whole and noble image. Period stones:

  • citrine – helps to establish contacts with different people, to better understand others;
  • jadeite , jade , sardonyx – their energy contributes to business endeavors, brings family happiness.

August 13 – August 23

Mars endows the Leo of the third decade with powerful life potential and a thirst for power. These people firmly believe that they can change the world. Recommended amulets:

Additional amulets of the sun sign:

quartz , red coral , malachite , fire opal , pyrope (” bloody” ruby ), pyrite .

Leo's enemies among the stones

Forbidden minerals can deprive a representative of the energy sign, provoke fatal mistakes, exacerbate diseases, and lead to financial ruin. Although the opinion of modern Astrologers differs and some, on the contrary, advise to choose stones, not according to the Sun sign, but according to a weak planet in the natal chart . The list of stones to which Leo, nevertheless, should take a closer look:

aventurine , almandine, amethyst , turquoise , blue beryl and topaz , hematite , pearls , labradorite, mother of pearl , obsidian , rhodonite, serpentine, chrysoprase, black opal .

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