Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces > Astro-Bank > Calculation of the Natal Chart

Yates Francesco

Francesco Yates is a Canadian singer, songwriter and musician, born September 11, 1995 in Toronto, Canada. He is known for his unique style, which combines elements of pop, funk, R&B and soul. Francesco showed an interest in music from an early age and signed a record deal with Atlantic Records at the age of 16.
His self-titled debut EP was released in 2015 and featured such well-known songs as “Better to Be Loved” and “Call”. One of his most famous works is the vocals for the track “Sugar” by German DJ and producer Robin Schulz, which became a worldwide hit in 2015.
Francesco Yates is also known for his live performances, where he showcases powerful vocals and a talent for playing various musical instruments. Link to biography.

Date of Birth: September 11, 1995
Age: 29 years
Career: Musicians, The singers

Sun: h Virgo 18°
Moon: a Aries 23°
Ascendant: x Aquarius 21°

Yates Francesco - natal chart calculation

Date of Birth: September 11, 1995, time 18:29 (GMT -4)
Place of birth: Toronto, Canada
Coordinates: latitude 43°n42', longitude 79°w24'

House system: Placidus



Data Entry for the Natal Chart


Date of Birth:

Time of birth:

: (h:min)

Place of birth:


Latitude: ,

House system:

Strength and harmony (Astrodines)

Planet Longitude House
Q Sunh Virgo 18°42'35"      7
W Moona Aries 23°09'37"      2
E Mercuryj Libra 15°21'36"      8
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Planet Power Harmony
Q Sun57.55-14.17
W Moon54.54-23.88
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House Power Harmony Longitude
House 1125.93-11.56x Aquarius 21°58'36"
House 265.55-28.07a Aries 12°28'27"
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Planet Aspect Planet Orb
Q Suno Quincunx W Moon4.45
Q Sunq Conjunction R Venus5.98
Q Sunw Opposition U Saturn2.84
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Figure Planet
Bisextile P Pluto - R Venus - I Uranus
Bisextile P Pluto - R Venus - O Neptune
Bisextile P Pluto - I Uranus - M Chiron
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Yates Francesco - interpretation of your natal chart

The interpretation of the horoscope boils down to combining the meaning of the four basic elements of astrology (Planets, Signs, Aspects and Houses) into one alloy, which, in fact, will be individual for everyone. Read more...


Power: 57.55
Harmony: -14.17

SUNThe SUN is the most important luminary, the focus of vitality. It can be likened to a king on a chessboard. Determines the health and well-being of the born. It communicates a creative impulse, ideals - the desire for power, influence, power. The position of the main luminary in our natal chart has a fateful meaning, for example, the happiest people on earth, those who do not have pronounced tense aspects with the Sun. Although at the same time one might think that their character traits may be “soft”, because through the Sun we teach our “ego”, strengthen our life “backbone”. It is important to remember that the Sun represents our inner mind, not instinct. Read more...

Q Sun in Virgo h 18°

Virgo is a materialistic nature. The earthly element, which controls its spiritual foundation, makes Virgo pay a lot of attention to various everyday trifles. For this reason, the representatives of such a sign are very critical of the shortcomings of other people and the imperfection of the world around. At the same time, the Solar Virgo begin to fight for order, bringing cleanliness in their own house.

Q Sun in the 7th House

7TH HOUSE (the house of marriage and partnership). SUN (planet of vitality and individuality) in the 7th house: Success in marriage and partnership await you. They will help you get rich and improve your social standing. You will probably marry or get married quite late; your spouse may be famous or just a decent person. Sex in marriage is important to you. Advantages: you are popular and know how to attract people to you. Disadvantage: periodic fights over your need is dominating. Read more ...

Aspects of the Sun

Just as all the planets in our solar system revolve around the Sun, we get our purpose of life from the Sun in our natal charts. The sun is our ego, our "inner child" who makes the final decisions. It guides us and can be considered the "boss" in the natal chart, especially in men. Read more


Power: 33.68
Harmony: 8.78

On the birth chart Ascendant is the top of the 1st house. This is the second most important factor after the position of the Sun. The position of the Ascendant in the signs of the Zodiac determines how people manifest themselves in the external plane. The position of the planet on the Ascendant greatly enhances the manifestation of the qualities of such a planet in a person. In general, the position of the planets on or near the Ascendant is the third most important factor. Symbol in the table (AC).

Ascendant tells us what kind of mask we wear in public, this is the first impression we make when meeting people. Often, if you are confused about how others describe you, it is because they are describing that aspect of your personality. The Ascendant is present in your appearance and personality, sometimes going as far as the influence of physical characteristics. The sign becomes tangibly expressed in your image, style and demeanor. It also reflects in the way you act. Some astrologers believe that the sign gets weaker after people reach 30 years old, as their confidence in who they are grows. Your ascending sign shows up in your first personality traits, in how you react to the environment.

ASCENDANT in the sign of Aquarius x 21° - Ruler of Uranus and Saturn

Uranus, senior ruler of the zodiac sign Aquarius, the planet of freedom and revolutionary spirit, makes typical Aquarius extraordinary personalities, incomprehensible to others. The main characteristic of the people of the sign is the love of freedom. Freedom in relationships is also important for them (sometimes from relationships), and the freedom to move wherever they want, they do not tolerate restrictions and frameworks. But an excessive love of freedom can leave them all alone.

People born in the Ascendant Aquarius tend to be altruistic, friendly, a bit detached, impartial, humane, sociable, intelligent, freedom-loving, rebellious, independent and unusual. You are here to learn altruism, brotherhood and work for the common good, neglecting yourself and your needs for the sake of your friends and acquaintances. You have an absolutely unique, different outlook on things. You can be very original and inventive and perhaps eccentric and bohemian at times. You are prone to vague, sudden impulses, sometimes over-intuitive. With good mental capacity, you have organizational skills and are practical at the same time. You are smart, but sometimes cold-blooded and calculating when you feel anxious. You also have a certain detachment. You cannot stand possessiveness and jealousy, constantly demanding personal freedom. Depending on the predominant wobble of Saturn and Uranus, your natal chart will be dominated by: caution, coldness and selfishness. With a strong Saturn, there is more altruism, love of freedom and freethinking with a strong Uranus. If the influence of Uranus is stronger, then there will be a pronounced predominance of spiritual values ​​over worldly materialism.

Key lesson to learn: Treat people with warmth (think less with your head and more with your heart).

Uranus and Saturn usually rules Aquarius, so Saturn and Uranus will play an important role in your natal chart. Read more ...

Ascendant Aspects:

Midheaven (MC)

Power: 47.07
Harmony: -4.75


The Midheaven (Meridian, MC) - the culmination of the natal chart, symbolizes the midday of life, coincides with the cusp 10th house of the horoscope. The Meridian line, MC - IC is the vertical axis of the horoscope, the Ascendant - Descendant (AC - DC) line is the horizontal axis. Together they create the so-called "axial cross" or "cross of fate". In terms of importance Midheaven ranks third in the horoscope after Ascendant and Sun positions. The middle of heaven, like the 10th house of the horoscope as a whole, symbolizes everything that relates to the profession and social position of an individual: success or failure in society, career, popularity, fame, titles, awards or lack of all this, it shows human qualities of individuals in society, indicates their professional skills and the possibility of climbing the social ladder.

Midheaven in Sagittarius l 09° - Ruler of Jupiter and Neptune

Ruler: Jupiter and Neptune. With MC in the sign of Sagittarius, a person's striving for spiritual growth, expansion of the spiritual horizon is noticeable. People in this position try to go beyond the limits of the world in which they were born. People with "Midheaven" in Sagittarius are more likely than anyone else to be related to high school, often have language skills, love to travel, have many acquaintances around the world and will definitely visit abroad at least once.

Very often their profession is associated with foreign cultures, scientific research, travel abroad and communication with foreigners. Or these people completely devote themselves to spiritual service.

The nature and characteristics of the driving forces in the sphere of social uplift is assessed by the cosmic status and configurations of the "Midheaven" and the planets in the 10th house, as well as the rulers of the MC (Jupiter and Neptune) as between itself, and with other planets and elements of the horoscope. If they are strong and not damaged, then they open all the roads in the literal and figurative sense of the word. People with such indicators can achieve a lot - to reach the highest rungs of the social ladder, become respected and famous people, taste their share of fame and honor, gain considerable weight in society and influence public opinion, while they do not need to use detours, the road in this case, as they say, "runs under the feet of the horse".

If "Midheaven" or its rulers have negative aspects, especially with pest planets, this suggests that a person's path to a dream will not be strewn with roses, but will have to overcome many obstacles. This may also indicate that a person will not always act in righteous ways to achieve the goal. Read more ...

Midheaven aspects:


Power: 54.54
Harmony: -23.88

MOON The moon is a transmitter of sensations, emotions, mood. It reigns in the spheres of the soul and subconsciousness, innate reflexes and habits that come from childhood. The moon is the mistress of Cancer. The sign of Taurus is considered the place of its rise. Capricorn is considered the place of her fall, Scorpio is the place of exile (captivity). If the Moon in the horoscope is strong in status and has favorable interactions with other planets of the natal chart, then the subject feels harmony in his soul, and even if some difficulties arise in life, he easily overcomes periods of trouble. Read more...

W Moon in Aries a 23°

Moon: is the second most important luminary, for women, mostly, it is the first. The moon collects and transforms the energy of other planets, especially the sun. Lady of instincts and emotions. The planet of moods. The symbol of the feminine principle, conception and motherhood - in contrast to Venus as a symbol of sensual love.

Moon in Aries You tend to be adaptable and inconsistent in your efforts. Frequent emotional upheavals are possible due to your hot-tempered nature, since calmness is not your forte and if things don't go the way you would like, you can simply burn out like an ordinary light bulb. People born with Moon in Aries are also characterized by spontaneity, temperament, impulsiveness and stubbornness, they also have a huge dislike of limitations.
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W Moon in the 2nd House

2ND HOUSE (property house). THE MOON (planet of emotions and instincts) in the 2nd house: you are able to make money creatively, using your imagination and the general public - you sell goods to people, speak to them, etc. Your financial situation is fluctuating, often unstable. Sometimes you are frugal, sometimes you are wasteful. Strengths: perseverance and financial flair, the desire for security and the ability to plan for the future. Disadvantages: greed, extravagance, impulsiveness in spending money. Read more ...

Aspects of the Moon

Aspects of the Moon determine the daily lifestyle of a person, affect his health, relationships with others. They control the maternal nature of women and the feelings of men associated with the opposite sex. Read more...


Power: 32.05
Harmony: 0.21

MERCURY Close proximity to the Sun defines the face of this small but charismatic planet. Its main functions are: reason, logical thinking, cognition, communication, communication between the individual and society.

Traditionally, the most specific "character" trait for Mercury is the ability to establish relationships. The myths also said that Mercury (Hermes) is an intermediary between Olympus and the Earth, the messenger of the gods, connecting their world with the world of people by transmitting information (commands of the gods to people, requests from people to gods). Read more...

E Mercury in Libra j 15°

People born with Mercury in the sign of Libra are able to see the problem from all sides, negotiate and seek compromise and reconciliation. You are diplomatic, fair, tactful and have social tact.
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E Mercury in the 8th House

8TH HOUSE (house of life and death, rebirth, and inheritance). MERCURY (planet of the mind) in the 8th house: you have an insightful mind and strive to share your discoveries. You are a talented researcher and analyst. Money comes to you through other people or a marriage partner, but you may run into insurance or legal issues. Dignity: the ability to see the motives of people. Disadvantage: you may lose loved ones early. Read more ...

Aspects of Mercury:


Power: 52.52
Harmony: 18.24

VENUS Venus's zones of influence: beauty, love, art, choice, friendship, partnership and material values.

Venus is the mistress of the second and seventh houses. The second house indicates money and property, describes not only material values ​​that a person owns, but also his natural talents and abilities, using which, with certain efforts, he acquires material wealth. The seventh house is responsible for matrimony, partnerships in business and politics, business contracts. Strong Venus is a source of warmth, tenderness, selfless devotion and material wealth. Read more ...

R Venus in Virgo h 24°

People born with Venus in the sign of Virgo quite loyal to their loved ones, sometimes becoming servants for their beloved.
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R Venus in the 7th House

7TH HOUSE (the house of marriage and partnership). VENUS (planet of love and pleasure) in the 7th house: you strive for harmony and satisfaction in marriage and partnership. You are gentle, romantic, and are popular with the opposite sex. At some point in your life, you are likely to gain high position in society or wealth through your spouse or partner. You usually get married early and more than once. Dignity: you are a born peacemaker. Disadvantage: you are outraged if others do not take the first step towards you. Read more ...

Aspects of Venus:


Power: 22.03
Harmony: -8.36

MARS Mars is about strength, assertiveness, aggressive sexuality, struggle and rivalry. The most important functions of the planet: protection, self-preservation instinct, self-expression. In the modern world, people rarely have to protect their lives or homes from mortal danger. In the foreground - defending one's own opinion, protecting personal interests in the professional and social spheres, competition and competition.

Strong Mars gives the world heroes who can sacrifice themselves for the sake of other people or high ideals. In everyday reality, a person clearly manifests himself in activities aimed at the common good. Read more ...

T Mars in Scorpio k 03°

People born with Mars in the sign of Scorpio are extremely strong-willed and pursue their goals and desires with passion and determination. You are capable of complete concentration and tough discipline.
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T Mars in the 8th House

8TH HOUSE (house of life and death, rebirth, and inheritance). MARS (planet of energy and self-affirmation) in the 8th house: you are cheerful and sexy. You are attracted to occultism, medicine and healing. There may be family conflicts related to will or inheritance. Dignity: you are capable of becoming a brilliant researcher. Disadvantage: you have to protect yourself from financial losses caused by your partner's extravagance. Read more ...


Power: 43.62
Harmony: 10.22

JUPITER In astrological theater, Jupiter plays the role of a "great benefactor." Since antiquity, it has been associated with luck and material wealth. But the largest planet in the solar system has other uses as well. She is responsible for spiritual and intellectual development, encourages a person to seek the meaning of life. From the standpoint of psychology, Jupiter is the embodiment of a generous, fair father. His main enemies are stagnation and boredom. The ninth and twelfth houses are ruled by the giant.

The remarkable qualities of a strong Jupiterian are often not his merit, but the result of fantastic luck. A winning lottery ticket, an unexpected legacy - typical gifts from the magnanimous Jupiter. Read more ...

Y Jupiter in Sagittarius l 07°

People born with Jupiter in the sign of Sagittarius have a kind heart, loyal, generous, humane, broad-minded, patient. They look at everything from a philosophical point of view.
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Y Jupiter in the 9th House

9TH HOUSE (house of research and education). JUPITER (planet of fortune and expansiveness) in the 9th house: you have strong convictions, you are an optimist and adventure lover. Travel and education open up new doors for you and can lead to financial success. You have the ability to learn foreign languages, express your thoughts well. Advantages: luck will come to you in another country or from foreigners. Disadvantage: you can be arrogant and opinionated. Read more ...


Power: 51.14
Harmony: -20.62

SATURN Traditionally, "The Lord of Time" is associated with the darkest sides of life - old age and death, decline and deprivation. But he is also a great sage, mentor, legislator. It embodies our conscience. Saturn creates prohibitions, but without them chaos and anarchy would reign in life. Saturn promotes growing up, teaches you to plan your life. Manages the the tenth astrological house, and is responsible for career, social status and reputation.

Strong beneficial Saturn endows a person with healthy ambition, the ability to creatively process the experience accumulated over the centuries and make valuable discoveries on its basis, gives good health and longevity, a prosperous old age. Read more ...

U Saturn in Pisces c 21°

For Pisces with Saturn in the natal chart, it is quite difficult to set boundaries for themselves and for others, as well as to be disciplined and organized, no matter how they want it. Things tend to get lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
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U Saturn in the 1st House

1ST HOUSE (personality house). SATURN (planet of discipline and constraints) in the 1st house: you are persistent, have organizational skills and self-discipline. You are patient, a little shy, there is a nervousness deep inside your soul (which you keep in check). You strive to be recognized for your talents and work. Advantages: hard work, endurance, heightened sense of responsibility. Disadvantages: stubbornness and conservatism, fear of everything new, secrecy. Read more ...

Aspects of Saturn:


Power: 58.07
Harmony: 9.86

URANUS Uranus is a symbol of suddenness and unexpectedness, originality and eccentricity, unforeseen actions and actions, various changes and changes, fractures and rearrangements of both positive and negative connotations. Under his influence, there is a reassessment of past and present values, anticipation of future ones.

Uranus is a sign of higher intelligence and almost supernatural intuition. He gives rise to true geniuses - those who are ahead of their time and remain misunderstood by their generation. Uranus is a projected point of the unconscious, but it brings very symbolic pictures and impulses into human consciousness that arise both in reality and in a dream. This characteristic power of image formation gives rise to intuition and inspiration, a flash of creative power, scientists and inventors, poets and artists, musicians and artists, statesmen and politicians, religious reformers and revolutionaries.

Obsessed with playing by its own rules, Uranus embodies change, reform, evolution and revolution. Read more ...

I Uranus in the 12th House

12TH HOUSE (house of secrets, sorrow and self-sacrifice). Uranus (planet of change and originality) in the 12th house: you have intuition, almost the gift of clairvoyance, you are attracted by unusual religious and metaphysical doctrines. Your need to be independent in thought fights the limitations of those around you. At some point in your life, you may be spending some time alone abroad or in an unfamiliar place. Strengths: Humanism and compassion. Disadvantage: Unexpected obstacles may come your way. Read more ...

Aspects of Uranus:


Power: 66.84
Harmony: 13.53

NEPTUNE Neptune is full of secrets. His kingdom is feelings and impressions, dreams and dreams. The planet forms a refined perception of art, a craving for religion and mysticism. Neptune constantly acts on us in an almost elusive or even mysterious way, creating forces that reject and do not recognize any psychic, spiritual limitations. These forces lead our senses to the strongest awe, direct the mind in search of yet unexplored and not discovered secrets of nature, space, man. Read more ...

O Neptune in the 12th House

12TH HOUSE (house of secrets, sorrow and self-sacrifice). NEPTUNE (planet of spirituality and illusion) in the 12th house: you are a deep and sensitive person with strong artistic inclinations. You prefer to work and live in a calm environment where nothing prevents you from creating and meditating. In part, you are a mysterious, unearthly person. Advantages: kindness and willingness to help. Disadvantage: You are afraid of life and difficulties. Read more ...

Aspects of Neptune:


Power: 27.03
Harmony: 10.15

PLUTO PLUTO is the chief ruler of all folk mysteries, meetings, rallies, demonstrations, and more. Together with Uranus, it destroys all the old, rotten, obsolete political world systems, creating new ones for each nation and state separately.

On the one hand, Pluto shows a person as an integral being, on the other, as a particle of space and a given society. Pluto symbolizes the extreme stage of the individualization process, rebirth or rebirth, after which a person becomes more perfect. In one case, he can bring his ward brilliant success and career, unexpected wealth or world fame, influence on the masses of the people, crowd, public or audience, social upsurge with the speed and brilliance of a meteorite, and in the other - total losses. Read more ...

P Pluto in the 9th House

9TH HOUSE (house of research and education). PLUTO (planet of transformation) in the 9th house: you seek to know the truth and possibly make a difference for the better. You are interested in other cultures, religions and philosophies. You can be greatly influenced by travel and foreigners. Dignity: striving for deeper understanding. Disadvantage: You impose your views on others. Read more ...

Aspects of Pluto:


Chiron Chiron is a planetoid with the gift of amplifying the energy impulses of celestial bodies. By changing the characteristics of the planets, he, like Uranus, contributes to unexpected changes in the life of the native. We must not forget that Chiron symbolizes duality in different areas. Read more...

M Chiron in the 7th House

The main thing is that the gifts of Chiron are the talent of duality and adaptability in those spheres and areas of life, which are indicated by the guiding principles of that horoscope house. These people with skill, great art and dexterity can combine opposites. The cunning and ability to dodge of such individuals is limitless.

The owners of the Chiron in the 7th house are in the field of public or diplomatic activities, in jurisprudence or in the world of art. People with such a Chiron position often become social activists and strive for a secular lifestyle. These people crave communication, so their life is often open to everyone - both friends, relatives, and fans. They crave applause, flowers, worship, adoration, public recognition, public approval. They are attracted by brilliance and luxury. Women have a whole retinue of admirers and adorers, from hairless youths to decrepit but rich old people. Men have a whole harem, like a maharaja or a Turkish sultan. The same is observed in the sphere of love and marriage, here bigamy is often observed - bigamy, or several connections at the same time. The main weapons of both sexes are bright and convincing self-expression, great artistry, the ability to inspire and persuade, the ability to pretend, parody, simulate, portray, reincarnate. This is a real Figaro and a believable chameleon. All these qualities are the foundation of self-affirmation on stage, in life and in society. These people try to bypass sharp corners, not to strain the situation, but, on the contrary, to smooth out relations between the warring ones. They easily compromise and always look for ways of reconciliation, which they succeed in. Read more ...

Aspects of Chiron:



Houses provide information about how, where and to what extent the characteristic properties of people will manifest themselves, their capabilities will be revealed, and how all this is realized in everyday life. Each house is a certain sphere of human life. Houses reflect the life of people in society, the way life forces them to be, show the acquired skills, habits, methods, and goals that life puts before them, as well as the methods by which they will go to their goals.

1st HOUSE - x 21°

Power: 125.93
Harmony: -11.56

1st House in Aquarius - Ruler of Uranus and Saturn

The first house is angular, which means that it has such characteristics as activity, initiative and dynamism. This is the first of the houses of life and as such it represents the physical aspect of the personality - the body.

The 1st house in Aquarius gives people a sincerely friendly manner of communication. Even when cats scratch their hearts, they will find the strength to smile at their interlocutor and make an exquisite compliment. Thanks to the warmth of their souls, the bright and extraordinary personality of such individuals does not irritate others, but encourages people to get to know each other better in order to learn more about the incredible adventures and mystical experience, because the owners of the Ascendant in Aquarius are fascinated by everything mysterious and unknown.

Uranus and Saturn govern Aquarius, which is why their influence is so important when analyzing the 1st house (Ascendant).

2nd HOUSE - a 12°

Power: 65.55
Harmony: -28.07

2nd House in Aries - Ruler of Mars and Pluto

The second house is the place of a person's financial strength. It shows a source of stable income, starting from which people can come to the wealth of the 8th house, as well as find relationships with the destination of the 10th, which will create prosperity, well-being and bring happiness to public recognition. It is important for the owner of the natal chart to understand the ways of interacting with money, the nature of spending and their own behavior in financial matters.

Astrologers of antiquity considered the position of the 2nd house in Aries to be unfavorable, but now this is interpreted differently, since the attitude towards money and ways of earning has changed. The second house is responsible for talents that allow attracting money, ways of financial enrichment and material resources. This is the energy of possession, giving the right to wealth. If it is blocked, its owners bang their heads against the wall.

Senior ruler Mars and junior ruler Pluto govern Aries, which is why their influence is so important in the analysis of the 2nd house.

3rd HOUSE - s 16°

Power: 26.26
Harmony: 9.12

3rd House in Taurus - Ruler of Venus

The third house is defined as the house of communication, the area in which people have the need to express their ideas, whether verbally or in writing. As a house denoting family ties, it primarily includes brothers and sisters (if any) and describes the features of relations with them, but, in addition, it also indicates relations with other people from the immediate environment, such as, for example, like neighbors. But that's not all - it also points to short trips in the immediate vicinity: by car, bus, train or bicycle. The third house is one of the debilitating houses and indicates the ability of your mind (Mercury) to learn, to perceive various ideas, its adaptability to various teachings, and in a practical sense this means schooling and primary education.

If the 3rd house is in Taurus, its owners strive for coziness and comfort both in communication and in the form of expression of these directions. A friendly atmosphere in the classroom is important to them, but if the school is poorly furnished, with shabby desks and dark walls, then there will be no happy memories of the period of study.

Venus rules Taurus and that is why its influence is so important in the analysis of the 3rd house.

4th HOUSE - d 09°

Power: 16.02
Harmony: 0.11

4th House in Gemini - Ruler of Mercury

Personal life is connected with the 4th house, with the comfort and arrangment of one's home. Here it is also necessary to look for the roots of one's origin. This is the house of motherhood and childcare. It also describes property, housing, real estate, etc. The fourth house also indicates the last years of life and the end of physical existence. From this point of view, the eighth house is considered the house of spiritual transformation and liberation, and the twelfth house is the house in which restless thought, fussy mind, must be subdued.

The cusp of the 4th house in Gemini symbolizes moving, or traveling from early childhood, as well as the early intellectual development of the owners of such a natal chart. They are early sent to a kindergarten or a nursery, or an erudite mother is closely engaged in raising a little genius.

Mercury rules Gemini and that is why its influence is so important in the analysis of the 4th house.

5th HOUSE - f 00°

Power: 27.27
Harmony: -11.94

5th House in Cancer - Ruler of Moon

The 5th house is the house of life, which carries the fiery energy of inspiration and the power of motivation. The warmth of this fire spreads to others. For this reason, this house is considered the home of the love we give to others. The love that you give in connection with this house is not the sympathy that is associated in astrology with Venus, and not the sexual instincts related to Mars - love coming from the heart, which is precisely the main characteristic of Leo.

The 5th house in Cancer creates a loving and selfless parent, but unfortunately, dreams of an ideal family often remain only in the imagination, the bar is so high and the idea of ​partners as heroes of films and books.

The Moon governs Cancers and that is why its influence is so important in the analysis of the 5th house.

6th HOUSE - f 21°

Power: 27.27
Harmony: -11.94

6th House in Cancer - Ruler of Moon

The sixth house is traditionally associated with work, health, and the provision of services. This house is still focused on the individual, on "me". It expresses "my" attitude towards employment - will I do the work voluntarily or will it be a heavy burden for me? The sixth house also indicates  habits, routines, employment, nutrition in general and diet in particular, and pets.

The 6th house in Cancer is about emotional experiences, so the topics of health, responsibilities, debt, pets and income will be triggers that include deep feelings. This is an overestimated importance in relation to the above, both on our part, and the expectation of a responsible approach from others.

The Moon governs Cancers and that is why its influence is so important in the analysis of the 6th house.

7th HOUSE - g 21°

Power: 146.85
Harmony: -2.97

7th House in Leo - Ruler of Sun

To describe the properties of the 7th house as a corner house, it is customary to say that it manifests itself clearly and through the public sphere. Traditionally, it is considered the house of relationships in all spheres of life: in love, friendship, cooperation and even enmity, it shows what the owners of the horoscope expect from contacts with other people, and how they express themselves in any union. The 7th house teaches development through the inner circle of communication, the ability to accept the successes of others and learn from enemies the missing qualities. The probability of marriage and divorce, the personality of the spouse is also read by the planets and the sign.

If the 7th house is in Leo, then the Ascendant and, accordingly, the 1st house of the personality fall into the sign of Aquarius, which makes the horoscope owners  bright independent personalities with great ambitions and stake on a successful personal life. Such people have a passion for finding a partner-star, looking at whom everyone will admire their couple.

The Sun rules Leo and that is why its influence is so important in the analysis of the 7th house.

8th HOUSE - j 12°

Power: 80.34
Harmony: 0.97

8th House in Libra - Ruler of Venus

Key words for the eighth house are usually considered the words "sex", "death", "big money" and "personal transformation". It is clear that sex can appear in several guises: as pure passion, as a force aimed at procreation, or as an expression of a deep feeling of love. Death also has several meanings, and is not limited to the death of a particular human being. It can act as a symbol of some idea, thought, deed, and even illness, which disappear as a result of transformation.

Libra is looking for harmony and partnership, so people should not expect serious trials, unless Venus is struck as a ruler. Diplomatic skills help to get out of crises, gaining popularity and wealth, but problems with a marriage partner cannot be avoided.

Venus rules Libra and that is why its influence is so important in the analysis of the 8th house.

9th HOUSE - k 16°

Power: 82.91
Harmony: 20.82

9th House in Scorpio - Ruler of Pluto and Mars

The ninth house gives our life higher meanings, expands the worldview and encourages us to seek the keys of knowledge. This is a place of good luck, given that the symbolic ruler is Jupiter, the planet of great happiness, as well as connections with the new world. This is manifested through higher education, travel to other countries and business contacts with foreigners, relatives of the spouse, esoteric knowledge. All this expands the boundaries of consciousness and provides new ways of development.

If people fall into the kingdom of Scorpio, they are attracted by secret knowledge and esotericism, they cannot resist studying the dark side of consciousness, although they do it out of good intentions, wanting to eradicate evil in their souls and help others. But burning the darkness too fast risks getting a psychological crisis. They fight for social justice and are ready to go to the stake for a just cause.

Senior lord Pluto and junior lord Mars rule Scorpio, so both Mars and Pluto will play an important role in the analysis of the 9th house.

10th HOUSE - l 09°

Power: 68.88
Harmony: 0.36

10th House in Sagittarius - Ruler of Jupiter and Neptune

The 10th house occupies the highest position in the horoscope, which emphasizes the culminating character of the corresponding area and indicates the highest goal for which people should strive. Therefore, the 10th house also indicates a possible profession, position in society and reputation, and also, more generally, the true needs of yourself. The keywords for the 10th house are social fulfillment, recognition, success, fame and notoriety.

Usually people with the 10th house in Sagittarius are crowded within a small city or one country. They intuitively choose a profession that allows them to travel a lot, communicate, preferably in foreign languages. Having chosen an inspiring field of activity, they find that circumstances develop as if by themselves: the right people meet, profitable offers come, even without special connections and acquaintances. Fate always calls the owners of MS in Sagittarius up.

Senior lord Jupiter and junior lord Neptune govern Sagittarius, so they are important to consider when analyzing the 10th house.

11th HOUSE - z 00°

Power: 25.57
Harmony: -10.31

11th House in Capricorn - Ruler of Saturn and Uranus

The 11th House of Joy and Opportunity, Friends and Social Activity shows where unexpected good fortune comes from and how to make a profit during a booming career. However, its main meaning is friendship and participation in collective projects, where people show themselves as leaders or obedient gears, depending on the nature of the sign on the cusp.

The 11th house in Capricorn says that friendship is not an empty phrase for people, but the main value on which they build relationships. This is enhanced by the 5th house in Cancer, where deep sympathy immediately includes kindred feelings.

The senior ruler Saturn and the junior ruler Uranus govern Capricorn, so they are important to consider when analyzing the 11th house.

12th HOUSE - z 21°

Power: 150.48
Harmony: 13.08

12th House in Capricorn - Ruler of Saturn and Uranus

12th house is the last in the zodiac. Pisces is the symbolic sign and Neptune is the symbolic ruler of the twelfth house. Since Neptune is the planet of delusion and enlightenment, the spiritual impulse and the desire to overcome the rigidity of the physical world, it can be assumed that the twelfth house is associated with some kind of mystery. Pisces are sensitive and intuitive, they are prone to sympathy and self-sacrifice - all this basically determines the nature of the twelfth house.

In a psychological sense, this is subconscious, an inner world, largely hidden even from people themselves, in which all the joys and sorrows experienced from birth are immersed. Whether people want to take a look at their inner self and deal with it is completely up to them. Some people expect the use of a horoscope to make life easier, while others would like to use it in order to seriously understand themselves. The choice here depends on whether they want to consciously understand their inner world, or whether they are comfortable with it remaining unknown. It is the 12th house that makes it possible to find the true "I", gain faith and inspiration.

The owners of the 12th house in Capricorn can be extremely purposeful individuals, very practical and will subconsciously move away from their internal problems, loading themselves with all sorts of work so much that they will not have time to look themselves in the eye.

The senior ruler Saturn and the junior ruler Uranus govern Capricorn, so they are important to consider when analyzing the 12th house.



Karmic indicators help a person to realize deep problems rooted in past lives. And start working on yourself in order to get rid of them and thereby improve this life and the potential next one. By karmic problems, one should not mean punishment for misdeeds and sins, as karma is usually interpreted in a philistine sense. Karma is not retribution, but rather inertia, when a person from life to life attracts similar situations to himself. From a karmic point of view, all elements of the natal chart can be interpreted without exception. But the most important indicators of karma in the horoscope are retrograde planets (if any) and Lunar nodes .

Retrograde planets

Retrograde planets are always associated with a reference to the past. The more of them a person has in the horoscope, the stronger his connection with the past. The retrograde planet also indicates an unresolved task in a past life, an unfinished business, unrealized abilities. And it forces a person to take up again what was not possible in the past. The symbol in the table is R.

Saturn Retrograde - Personality

People with a Saturn retrograde take very seriously the completion of whatever they left undone in the past. They tend to go back to fill in any gaps in what they hastily deemed finished earlier. Such individuals are essentially brooding and poised, and at times may seem overly cautious or overly frugal, but any restraint on their part is entirely based on their need to conserve the substance for important uses. They consider unnecessary waste or wastefulness harmful, as they have experienced this in past lives. Now they deeply appreciate everything they learn or receive. Often they feel an inner debt to God, which manifests itself as a powerful feeling of gratitude for everything that they see around them.

People with such a position of the horoscope try to teach other people who are less knowledgeable or experienced than themselves. However, this is unsuccessful if they did not experience the "fall from heaven" in a past life and the great struggle, which now deserves the way back. As a result, retrograde Saturn has a “built-in” maturity that cannot be achieved without a lot of personal struggle and sacrifice.

Saturn Retrograde - Karma

Retrograde Saturn always indicates ongoing karma from past incarnations. Whatever the lesson, the owners of the natal chart are unusually slow in bringing it to completion. Thus, in this life, they must carry in the soul the additional burden of the past life. When both lives are ultimately united, their true mission should become apparent to them. Much of what they do in this life is a repetition of what Saturn is already advocating for them. But now they are faced with circumstances and situations that are slightly different. The planet's retrograde action can make them feel a restraining force, especially if they try to elude the gravity of its lesson. But if they follow it, realizing that patient guidance is slowly leading them to identification with something higher than they could imagine, they can use this planet to appreciate the activities of the beautiful divine universe.

Saturn is a person's teacher, and if it turns out to be retrograde, then people with this planet in the natal chart have experienced similar learning before this life. Over the course of life, Saturn retrograde provides a tremendous amount of wisdom.

For Saturn, the retrograde position is most natural and comfortable, since it provides people with a kind of second chance to improve the relationship formed between the soul, the circumstances they faced in the past incarnation, and how they were understood. Now, with the calm leadership of Saturn, they can put into the form everything that they have learned in the past.

Saturn Retrograde in the sign of Pisces

Here people spend most of the time in the 3rd phase of the retrograde process, since they do not stop studying in detail the essence of the past. Such individuals imagine the life burden to be heavier than others, and for a long time is inclined to dwell in past sorrows. Lacking confidence, they wave a hand too easily to life. The endurance they need to bring out the creativity always comes from the inspiration of other people. But the genuine approval they need does not come from the people around them, but from their own awareness of the worth. They never wanted to take over the world. The owners of the horoscope are usually quite shy in the youth, but as they grow up, inner strength begins to emerge from the very essence of the Soul.

Part of the life is based on the reality of their current existence, but most of the inner existence is already formed before this life.People with such a position of the natal chart have met and surpassed many tests that others still have to endure. As a result, the lack of confidence experienced in adolescence is replaced by powerful inner knowledge as they come into closer contact with the Soul.

Karmically, they draw on the inner strength that they have to communicate with the outside world. Usually this position indicates great spiritual fortitude. At the same time, people should not be aggressive in order to prove their worth. Much of the understanding inherent in this position is non-verbal. These individuals do not discuss ways in which they know they can help others. They have the gift of inner guidance that they earned in a previous life, and this is the source of much of the creativity now.

Saturn retrograde in the 1st house

1st phase of the retrograde process is highlighted here, as people with this position of the planet are trying to find an expressive and impressive structure of individuality, to which the world around them will respond with vibration. They try to stamp the reality outside, as they want feedback when they later experience the other two phases. Sometimes this personality structure is sorely lacking and there is a strong tendency towards compensation. There are usually a number of barriers between these individuals and the people with whom they would like to get close.

The distrustful position that pervades the entire structure of the owners of the horoscope is due to a certain past life situation in which they felt themselves fenced off from what they were trying to achieve. Now, instead of looking it in the face, they try to be important so that other people recognize them and, perhaps, their pride would not be hurt then. They are very sensitive, even if they do not appear to be so outwardly. Karmically, they learn to stand on their own feet, and since this process is slow, they are very afraid that someone might try to knock them down before they have created their own base. Such people spend their entire life building a castle of rules that will ultimately be the structure of the personality they want to achieve.

Uranus Retrograde - Personality

People with Uranus retrograde display a rather unique personality.

At the deepest levels, they are rebels against everything that binds them. If they are timid people, they may feel claustrophobic. If these are fearless people, they will try to overthrow everything that they consider to have outlived their usefulness. Such individuals cannot be satisfied with simply moving through life, since they see too much of everything that can increase the wealth of humanity, if only society shakes off all its false anchors of security.

The owners of the natal chart will be worried if other people treat them too favorably, as then they will feel that they have lost a significant part of themselves. Therefore, they will from time to time lose friends and acquaintances, sometimes work and romantic attachments - all due to the fact that other people often find it too difficult to accept the strangeness of their ideas. However, years later, when society will come out in defense of everything that they once supported, they will no longer take interest in all the advanced theories or positions that they instilled in time. Thus, they are in many ways harbingers of the future. Because of this, they may feel lonely, but they would never give up the gift of originality for the sake of the company of other people. They know that first of all the Soul must be free. Everything that hinders this freedom, they will sweep away from the path.

For those who are able to understand them, they are the most captivating interlocutors, as they are literally filled with all the ideas that humanity needs for the future of the human race.

Uranus Retrograde - Karma

On a personal level, Uranus retrograde creates a mess in human relationships. People with such a position of the horoscope experience an internal fluidity that often makes them disingenuous towards themselves. Their mental and emotional levels often fight each other, so they may know some things that should lead them in the direction the knowledge points to, but at the same time they feel other things that can lead them completely a different direction.

These people experience the karma of learning how to express the inner freedom they bring into this life. And they should not be bound by all the time trying to explain the meaning to others or even to themselves. A free spirit doesn't always seem to make sense. The fact is that the logical continuation of common sense in individuals is more of a Saturnian trait associated with the rigidity of order, discipline and directing oneself towards certain goals. But people with Uranus retrograde do not experience such karma.

To explore the inner existence, as well as many other areas of understanding that humanity as a whole has not yet reached, they follow a long and winding path to find formulas that make the world work. Nevertheless, they know that the search is an endless process, since each new discovery leads to another question. They can be extremely happy as long as others do not try to squeeze them into thought patterns of behavior, the limits of which they have already crossed because of the meaninglessness of the roles they play in the perception of the huge scheme.

They learned how to be independent in previous incarnations, and now they must use that independence to rediscover and understand the reason why they originally wanted it.

Uranus retrograde in the 12th house

Here, people experience the 3rd phase of the retrograde process, during which they draw on the awareness and understanding achieved in previous lives, as they see the need to use them now. In some individuals, this may indicate an understanding of astrology in a previous life. In other people, for whom this is not the case, Uranus retrograde symbolizes important changes in consciousness. In both cases, the potential for real self-growth is very high. If their current life circumstances and behavior patterns indicate this (along with confirmation from other areas of the horoscope), this Uranus position may also be a past life indicator of some form of sexual anomaly or homosexuality. However, no matter how it works on a personal level, this position indicates the inner ingenuity that runs through the higher channels of consciousness. The owners of the natal chart know how things work in the outside world, and as a result do not always have to know them in action. The inner mind is always in knowledge.

Such individuals adapt very easily and will change the mind, since they are not the owners of the ideas and do not constantly try to harmonize disharmonious thoughts. They have a great ability to leave the universe alone, so that in return it will provide them with the inner freedom that they need. While their changing values ​​seem quite eccentric at times, they are nonetheless not constrained by the format of the tradition that keeps most of society bound by its chains. However, they must live in society, and the good aspects of Saturn will allow them to bring their Uranian awareness into a practical interaction between the knowledge and the world around them.

Neptune Retrograde - Personality

The individuality of people with Neptune retrograde is not easy for others to understand. Their motives do not have the common sense that one expects to find at the root of all motivations. Instead, they are tuned in to the highest music that only they can hear. Their perceptions do not come from the material plane, they are a direct connection with the Soul. Thus, they may be very spiritual, but they care little about the formal side of orthodox religion. Such individuals may have a great love for music, but cannot be attributed to any particular artificial structure in it. They sense almost everything, but connect their feelings much less with physical reality than with the perception of the cosmic universe. They know a lot more than they can even express in words, and here again they are aware of the limiting qualities of language, which is just another formed boundary that can enclose boundless understanding in a circle. They are able to understand the appearances and illusions in which others live, and therefore must try to strike the best deal: not topple their sand castles and while still maintaining all the inner truths that they know.

Neptune Retrograde - Karma

The Neptune retrograde individuals experience the karma of learning how to sort out what is real in terms of their ideals and what gives the appearance of fulfilling their dreams. They know what they need, but it is difficult for them to find it in the outside world. Constantly living in dreams, they often “turn on”, running away from imaginary shadows, but chasing unrealistic fantasies at the same time. However, they must find ideals in a world “without form”, which has a strong influence on them. They sometimes make the mistake of projecting past dreams into today's situations. This does not allow them to clearly see the reality of the present. These people are very intuitive and, thanks to various retrograde phases, are often able to know the outcome of situations long before they get into them. But until they learn how to deal with the elusive flow of Neptunian energy that they feel within themselves, they will not easily trust their intuition.

People with such a planet must learn how to combine their feelings with the ideals and dreams they bring into this life. Instead of trying to distort perception in order to make the present correspond to the past, they should realize which parts of the present truly symbolize the karmically incomplete parts of the past.

Neptune retrograde in the 12th house

Here, in its natural house, Neptune retrograde will give a greater ability to understand the full cosmic reality. The owners of the horoscope in this position see the essence of things without the need to "cut" them. Thier vision is detached and impartial as they can easily dissolve past karma without taking it into account. Many people with this position have the abilities of a medium, since they can understand the essence of things without being personally involved in them. The past quickly dissolves, as these individuals instinctively know that it has no basis in reality.

During the first half of life, the less cosmic attributes of retrograde Neptune are more pronounced. People with such a position of the natal chart experience an inner sadness that makes them, as it were, a collective psychic “trash can” for everyone with whom they come in contact. But when they begin to feel the true nature of things, much of the self-pity is replaced by a greater tolerance for the universe in which they live.

There is a strong tendency to experience the 3rd phase of the retrograde process, when they revert back to the pictures of everything they have already experienced in a subtler reality, so that whatever they do not need to carry with them into the future is released. This position almost always gives them the ability to tune in to their true cosmic identity.


Lunar nodes

Lunar nodes symbolize the axis of development. The South Node means the experience gained by a person in past lives, and the North Node shows the experience that a person needs to acquire in the current life.

North Node in the sign of Libra, South Node in the sign of Aries

The owners of the South Node in Aries are used to showing initiative, acting energetically and solving all matters independently. In this embodiment, they need to abandon this style of behavior, as this can lead to slipping and wasting energy.

Such individuals should choose the path dictated by the North Node in Libra, which means they should behave diplomatically, take into account the opinions of others, look for partners and create trusting and harmonious relationships. The meaning of life can be associated with business cooperation and marriage. In addition, Libra is a creative sign, therefore, it is favorable for the owners of the horoscope to develop in the field of art.

North node in the 8th house, South node in the 2nd house

People realize karmic tasks, disposing of other people's financial resources. It is always a risk and a great responsibility, but the faster they overcome inner fears, the stronger and more successful they will become. They cannot be content with what they have. Such people need to build up their resources and do so that they increase the influence of the individual on social processes. Politics and business will be typical areas for realizing karmic potential.

The owners of the horoscope can choose any dangerous activity for themselves, build a career as a military, surgeon, athlete, rescuer, stuntman, etc. These and many other professions teach not to be afraid to look danger in the eye.

Aspects of the Lunar Nodes:


SELENA In addition to the Ascending Node, the path of karmic advancement and the application of innate talents is shown by the White Moon, which is also called Selena or Lulu. This is a fictitious point that reflects the bright karma accumulated by the native himself in a past life or his ancestors in several generations. The place where the sign of the guardian angel is located will show in which area the native has accumulated the greatest amount of good deeds. It is there that the star road to success and prosperity now shines, subject to the development and manifestation of the highest qualities of the sign, where the White Moon is located.

Selena (White Moon) in Aries

People with the White Moon in the sign of Aries are naturally fearless and compassionate to those in trouble. They are oppressed by routine and everyday life, and any journey and adventure excites the spirit and includes the support of the Higher Forces. With the harmonious position of Selena, they are noble in soul and body, since they strive to correspond to the inner image of a knight or a beautiful princess saving the sick and helping the weak.

This makes them happy, as the subconscious signals the completion of a karmic task. They easily forgive insults and generously deal with those who lose to them in competitions, but in the fight against a real opponent they will fight to the last, protecting what they consider sacred.

Selena in the 2nd House

Selena's rotation cycle is 7 years, after which there is a transition to the next level of success, if the owners of the horoscope do not become dependent on money, rejoice in financial well-being and do not block the flow of good luck with envy, resentment, fears. Holders of the White Moon in the 2nd house should be as honest as possible in money matters.

It is important to remember that observing the laws of conscience and justice on the path of Light, they will always be provided with housing and everything necessary. At first, they will not be able to deceive someone even with a strong desire, because the planetary guardian of light karma protects the wards from evil, even if for this it is necessary to expose their machinations and bring them to justice.


Lilith Lilith is considered a tempting demon, but they do not understand that at the highest level of development of consciousness, she ceases to be a source of danger, but, on the contrary, enhances a person talents according to the sign and the house in which she stands.

Therefore, it is very important to bring your Lilith out of darkness to light, and then the courage of new quests will manifest itself on a positive creative level. This is a fictitious point of the horoscope, not a planet, but its power is underestimated, and elaboration is often considered impossible. However, the right actions and symbolism work wonders.

Lilith shows us the bottom, the darkest side of a person - a dark pit into which the native can fall, succumbing to the temptation of low vibrations, if he follows the path outlined by Lilith. Therefore, when reading a horoscope, consider this.

Lilith (Black Moon) in Gemini

Here Lilith intensifies sensuality with a tendency to love correspondence, foul language, indecent notes and drawings in public places (elevator, toilet, stairwell, etc.). It also gives a lot of casual, one-time, fleeting connections, especially during trips, business trips, travels, camping trips, often with an adventurous flavor or with the use of violence, coercion. It is considered together with the Lunar nodes, Mercury, Jupiter, Chiron, Venus and the 3rd house of the horoscope.

Lilith in the 4th House

Lilith in the 4th house indicates that the individuals received their negative Karma from their parents or even from more distant ancestors. Now they are ready to pour out all their bitterness and bile on them. To avoid serious troubles, it is better for them to leave their homes and change their places of residence, go to another land, to another country, so that Lilith moves from the 4th house of the horoscope to the 3rd or 5th house. In the first case, they will not have a literary talent associated with erotica and sex, and in the second they will not be tormented by those sexual needs that would torment them if Lilith were in the radical 5th house. Many people who remained with this position of Lilith and continued to live with Lilith in the 4th house  of the horoscope experienced the following consequences: in one case, their home forever remained cold and uncomfortable, in another,

Aspects of the Lilith:


Pars of Fortune

The Parse of Fortune represents the path by which people can achieve the greatest joy and satisfaction. It then becomes apparent that the Parse of Fortune has a lot to do with how well people meet and overcome their negative karma and at the same time create and accept the rewards of their positive karma.

Parse of Fortune like a planet Jupiter promises abundance. However, it covers a much larger part of human existence than any particular planet. The Parse of Fortune attunes individuals to the environment in which prosperity will be most natural for them, and determines for each person what is unique and special concept of success will be. It also reveals their strongest need, identifying the key note at which their whole being resonates.

Pars of Fortune in the sign of Virgo

Here, the Pars of Fortune requires reasonable ambition and healthy pragmatism from its charges. Success is facilitated by such character traits as resourcefulness, wit, chastity, moral purity, adherence to principles. A sober and cold mind can slow down the scale, but does not interfere with either spiritual growth or intellectual activity. High prudence only contribute to success in all settlement matters. These people must remain calm in order to achieve their goals. Self-confidence, self-esteem and good manners will not hurt them either. Good analytical skills, hard work, efficiency, diligence, accuracy, conscientiousness are a good basis for achieving success, as well as the ability to adapt to the right people, things, circumstances.

Administrative work, performing activities, intellectual work, activities related to philosophical and religious issues, as well as philology, literature, financial and accounting matters, science, research work, can be successful, applied sciences, technical specialties, applied arts, arts and crafts, pedagogy, occult sciences, political and commercial activities.

In case of damage, internal anxiety, indecision, self-centeredness, greed, excessive pickiness, criticism, skepticism, quarrelsomeness, dissatisfaction with oneself and others, increased cunning, a tendency to flattery, insidiousness can interfere. People should get rid of such traits as cunning, capriciousness. Refuse to exploit other people's mental and physical labor for selfish purposes.

Historical figures from Pars Fortune in the sign of Virgo: Charles I, Franz Ferdinand, Walter Koch, Mahatma Gandhi, Jacob Boehme, Benito Mussolini, Wendel Wilkie.

Pars of Fortune in the 7th House

The Pars of Fortune in the 7th house only confirms that the main role in the life of the individual will be played by the marriage partner or business partner. They will bring joy and happiness, and will be the main sources of income. Collaboration, co-authorship, any alliances will be possible thanks to them. With the help of partners, the owners of the natal chart will be able to rise to a higher social level and strengthen the position in society.

This position of the Pars Fortune speaks of a successful marriage and a happy family life. Income can also come from social status, useful connections or a related profession. Lawsuits generally end in favor of the individuals.
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VertexIn the western hemisphere of each natal chart, you can find a very important point - the Vertex. It is compared with the handle on the gates of fate, which must be turned so that the doors open and let the native into a new dimension. This is not just a point, but the top of the sensitive axis of the horoscope, along which the electric current of karma flows. The Vertex is also called the Electric Ascendant. It turns on unexpectedly in really emotional periods of life.

The sign , where the turning point of fate stands, is at the same time the arena of passions, the scenery of the proposed circumstances, but also a hint of what exactly to develop the native in oneself. Aspects of the Vertex show the talents and skills already laid down from the very beginning, in the name of matching the scenario proposed by fate. These are magic tools that help you pass tests with honor, get a positive new experience in the houses where the Vertex stands. Read more...


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