Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces > Astro-Bank > Calculation of the Natal Chart

Danny Trejo

American actor, known mainly for his numerous roles of negative characters. He became widely known thanks to the series of films “Spy Kids”, “From Dusk Till Dawn”, “Machete”, “Jaguar”, “Predators” and “Inferno”. Link to biography.

Date of Birth: May 16, 1944
Age: 80 years
Career: Actors, Producers

Sun: s Taurus 25°
Moon: c Pisces 13°
Ascendant: g Leo 19°

Danny Trejo - natal chart calculation

Date of Birth: May 16, 1944, time 12:00 (GMT -7)
Place of birth: Echo Park, USA
Coordinates: latitude 34°n5', longitude 118°w16'

House system: Placidus



Data Entry for the Natal Chart


Date of Birth:

Time of birth:

: (h:min)

Place of birth:


Latitude: ,

House system:

Strength and harmony (Astrodines)

Planet Longitude  
Q Suns Taurus 25°45'15"  
W Moonc Pisces 13°16'17"  
E Mercurys Taurus 06°48'48"  
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Planet Power Harmony
Q Sun50.996.41
W Moon32.1011.27
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Planet Aspect Planet Orb
Q Sunt Sextile T Mars0.92
Q Sunr Square Y Jupiter7.03
Q Sune Trine O Neptune5.89
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Figure Planet
Bisextile T Mars - Q Sun - O Neptune
T-Square I Uranus - W Moon - M Chiron
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Danny Trejo - interpretation of your natal chart

The interpretation of the horoscope boils down to combining the meaning of the four basic elements of astrology (Planets, Signs, Aspects and Houses) into one alloy, which, in fact, will be individual for everyone. Read more...


Power: 50.99
Harmony: 6.41

SUNThe SUN is the most important luminary, the focus of vitality. It can be likened to a king on a chessboard. Determines the health and well-being of the born. It communicates a creative impulse, ideals - the desire for power, influence, power. The position of the main luminary in our natal chart has a fateful meaning, for example, the happiest people on earth, those who do not have pronounced tense aspects with the Sun. Although at the same time one might think that their character traits may be “soft”, because through the Sun we teach our “ego”, strengthen our life “backbone”. It is important to remember that the Sun represents our inner mind, not instinct. Read more...

Q Sun in Taurus s 25°

Taurus have tremendous inner strength that allows them to withstand even the most difficult times. However, with such extraordinary data, these representatives of the earth's elements often remain inactive, waiting for the best moment, and often miss good opportunities. Solar Taurus are not prone to momentary impulses. On the contrary: everything in their lives should be clearly planned out. Any force majeure can drive such individuals crazy, although outwardly they will not show a shadow of embarrassment and will continue to move forward, no matter what.

Aspects of the Sun

Just as all the planets in our solar system revolve around the Sun, we get our purpose of life from the Sun in our natal charts. The sun is our ego, our "inner child" who makes the final decisions. It guides us and can be considered the "boss" in the natal chart, especially in men. Read more


Power: 32.10
Harmony: 11.27

MOON The moon is a transmitter of sensations, emotions, mood. It reigns in the spheres of the soul and subconsciousness, innate reflexes and habits that come from childhood. The moon is the mistress of Cancer. The sign of Taurus is considered the place of its rise. Capricorn is considered the place of her fall, Scorpio is the place of exile (captivity). If the Moon in the horoscope is strong in status and has favorable interactions with other planets of the natal chart, then the subject feels harmony in his soul, and even if some difficulties arise in life, he easily overcomes periods of trouble. Read more...

W Moon in Pisces c 13°

Moon: is the second most important luminary, for women, mostly, it is the first. The moon collects and transforms the energy of other planets, especially the sun. Lady of instincts and emotions. The planet of moods. The symbol of the feminine principle, conception and motherhood - in contrast to Venus as a symbol of sensual love.

Moon in Pisces The emotions of Moon Pisces are expressed in compassion. You are sensitive, kind and gentle, imaginative, shy, compassionate, and you have an innate understanding of the feelings and intentions of other people in different situations. You care about the suffering of others.
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Aspects of the Moon

Aspects of the Moon determine the daily lifestyle of a person, affect his health, relationships with others. They control the maternal nature of women and the feelings of men associated with the opposite sex. Read more...


Power: 29.10
Harmony: -5.73

MERCURY Close proximity to the Sun defines the face of this small but charismatic planet. Its main functions are: reason, logical thinking, cognition, communication, communication between the individual and society.

Traditionally, the most specific "character" trait for Mercury is the ability to establish relationships. The myths also said that Mercury (Hermes) is an intermediary between Olympus and the Earth, the messenger of the gods, connecting their world with the world of people by transmitting information (commands of the gods to people, requests from people to gods). Read more...

E Mercury in Taurus s 06°

The speech and way of thinking of such people is leisurely and quite deliberate. You are not subject to a quick change of point of view in the absence of a basis for it. People born with Mercury under the sign of Taurus in the natal chart are determined, practical, methodical, and conservative.
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Aspects of Mercury:


Power: 71.30
Harmony: 12.14

VENUS Venus's zones of influence: beauty, love, art, choice, friendship, partnership and material values.

Venus is the mistress of the second and seventh houses. The second house indicates money and property, describes not only material values ​​that a person owns, but also his natural talents and abilities, using which, with certain efforts, he acquires material wealth. The seventh house is responsible for matrimony, partnerships in business and politics, business contracts. Strong Venus is a source of warmth, tenderness, selfless devotion and material wealth. Read more ...

R Venus in Taurus s 14°

People born with Venus in the sign of Taurus are faithful and constant in love affairs, especially if their partner shows openness and affection.
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Aspects of Venus:


Power: 35.16
Harmony: -10.54

MARS Mars is about strength, assertiveness, aggressive sexuality, struggle and rivalry. The most important functions of the planet: protection, self-preservation instinct, self-expression. In the modern world, people rarely have to protect their lives or homes from mortal danger. In the foreground - defending one's own opinion, protecting personal interests in the professional and social spheres, competition and competition.

Strong Mars gives the world heroes who can sacrifice themselves for the sake of other people or high ideals. In everyday reality, a person clearly manifests himself in activities aimed at the common good. Read more ...

T Mars in Cancer f 26°

People born with Mars in the sign of Cancer try to avoid direct clashes, preferring to solve issues bypassing or attacking rivals by setting other people against them. Aggressive and competitive behavior brings a lot of inconvenience to the Mars Cancer, so they try to avoid it.
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Aspects of Mars:


Power: 47.19
Harmony: 3.27

JUPITER In astrological theater, Jupiter plays the role of a "great benefactor." Since antiquity, it has been associated with luck and material wealth. But the largest planet in the solar system has other uses as well. She is responsible for spiritual and intellectual development, encourages a person to seek the meaning of life. From the standpoint of psychology, Jupiter is the embodiment of a generous, fair father. His main enemies are stagnation and boredom. The ninth and twelfth houses are ruled by the giant.

The remarkable qualities of a strong Jupiterian are often not his merit, but the result of fantastic luck. A winning lottery ticket, an unexpected legacy - typical gifts from the magnanimous Jupiter. Read more ...

Y Jupiter in Leo g 18°

People born with Jupiter in the sign of Leo are generally generous, kind, sympathetic and altruistic people. You have organizational and leadership skills.
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Aspects of Jupiter:


Power: 33.89
Harmony: -13.41

SATURN Traditionally, "The Lord of Time" is associated with the darkest sides of life - old age and death, decline and deprivation. But he is also a great sage, mentor, legislator. It embodies our conscience. Saturn creates prohibitions, but without them chaos and anarchy would reign in life. Saturn promotes growing up, teaches you to plan your life. Manages the the tenth astrological house, and is responsible for career, social status and reputation.

Strong beneficial Saturn endows a person with healthy ambition, the ability to creatively process the experience accumulated over the centuries and make valuable discoveries on its basis, gives good health and longevity, a prosperous old age. Read more ...

U Saturn in Gemini d 25°

The thinking of people born with Saturn in the sign of Gemini is purposeful and serious, and having organizational skills, concentration and emotional stability, allows you to focus on difficult problems.
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Power: 37.71
Harmony: 5.35

URANUS Uranus is a symbol of suddenness and unexpectedness, originality and eccentricity, unforeseen actions and actions, various changes and changes, fractures and rearrangements of both positive and negative connotations. Under his influence, there is a reassessment of past and present values, anticipation of future ones.

Uranus is a sign of higher intelligence and almost supernatural intuition. He gives rise to true geniuses - those who are ahead of their time and remain misunderstood by their generation. Uranus is a projected point of the unconscious, but it brings very symbolic pictures and impulses into human consciousness that arise both in reality and in a dream. This characteristic power of image formation gives rise to intuition and inspiration, a flash of creative power, scientists and inventors, poets and artists, musicians and artists, statesmen and politicians, religious reformers and revolutionaries.

Obsessed with playing by its own rules, Uranus embodies change, reform, evolution and revolution. Read more ...

Aspects of Uranus:


Power: 31.12
Harmony: 0.94

NEPTUNE Neptune is full of secrets. His kingdom is feelings and impressions, dreams and dreams. The planet forms a refined perception of art, a craving for religion and mysticism. Neptune constantly acts on us in an almost elusive or even mysterious way, creating forces that reject and do not recognize any psychic, spiritual limitations. These forces lead our senses to the strongest awe, direct the mind in search of yet unexplored and not discovered secrets of nature, space, man. Read more ...

Aspects of Neptune:


Power: 28.21
Harmony: -2.76

PLUTO PLUTO is the chief ruler of all folk mysteries, meetings, rallies, demonstrations, and more. Together with Uranus, it destroys all the old, rotten, obsolete political world systems, creating new ones for each nation and state separately.

On the one hand, Pluto shows a person as an integral being, on the other, as a particle of space and a given society. Pluto symbolizes the extreme stage of the individualization process, rebirth or rebirth, after which a person becomes more perfect. In one case, he can bring his ward brilliant success and career, unexpected wealth or world fame, influence on the masses of the people, crowd, public or audience, social upsurge with the speed and brilliance of a meteorite, and in the other - total losses. Read more ...

Aspects of Pluto:


Chiron Chiron is a planetoid with the gift of amplifying the energy impulses of celestial bodies. By changing the characteristics of the planets, he, like Uranus, contributes to unexpected changes in the life of the native. We must not forget that Chiron symbolizes duality in different areas. Read more...

Aspects of Chiron:



Karmic indicators help a person to realize deep problems rooted in past lives. And start working on yourself in order to get rid of them and thereby improve this life and the potential next one. By karmic problems, one should not mean punishment for misdeeds and sins, as karma is usually interpreted in a philistine sense. Karma is not retribution, but rather inertia, when a person from life to life attracts similar situations to himself. From a karmic point of view, all elements of the natal chart can be interpreted without exception. But the most important indicators of karma in the horoscope are retrograde planets (if any) and Lunar nodes .

Retrograde planets

Retrograde planets are always associated with a reference to the past. The more of them a person has in the horoscope, the stronger his connection with the past. The retrograde planet also indicates an unresolved task in a past life, an unfinished business, unrealized abilities. And it forces a person to take up again what was not possible in the past. The symbol in the table is R.

Neptune Retrograde - Personality

The individuality of people with Neptune retrograde is not easy for others to understand. Their motives do not have the common sense that one expects to find at the root of all motivations. Instead, they are tuned in to the highest music that only they can hear. Their perceptions do not come from the material plane, they are a direct connection with the Soul. Thus, they may be very spiritual, but they care little about the formal side of orthodox religion. Such individuals may have a great love for music, but cannot be attributed to any particular artificial structure in it. They sense almost everything, but connect their feelings much less with physical reality than with the perception of the cosmic universe. They know a lot more than they can even express in words, and here again they are aware of the limiting qualities of language, which is just another formed boundary that can enclose boundless understanding in a circle. They are able to understand the appearances and illusions in which others live, and therefore must try to strike the best deal: not topple their sand castles and while still maintaining all the inner truths that they know.

Neptune Retrograde - Karma

The Neptune retrograde individuals experience the karma of learning how to sort out what is real in terms of their ideals and what gives the appearance of fulfilling their dreams. They know what they need, but it is difficult for them to find it in the outside world. Constantly living in dreams, they often “turn on”, running away from imaginary shadows, but chasing unrealistic fantasies at the same time. However, they must find ideals in a world “without form”, which has a strong influence on them. They sometimes make the mistake of projecting past dreams into today's situations. This does not allow them to clearly see the reality of the present. These people are very intuitive and, thanks to various retrograde phases, are often able to know the outcome of situations long before they get into them. But until they learn how to deal with the elusive flow of Neptunian energy that they feel within themselves, they will not easily trust their intuition.

People with such a planet must learn how to combine their feelings with the ideals and dreams they bring into this life. Instead of trying to distort perception in order to make the present correspond to the past, they should realize which parts of the present truly symbolize the karmically incomplete parts of the past.

Neptune Retrograde in the sign of Libra

Here people experience the 3rd phase of the retrograde process when they impartially absorb impressions from their environment. They usually think that all the feelings they have are their own and that they ultimately require some kind of action or decision on the part. The point is, however, that this position gives them the opportunity to experience many things in the universe. At the same time, they are not required to attribute this to their own account.

The owners of the natal chart are very sensitive, especially to music and art, and find it difficult to deal with the harshness of life to which they are overly open. They make the mistake of thinking that they must balance everything around them in order to balance themselves. This, apparently, makes them interested in the affairs of other people more than is actually advisable. They must understand that each new grain of sand that they add to the scales as a balanced solution to what already exists creates another imbalance that requires a new solution. Many people in this position become so frustrated in trying to center the world around them that they end up resorting to drugs or other forms of escapism in order to refrain from realizing that their personal difficulties stem from problems that do not require solutions.

When used correctly, this configuration gives people with such a position of the horoscope a tremendous understanding of their mirror image, or the reflection of that part of the personality that they see through the eyes of others. Karmically, they can learn to better integrate into society through this type of vision. At the same time, they will further move away from the main essence, as they seek to know themselves through others. They can achieve happiness when they realize that they do not receive happiness, but discover it in a more or less constant state of satisfaction with life experience and the smallest role that they play in the totality of the cosmic plane.


Lunar nodes

Lunar nodes symbolize the axis of development. The South Node means the experience gained by a person in past lives, and the North Node shows the experience that a person needs to acquire in the current life.

North Node in the sign of Cancer, South Node in the sign of Capricorn

The North Node in Cancer suggests that in the current incarnation, the owners of the horoscope need to direct their efforts towards creating a family, a comfortable home and a solid rear. Their mission can be to maintain family values, serve the Motherland, express love for the Fatherland.

People with the South Node in Capricorn should not devote their lives to work and the realization of high ambitions. They can not distance themselves from others, limiting themselves only to a dry business relationship. By showing gentleness, kindness, caring for people, the owners of the natal chart will be able to fully realize their karmic tasks. In business and in life, they will be helped by intuition and the ability to emotionally perceive everything that is happening around them like a child. People who do not limit themselves to the framework of strict instructions and rigid plans, act spontaneously and trust the world, will act in accordance with their karmic destiny.

Aspects of the Lunar Nodes:


SELENA In addition to the Ascending Node, the path of karmic advancement and the application of innate talents is shown by the White Moon, which is also called Selena or Lulu. This is a fictitious point that reflects the bright karma accumulated by the native himself in a past life or his ancestors in several generations. The place where the sign of the guardian angel is located will show in which area the native has accumulated the greatest amount of good deeds. It is there that the star road to success and prosperity now shines, subject to the development and manifestation of the highest qualities of the sign, where the White Moon is located.

Selena (White Moon) in Sagittarius

Selena, located in the sign of Sagittarius, directs its wards on the path of a teacher and spiritual mentor, awakening the memory of past exploits. Such people were probably priests or teachers, travelers who wanted to expand their understanding of the universe, or world-famous scientists. They, most likely, made many people happy by teaching them to communicate with the divine principle, giving skills useful for business and elevating the soul, having suffered for good deeds in isolation from their native land. But now fate provides them with protection while traveling abroad and supports noble projects of an educational and business nature with foreign partners.

Every seven years, a new cycle of Selene sets off a firework of rewards for accumulated merit, and if they grow along the line of the highest positive qualities of Sagittarius, then the well-being and prosperity of the White Moon in Sagittarius will grow stronger.


Lilith Lilith is considered a tempting demon, but they do not understand that at the highest level of development of consciousness, she ceases to be a source of danger, but, on the contrary, enhances a person talents according to the sign and the house in which she stands.

Therefore, it is very important to bring your Lilith out of darkness to light, and then the courage of new quests will manifest itself on a positive creative level. This is a fictitious point of the horoscope, not a planet, but its power is underestimated, and elaboration is often considered impossible. However, the right actions and symbolism work wonders.

Lilith shows us the bottom, the darkest side of a person - a dark pit into which the native can fall, succumbing to the temptation of low vibrations, if he follows the path outlined by Lilith. Therefore, when reading a horoscope, consider this.

Lilith (Black Moon) in Virgo

Here, sensuality is consciously and skillfully hidden, and others may seem calm or even invisible. But still, it is not insured either from internal contradictions and confrontation, or from conflict situations on love or sexual grounds. Often, either a tendency to self-restraint and puritanism is manifested here, or vice versa, sexual perversion, but under the guise of external coldness. Here one should renounce formalism, bureaucracy, careerism, servility, flattery and slavish worship, as well as the use of position for selfish purposes and from forcing someone to have a sexual life. It is considered together with the position of Mercury, Neptune, Venus, retrograde Jupiter, Chiron and the 6th house of the horoscope.

Aspects of the Lilith:


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